Uhh... or maybe Demon's Souls was overscored? Come on...2. this is just proof that odst was overscored and even kevV knows that when he said in the other thread it is just the opinion of the reviewer.
george999819's forum posts
Super Mario Galaxy - 73 reviews, Uncharted 2 - 31 reviews. Uncharted 2 will drop down to at least 94 by the time the reviews actually come in. The early reviews are kinder and mostly from PS3 magazines. Killzone 2 had a score this high at first too.Yeah its safe, Demons Souls, Killzone 2, inFAMOUS, Uncharted 2 (which is now THE HIGHEST RATED METACRITIC EXCLUSIVE TIED WITH SMG!!!!!!!!!)... its locked DOWN.
Where the hell is GTA: Episodes From Liberty City. For $40 it will have more gameplay than any other game coming out in October, except for Forza 3 since it's supposed to have 50 - 100 hours of gameplay. EFLC will also most likely score the highest of all these games in reviews too.
Hardware Sales: Wii
Software Sales: 360
Game Lineup: 360
Hardware Reliability: Wii
Online Play: 360
Movie Player: PS3
Overall: 360
"Kojima was absolutely blown away when he saw it. Takahashi claimed that he thought Kojima almost fainted when he saw it "
"we are going to see the same sort of revolution of going from 2D games to 3D games with the move to Natal ".
"[It's] like the 2D to 3D shift...that was the degree of shock I felt." He even believes the technology could expand beyond games and that "it has the potential to change life****dramatically."
"Kojima recognized the ability for Natal to bring in new gamers, but is wary of alienating his core fans. "Casual gaming is going to be quite important," he said. "But core games are also going to improve." Still, he said that "there will be users who will not be able to get used to [Natal]" because they are so used to using controllers right now."
Uncharted 2, high AAA so far, probably GOTY on many sites.
Demons Souls, high AAA on most reviews so far.
GT5 probably releasing December 4th as a lot of stores have it listed for that date.
Killzone 2, best graphics on any console ever.
Infamous, AAA game.
All 2009 games, all PS3 exclusives. 360 has nothing to compete with this, Halo ODST is not AAA, it's averaging 85% on metacritic, not bad for a $60 expansion that's onlygot$30 worth of new content,Forza 3 is nice but is it really any different than Forza 2?. And Wii has New Super Mario Bros, probably average to good with a few players. Nintendo are real lazy this gen with Wii. And PC, does it have anything this year?, don't know as PC gamers are still talking about Crysis two years later.
2009 year of the PS3, no contest.
It's funny you say inFAMOUS is an AAA game and then you say Halo 3: ODST is not AAA because it's averaging 85 on MetaCritic. Guess what, inFAMOUS also has an average of 85 on MetaCritic. What a coincidence, LOL! Uncharted 2 only has 4 reviews so far, one from a PS3 magazine that gave a 10/10. It already has an 8/10 review, as well.
The 360 has Halo 3: ODST, Left 4 Dead 2, Forza Motorsport 3, GTA IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony, GTA: Episodes From Liberty City, and Shadow Complex to compete with.
What's the best AAAAE this gen, who's develoeprs didn't pay off the reviewers. Oh right, there is none.
3 discs = change discs 2 times
Change disc one time = 1 minute
Change discs two times = 2 minutes
Xbox 360 = 2 minutes of changing dics
PS3 = 30 minutes of waiting for mandatory install to complete
LOL, I choose 360.
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