You are not very smart if you believe the results of a 5,000 person survey by a video game magazine, where no one has to prove if they actually own the console to answer. Especially with the raging fanboys of this gen who will do anything to make their console look better. I understand you are upset owning the last place console with the worst games, online service, and sales, but it really shows you are desperate when you try to use a survey like this to prove a point.
george999819's forum posts
The best way to see who has the better library is to go to MetaCritic and see the average review score of all the games. Any game that scores 85 or higher will be included on this list. Since this is between only the 360 and PS3, it does not matter if a game appears on the PS2, Wii, PSP, DS, PC or any other system, as long as it does not appear on the opposing console (360 or PS3), it is exclusive to the other one.
Obviously, the games must be released already, as there is no way to know how future games will perform. God of War III could get a 72 average and flop horribly. Mass Effect 2 could get a 67 average and flop horribly. No one knows except for people who can see the future.
Xbox 360 (26 games, 10 AAA)
94 Gears of War
94 Halo 3
93 Braid
93 Gears of War 2
91 Mass Effect
90 Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter
90 Grand Theft Auto IV: The Lost and Damned
90 Portal: Still Alive
90 Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved 2
90 Forza Motorsport 2
89 Call of Duty 2
89 Rez HD
89 Left 4 Dead
89 Fable II
89 Burnout Revenge
89 Peggle
88 Project Gotham Racing 3
87 The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition
87 Ikaruga
87 Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords
86 Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved
86 Trials HD
85 Project Gotham Racing 4
85 Dead or Alive 4
85 Dead Rising
85 Splosion Man
PlayStation 3 (19 games, 4 AAA)
95 LittleBigPlanet
94 Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
91 Killzone 2
90 MLB 09: The Show
89 WipEout HD Fury
89 Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction
88 Demon's Souls
88 Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
88 Ninja Gaiden Sigma
87 Shatter
87 WipEout HD
87 Resistance 2
87 Flower
86 Valkyria Chronicles
86 Resistance: Fall of Man
86 Comet Crash
85 MLB 08: The Show
85 Super Stardust HD
The 360 has more games scoring 85 or higher than the PS3. The 360 has 10 AAA exclusives while the PS3 has 4.
Now on to sales. We will use the most reliable source for worldwide sales, VGChartz.
The 360 has 68 games that have sold at least 1 million copies.
The PS3 has 32 games that have sold at least 1 million copies.
The 360 has 30 games that have sold at least 2 million copies.
The PS3 has 12 games that have sold at least 2 million copies.
The 360 has 12 games that have sold at least 3 million copies.
The PS3 has 8 games that have sold at least 3 million copies.
The 360 has 8 games that have sold at least 4 million copies.
The PS3 has 3 games that have sold at least 4 million copies.
Here are the Top 10 selling games between both consoles.
1. Halo 3 (360) - 10.00m
2. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (360) - 7.66m
3. Grand Theft Auto IV (360) - 7.17m
4. Gears of War (360) - 5.90m
5. Grand Theft Auto IV (PS3) - 5.78m
6. Call of Duty: World at War (360) - 5.75m
7. Gears of War 2 (360) - 5.10m
8. Assassin's Creed (360) - 4.52m
9. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (PS3) - 4.46m
10. Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock (360) - 4.25m
-8 of the top 10 games are for the 360. Only 2 of them are for the PS3.
-The top 4 games are for the 360.
-There are 3 360 exclusives on the list and 0 PS3 exclusives.
-The top selling game is 360 exclusive and has sold far more than any other game on the list.
Conclusion: The 360 has a better lineup both by quality and by sales. When it comes to sales, the PS3 is no competition to the 360. The PS3 lineup is improving very quickly and is catching up to the 360 lineup (although not as quickly when it comes to AAA exclusives, where the PS3 lineup definitely falls behind).
Here on GameSpot, Fallout 3 scored a 9.0 on the 360 and an 8.5 on the PS3. On IGN, it scored a 9.6 on the 360 and a 9.4 on the PS3. On MetaCritic, the 360 version holds a 93 average while the PS3 version has a 90. Now there is clearly a reason why the PS3 version is unanimously scoring lower. It is because it is far inferior. Websites don't rate one version down for any minor differences, only for major differences.
Halo 3: ODST will be counted as a separate game, though, so Halo 3's players will go down and players will be split between the two games.
360 controller: Just the right size and weight, fits in your hands perfectly, perfect triggers, perfect analog stick placement, poor D-pad.
PS3 controller: Too small and light, doesn't fit into hands right, awful triggers, awkward analog stick placement, mediocre motion-sensing.
Halo 3: 10.00m
Killzone 2: 1.81m
LOL, KZ2 sure was a system seller. I think the game had more preorders than it has units sold. Hell, Halo 3 sold twice KZ2's life-to-date sales in its first week! Let's not even bring up the fact that Halo 3 is still the most played online games 2 years after its release. And it almost always shows up in the Top 30 software sales every month. Killzone 2 wouldn't even be found in the Top 50, and it is a much newer game.
The 360 has now officially outsold the PS3 for ONE YEAR and 12 NPDs straight, and it doesn't look like it will stop any time soon. It has also outsold the PS3 worldwide for 11 months straight now.
I'm also tired of the hypocrisy. Sony fanboys say that the 360 actually costs more than the PS3 when you add in LIVE costs, Wi-Fi adapters, and Play 'N' Charge Kits. But then they say that 360 fanboys are jealous because they are too poor to afford a PS3, or they say it is more expensive, so it is better.
Talk about hypocrites!
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