I think Sony will be the next Wii this upcoming generation. The console with the inferior Hardware, except this time it won't be sporting any gimmick anyone will care about.
While Sony is trying to mimick the Wii as much as possible (And will likely fail, since it's charging $80 for its doppelganger) Microsoft has expanded motion control to beyond the controller - and Nintendo has taken Sony's feeble attempts at 3D and made it into something more accessible.
What does Sony have now? Not much, the competition is going to kick its butt - again.muffintheduffin
Alright, i'll feed the troll.
HOW or WHY in the world would they EVER decide to have inferior hardware in the next generation? Your first statement makes no such sense nor does it even try to backup your own claims. Your simply shoving it down our throats in hoping we'd think its chocolate cake.
and im quite awfully sorry, but if anything MS will fail with its Kinect more than Sony's move. Like it was said earlier, Sony isnt trying to rebrand itself with Move. Its simply introducing a new way of playing their games on their consoles. An optional way to play it. Microsoft on the other hand is basically selling itself out to the increase income by creating this whole persona that microsoft is also trying to appeal to casuals and that the xbox360 is also a family console like the wii.
The amount of FAIL that is carried on the back of the Kinect IF it should fail is tremendous.
and one side we have the price of the Kinect which is; $149 - Without games (as far as we know) and without the XBOX360 packed along with it.
and on the other side we have the type of games coming out for Kinect; - Kinectsports? Kinect adventures? Kinectimals? These are ALL casual games. Look, im not gonna lie to you. I have a XBOX360 and i can't think of one person that i know that has a 360 that plays casual games. What does this mean? it means that microsoft has a LOT of ground to cover to convince its Hardcore fanbase its even worth it.
Also, microsoft also needs to acknowlege that its Hardcore fanbase WILL be its downfall if they fail to keep up with new games for that kind of fanbase opposed to pleasing only the casual fanbase after the release of Kinect (It wouldn't be too hard)
Another thing that i should fairly point out to you about SONY'S 3D gaming - have you tried it? i doubt you have. Have you tried out the 3DS? i doubt you have.
Sony's 3D and the 3DS generate TWO DIFFERENT KINDS OF 3D.
Sony's 3D is the true 3D. The kind that pops out of your screen.
The 3DS uses the kind of 3D that creates more of an in-depth 3D where you see layers of layers of the game. It basically plays around with the focus and outer focus of the games.
This kind of 3D can be experience on your own if you have an HDTV and an IMAX 3D glasses. Wear one and start playing V'games. The effect you get from playing with IMAX glasses is the same kind of experience you'll have playing the 3DS.
What does SONY have?
what in the world does MICROSOFT has?
They had THE worse E3 conference out of the other companies. Showing only a small amount of games while the other half was the Kinect.
Sony on the other hand came out with the big guns BEFORE E3 even came around.
So no, Sony is on the right track.
You just made no sense throughout this entire post.If you think kinnect will only be for casuals why are you complaining that it only has casual games????? You said the 3ds makes a more in depth 3d but the ps3 is the real 3d......Whaaaaat.You made one big post bashing the 360 and ps3 but you say your an xbox360 fanboy....whaaaat.Plus neither kinnect won't fail because the 360 can already play hardcore games while kinnect is the casual part plus the amount of advertisment it has.So what are you typing???????
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