george999819's forum posts
The PS3 fans are extremely desperate since they only have 2 AAAE games (1 of which will soon no longer be exclusive) so they don't count Microsoft exclusives as exclusives in arguments. If it was Sony Windows then all the PS3 exclusives would go to PC as well, but the PS3 fans would still call them exclusives.
The 360 has 7 AAA Microsoft exclusives: Gears of War, Gears of War 2, Geometry Wars 2, Halo 3, Mass Effect, Forza 2, and Braid.
The PS3 has a pathetic 2 AAA Sony exclusives: MGS4, LittleBigPlanet (That will be down to 1 in 2009)
first off the first one wasn't that bad just fell threw because some idiot game jourinalist who got an early preview of it calimed it to be a halo killerRagashahsAnd the same thing will happen with Killzone 2, but not because of some idiot game journalist... because of some idiot GAMERS.
Who cares if we get multiplats anyway? Sorry, but as a true gamer, I could give a **** if the games I play are exclusive or not. It doesn't make the game better or worse.jesseandnikki
You COULD give a ****, really? I believe you mean you COULDN'T give a ****. If you COULD give a ****, that means you DO care if the games you play are exclusive or not. If you COULDN'T give a ****, that means that you DON'Tcare if the games you play are exclusive or not.
the point is, for the PS3 version to be same/better than the 360 version, PS3 has to be the lead version or be released later (with the exception of Orange Box). games like Burnout, Soul Calibur IV, DMC 4, Tiger 08, Oblivion, and soon to be Alone in the Dark: Inferno, were developed on PS3 first or were released later. thats they are the same or betteron PS3.
if its developed simultaneously with 360, there is a very good chance that the 360 version will be better.
[QUOTE="MightyMuna"]I expect the PS3 to take huge chunks out of the X360's lead this holiday. At this point, there's no more doubt that Sony's console is the one to go with.The gap will either close or expand this holiday, what will it be, your predictions?
Except that it has by far the worst lineup of games and the worst online service.
Yeah, it's definitely AAA. it's going to get a higher metacritic then Gears2 also. R2 revamped itself completely. Gears2 is more Gears1.5.DisgaeaNub
No way will it get a higher MetaCritic score than Gears 2. R2 will probably end up somewhere around an 86 and Gears 2 at a 94.And Gears 2 will outsell R2 at least 5/1.
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