@charizard1605 said:
Nope, don't even try to apologize for Nintendo's ass backwards YouTube policies.
Joe has a point, but here's the thing. Joe could also do what Doug Walker (TheNostalgiaCritic) does for his movies.
Most of his Movie Reviews have footage of the Movie in them, but they're usually old, probably forgotten, and Flops. For His New Movie Reviews it's different. Usually he will often actually say he and his friends will act out the scenes in question because the movie isn't on DVD/Bluray so there's no way to get the film's scenes on the video, HOWEVER the REAL reason is because of Copyright. Doug and his Channel have gotten NUMEROUS strikes against them to the point that they have been BANNED on Youtube because of it. He and his crew are no strangers to this type of thing, Gamer Youtubers don't know how good they actually have it in comparison.
Angry Joe, while he has a very VALID point, especially with his 1-2 Switch gameplay, could actually do the same thing. If he likes to review Nintendo games, but gets Copyrighted Struck to Hell on his Videos, he should probably get creative to where his Reviews would still get the point across on what is happening in the Game and what he experienced without actually showing off the Game.
Like to be very fair, what Nintendo does on Youtube is stupid, but it's not like you can't give out your thoughts or make a compelling video of their games.
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