It's good to see games using deeper themes to move people on a deeper level. My wife was an alcoholic, among other things. It's not entirely true that this game might help one to understand what it's like to have an alcoholic parent. Alcoholism in women tends to result in withdrawl and neglect of family rather than abuse. Maybe someone will tell that story someday.
0:33, 0:49, 2:31, 2:37 These battle scenes are ridiculous. The rows in the back would be shooting the rows in front of them because those unrifled, low velocity muskets were wildly inaccurate - that's the entire reason they lined up on rows to fire, so a few of them would have a chance of hitting something. They also had nowhere near the range these images suggest. They should have hired a historical consultant.
I have yet to play a FTP game that's satisfying if I don't pay. From what I've seen outside of MMO's they're no better than a demo. MMO's make life so difficult for FTP players that IMO they're only good for allowing the player to decide whether she likes the game enough to pay for the full experience.
Also, EA is pushing digital distribution harder than most gamers are willing to accept yet. FTP means free digital download of the core game - i.e. no retail boxes - so there's an ulterior motive here.
Personally I'm not opposed to FTP (or digital) but let's be honest about what FTP really is. An extended demo.
ggregd's comments