george999819's forum posts
Too late. Demand for the PS3 is quickly dropping and it is the only current gen console that is seeing a year over year decrease in sales, while the 360 and Wii are seeing a sharp increase. It could not even come close to outselling the 360 in
February even with the release of Killzone 2 (which was outsold by Halo Wars (a ****ing console RTS game outsold a FPS!!!!))! A price drop could potentially bring PS3 sales just under or almost equal to 360 sales, but as in the past, the effect never lasts long and the 360 quickly creates a huge gap for the holiday season, in which it always completely destroys the PS3 in sales, hardware as well as software.
And PSN is already doomed to fail as well, as that recent survey showed 50% of gamers are on Xbox LIVE, and only 20% are on PSN. Even the Wii had a bigger percentage! Pathetic. Other things make things look grim as well, like when Infinity Ward announced that 11 million unique players had played COD4 on Xbox LIVE, while only 4 million had on PSN.
Want to play the best games of this gen? 360. Want the better version of every multiplatform game? 360. Want exclusive content for all the biggest games? 360. Want to download hundreds of full movies and TV shows? 360. Want the best online experience? 360. Want to watch Blu Ray movies? Get a cheap Blu Ray player.
PS3salesareatanalltimelowandaredroppingeverymonth,while360salesvarerising.Plus,the360alreadyhasa7to8millionunitlead.Andit has3timesmoreAAA gamesthanthePS3.Andithasthesuperiorversionofeverymultiplatformgame.Andithasbybeforethehighestattachrateandsoftwaresales.Andithasbyfarthebestonlineservice.
Hyped AAAE vs AA? K we flopped by 1.5, you flopped by 1. .5 diff?[QUOTE="gamerking178"][QUOTE="XenogearsMaster"]I was hoping for a 9.5 but IGN gave it a 9.4 therefore, GS won't give it any higher than the competition. This is a big win for the PS3 still. 9.0 > 6.5! Yay!mazdero
what? am I missing something here? KZ2 didn't flop. It met the hype in case you didn't notice.
Killzone 2 was hyped to be godlike and better than Gears of War and Halo 3. It definitely flopped. MetaCritic: Gears of War: 94, Halo 3: 94, Gears of War 2: 93, Killzone 2: 91.No, the 360 has had 9 AAA exclusives released in the past 2 years that do not appear on any other console. 94: Halo 3 93: Gears of War 2 93: Braid 91: Mass Effect 90: Portal: Still Alive 90: Grand Theft Auto IV: The Lost and Damned 90: Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved 2 90: Forza Motorsport 2 90: Left 4 Dead On the other hand, the PS3 has had only 2 AAA exclusives released that do not appear on any other console. 95: LittleBigPlanet 94: Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots I could also add Gears of War to the 360 AAA list, but that came out just over 2 years ago, so I guess does not count. I could also add The Orange Box to the 360 list as well, since the 360 is the only console it appears on as an AAA title. 96: The Orange Box (360) 89: The Orange Box (PS3) But I will not. You are right though. It must be really tough for the 360, outselling the PS3 2 to 1 every month, having the highest attach rate of any console in history, getting exclusive DLC for all the biggest games, having an unbeatable online service that destroys the competition, having the superior version of every multiplatform game, and so on.360 has been so lame in the last 2 years, that i'd rather own a wii, just think it has 1 AAA exclusive going on 2 years now, wtf happend?
So you guys are happy for the company and you absolutely don't have anything to do with that company. It doesn't meter if is it Sony, Nintendo or Microsoft.
I'm happy when playing games and I don't care from whom they are.
In my opinion considering the price tag PS3 is selling very well. I bought one at launch in Europe. But If I'm buying a console right now I would buy X360 just because it is cheaper but sense I already have console I won't buy anything cause I don't need two consoles.
I mean look realistically, PS3 is at little over 21 million units sold and X360 is at over 28 million. Is that such a big gap considering that PS3 is always more expensive and X360 had one year head start in NA and 16 months in Europe. Nintendo made a big gap and I congratulate them on good business model.
So all in all I keep playing games and won't worry about companies successes and falls 8)
I have my view as to who I would like to see win this gen but it is amazing to see the PS3 selling with such a high price tag.
The PS3 had a 25% decrease in sales compared to last January and it had a higher price tag last year. The PS3 is dead.
In other news, the 360 had a 25% INCREASE in sales from last January and there is not a single PS3 game in the top 10 selling software. That last game in the list is not accurate. It is actually the 360 version of the game that is in the top 10. Just check the main NPD article on GameSpot or on any other source. It really could not get much worse for the PS3 at this point.
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