single player games these days are too easy even on the hardest difficulty, and are barely unique. sure.. certain concepts in some games are unique, but those concepts have existed before and what most of these developers do is just do a minor tweak.
apparently, you can claim that your creation is original even if your tweak is minor lol.
Bioshock infinite has a great story.. but man its so darn easy and the game mechanics is something that i've seen before in other games in the past.
i can NOT wait for this event. my experience with xbox live has been phenomenal so far and i truly look forward to the new xbox. hopefully it wont disappoint.
please dont make splinter cell like Far Cry 3 and Assassins Creed in terms of stealth mechanics.
those games are a joke and are wayyy to easy even at hardest difficulty. the hardest part of assassins creed games is dying. yes it is SO hard to die in that game.
even far cry 3 is very easy. just snipe everyone from far away and bam, youve cleared an outpost.
to me personally, a game that has short length but phenomenal story is not worth $60.
so if i had to choose between Bioshock Infinite and Just Cause 2, I am more willing to spend $60 on Just Cause 2, because a short game is literally worth a rental. It only makes sense to spend a lot of money on a short length game if it has a collectors edition that's truly limited. IMHO.
i mean, i rented tomb raider, bioshock infinite, and dishonored. 100% completion doesnt take long in these games. the last game i spent $60 on is injustice gods among us (last week). Prior to that, it was borderlands 2.
ugh i just finished Dishonored on very hard (which was surprisingly easy) all stealth/pacifist playthrough.. and it was so DULL.
I love stealth games, but they are so darn easy nowadays (whether you go all stealth, or rambo). Also, I hate the fact that stealth games rewards you the MOST if you opt to go all stealth. I really think stealth games needs balancing in some way, but I dont know how or what.
I also hate the fact that if you go all stealth, youre literally missing out on the other stuff that the game has to offer, like the combat mechanics etc.
I went all stealth in Dishonored, and I LITERALLY had to force myself to finish the game since stealth playthrough felt like a chore. i did not use any of my weapons and gadgets, and used only 2 powers at most; and it was really boring.
I understand that in stealth, youre supposed to be silent.. but at least make it more engaging in some creative way. Plus, AIs are dumb in most games, that its so easy to get past them.
Im not sure how to explain my frustration with stealth games. I just want them to be challenging and balanced in some way.
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