[QUOTE="ghaleon0721"][QUOTE="bballboy986"][QUOTE="ghaleon0721"][QUOTE="campbell1874"]Dead wrong. Metal Gear Solid is a perfect example of why you are wrong. You are right, any 3rd party developer would be stupid to ignore the profit potential in the marketplace that Xbox 360 has created. That means, if it can be ported, it will be ported. Period. Sony does not pay for exclusives. It's been their policy since the beginning and it's worked for the last ten years. They are not going to change now, just five months into the PS3's life. Metal Gear Solid is a game that harnesses the unique features of the PS3 and takes advantage of the enormous blu-ray disc capacity. What that means, is that if you try to play it on your Xbox, it will overheat and burn your house down. Sony doesn't have to pay Konami anything for the exclusive. They have presented Konami with the ONLY option for bringing their progressive game developement ideas to life. That is why it's a Sony exclusive. It has nothing to do with loyalty, contracts, payments, or anything. It's simply a matter of which machine is the most capable. That is the PS3. The PS3 is still young, and so far, MGS is the only game I know of that is going to push it this far. Wait until its released and other developers start seeing what is possible with a superior machine like the PS3. Ummm Kojima himself already stated it could run on the 360... UMMM, no he didn't. And if he did, I'm sure he qualified it by saying that it would take some astronimical amount of compression technology and some prohibitive amount of production costs since it would take about 5 DVD's to fit the whole game.Unless Sony put their hand in their pockets and pay for an exclusive deal then they will loose ANY 3rd party game that wont make money if its sold only on the PS3. That includes MSG. Conpanies only make games to make money.
I think Sony should keep FF and MGS for any price as alot of people will be waiting to buy a PS3 just for FF or MGS.
"1UP: With your debut of the Tokyo Game Show Metal Gear Solid 4 trailer, which has seen wide distribution in both Japanese magazines, online, and in the U.S. Official PlayStation Magazine recently, it really heralded the dawn of the next-generation. Everything else has been polished and nice, but this was so powerful, so compelling you even had to do a real-time demonstration at TGS to prove it was running on PS3 hardware. That said, it makes you wonder how much of a gap there is between the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3. Do you think you could create MGS4, technically, on 360 if you wanted to? Hideo
Kojima: Yes, that's technically possible. I want to express, first of all, it's not that I don't like Xbox or 360. It's just that last year, our hands were really tied to MGS3, so the other Konami developers were able to get their hands on the 360 tools and hardware earlier. But we simply didn't have time to do that last year. So, meaning that we were behind the other developers in terms of 360 development. Kojima Productions has this philosophy that we want to be the first in everything regarding new technology. So after we finished MGS3, the option was to work on the PS3 to try all the new things for Metal Gear Solid 4. The only reason for this is I'm the kind of person who wants to be the first person on the moon, and don't want to be asking "what the moon was like?" from other people. So that's the real story behind selecting PS3.
1UP: It's interesting that you think you could do this on 360, though.
Hideo Kojima: Maybe some nuance or a small details here and there might be different, but I feel that hardware is no longer a matter. I'm just talking about PS3, 360 and PC. Revolution is totally different, but there are really no differences among the other three. " You going to argue with quotes from Hideo himself too?
So the PS3 is like "going to the moon" and the 360 is like sitting on earth asking what the moon is like. So, no I'm not going to argue, that sounds about right to me It's interesting that you didn't provide a link. I looked on 1up.com for that interview and found a completely different interview. Here's the link http://www.1up.com/do/feature?pager.offset=2&cId=3140852 But here is the relevant part. 1UP: How would you describe each of the three consoles in terms of a human personality? HK: Can I change that to a food? [laughs] PS3, it's a real fancy dinner that you only have maybe on your anniversary, so maybe once or twice a year. 360, it's a kind of a nice dinner, but you can have it maybe once or twice a month. For Revolution, I can only comment just on the fact that you can play all the games on the past, but listening to that, I think it's a good dinner that you have at home every day.
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