@TurboJames Not only has digital music distribution almost completely taken over with consumers' consent, it has not given music publishers any sort of stranglehold on content - quite the opposite in fact.
If you look at game prices on Steam you see them lower over time the same way retail games do, and you also see fantastic deals on every game they distribute a few times a year when they run sales.
You're only looking at the current console and handheld environment. Look to the PC market to see where game distribution is going. Developers and publishers who aren't interested in being part of a closed system with exclusives (which are a disservice to gamers) will provide the games.
@Dominicobaggio @megadeth1117 @buccomatic It's been out for 11 months, it's hardly new. Establishing the customer base is the problem. It needs games but there aren't enough units out there to attract developers. The chicken needs eggs.
This is long overdue and great except for the additional, overpriced memory card I'm going to need to buy to hold all the free games.
I don't have a PS3, so someone please clear something up for me on how PS+ free games work. Are the free games yours forever once you download them, as if you bought them, or are they only playable for a month until they change the list the following month?
I'm going to be negative because I'm in a pissy mood.
The whole vibe I get from this game is they're not very imaginative and they're not doing anything new. It's not going to evolve the MMO genre, much less be revolutionary.
This stuff can change but the graphics are sub-par compared to other MMO's, the character movements are choppy and unnatural and the physics are not believable. (For example, watch how characters float back to the ground after jumping.)
I'm keeping an eye on it because I love Elder Scrolls and MMO's, but I'm not optimistic.
@buccomatic @fredlamirande True because the Min-Maxxer number crunchers will study all the skills and classes to figure out which one is best in PvP and not everyone, but a disproportionate number will build that character, even if it's only slightly better.
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