Ha! Leave arcade games and DLC out, right? That is a dirty tactic to ensure the PS3 wins. Funny, because the one DLC, The Lost and Damned, alone has more gameplay than most of the games in the PS3 list. Here is a REAL list, where all games that should be included, are included.
LittleBigPlanet (95)
Metal Gear Solid 4 (94)
Killzone 2 (91)
MLB 09: The Show (90)
Flower (87)
Valkyria Chronicles (87)
WipEout HD (87)
Resistance 2 (87)
inFAMOUS (85)
Braid (93)
Gears of War 2 (93)
Grand Theft Auto IV: The Lost and Damned (90)
Portal: Still Alive (90)
Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved 2 (90)
Left 4 Dead (89)
Fable II (89)
Peggle (89)
Now it is no longer a 7 to 3 margin, it is a close 9 to 8. There are also quite a few multiplatform games that scored 85 or above on 360 while the PS3 version scored below 85. Technically, they could be included as exclusive to Microsoft, but I will refrain from using tactics like yours.
Of the 9 Sony games, 4 are AAA.
Of the 8 Microsoft games, 5 are AAA.
The average MetaScore of the 9 Sony games is 89.
The average MetaScore of the 8 Microsoft games is 90.
Quality over quantity.
Another thing to point out is that the 4 AAA exclusives in the PS3 list are the console's only AAA exclusives. That means before June 2008, for over 1.5 years, the PS3 had no AAA exclusives.
In addition to the 5 AAA 360 exclusives in the above list, the console already had 5 prior AAA exclusives. These included Gears of War (94), Halo 3 (93), Mass Effect (91), Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter (90), and Forza Motorsport 2 (90), the first of which, GRAW, came out only 4 months after the console's release.
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