I remember when PS3 owners bragged when the PS3 outsold the 360 every month for the first half of 2008. And in just November, the 360 completed obliterated any lead the PS3 had for the year and is prepped to sell 2.5 times more consoles than the PS3 in the December NPD report. The gap between the PS3 and 360 is widening and any glimmer of hope for the PS3 to survive is quickly slipping away. PS3 owners better be prepared for next week when the NPD numbers come out. It will be quite a reality check for them.
on a side note: does anyone else here think its funny that for x360 goty only 1 game is exclusive?shadow_hosi
No, but I do think it's funny that Gamespot didn't include Fable II, Left 4 Dead, or Gears of War 2 (3rd highest rated game of the year under GTA IV and LBP, and fastest selling game of the year) in the 360's list. You know, 3 games that have higher GameRankings averages than all the others on the list and one (GeOW2) that scored higher than all PS3 exclusives this year except for LBP.
I see 2 Microsoft exclusives in that list (Left 4 Dead, Braid), 1 Nintendo exclusive (SSBB), and only 1 Sony exclusive (MGS4) (exclusive as of 2008 that is).
Hardcore gamers buy more games for their consoles. The 360 attach rate is 2 times higher than the PS3 attach rate. Even in Japan, the 360 has the highest attach rate. And hardcore gamers do not play on PSN, they play on Xbox LIVE.
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