Very disappointed its not an SRPG but im still somewhat intrigued and looks to be nothing like that god awful FM:E so ill remain cautiously optimistic.
That said SE really needs to bring back a proper Front Mission or at the very least a good HD remake of 1,2,3
Im surprised the poor guy lived through those other scouting jobs. Narcos don't like some guy they have never seen before scooping out locations with a camera that may or may not be close to one of their sites.
I doubt i could get anyone i know to play this again even if it went F2P. They are all enamored with PUBG and with Destiny2 a month away i doubt they would even bother.
@cornbredx: Right? WB: "We don't profit from this mans death" Yea so where does the rest of that money go to then? Cuz its sure as hell not all for the fees/costs associated with this. Like some said below the rest is probably going to the boards bank accounts.
Personally I reimagined that scene in the trailer where she first transforms into woman and puts her arms out like she wants a hug. Instead she stays in her spider form and puts her forelegs out the same way and I find that much more interesting and unsettling since I have a spider phobia.
After being burned with so many so called "remastered" editions (AoE2/Baulders Gate comes to mind) i was ready to put this in the back of my mind. Fortunately looks like Blizzard really came through! Playing through a classic like this again for only $15 when I expected $25-$30?
In the immortal words of Phillip J Fry: "Shut up and take my money!"
ghost140's comments