but seriously, i thought superman said that because he has established a "no killing" rule. But then again, I don't think the idea of judge jury executioner was explored in MoS? (It was in a way in Batman Begins) -- But I think you're right, he might be cocky and too confident with his powers.
@suicidesn0wman: lol nah i'd make a terrible editor. i'm 25 and working in an ad agency on the reporting side... but i'm trying to brush up on web development so i can be an "engineer" in my company... making websites and apps. that's my aspiration :)
WOW are we actually having deep convo in the comments section.
damn bro stuff just got real for reals (bro)
*with the way i speak, yeah no way i could be an editor.
giantqtipz's comments