Can't agree more about the Sansa vs Arya, unnecessary plot from the beginning
As for the dragon vs night king vs stupid jon vs danny plot, even-though what you said was right, i couldn't care less since i enjoy the scene and the stupid drama
@xgalacticax: Wohoo.. i'm number one!! i become one of the percentage of some people in this thread!!
but i will also add, i have a PC as a main gaming machine (because i only have like 4 games on the switch and already finished almost all of them), and i do want FIFA to be the same experience (if not better, because it's portable) like the PC version with all the bells and whistles. Now from what i heard based on rumors and some demo, the switch version will not have all the buttons equipped like PC or other consoles. That's sad because i'm ready to buy a second copy for the switch beside the PC version
@toonarmy20: you seems like care a lot about this matter.. looking for justification?
Well i'm happy for you and your powerful console, hey.. maybe i will also buy this console.. if only they have a good exclusive library of games at that time being.. whoops.. back to gaming my bro.. see ya
@toonarmy20: Well actually you can't compare a PC to any consoles, because a PC has many function beside gaming purpose, for example : Movie, Media transfer, music, drawing, editing, work, PC game and Emulator (Wii U game, Wii game, PS3 game, PS2 game)
yes it cost more than any consoles, because it has many things that consoles don't. Sure you can watch movies on your console, but that's it
If you love your XB1X so much (which i believe you currently don't have it right now), be my guess, use your imagination to make a good reasoning for your purchase
I'm just answering this because you said "XB1X destroy your Rig" in the first place,
i don't need any reason to justify my PC built, and i certainly don't need others to follow my decision to built a PC
ginxeno's comments