@livedreamplay: No they didn't, and how in the world that Switch Controler is lack of buttons? it has the same amount (if not more) of buttons with X1 or PS4
the only thing that your story making any sense is when people plays FIFA using Left or Right only Joycon
Darn, as i watch another FIFA impressions on the Switch from another website, their thoughts was good enough to convince me to buy a 2nd copy on the switch just to play in on the go, but this article just makes me doubt about it
The truth is BG&E was good in the past because of the limitation of the gameplay & graphics at that time, and BG&E could deliver a godd gameplay experience within that era. But right now, i'm hardly surprised by any games especially an open world game because almost everything is been there done that.. except for Zelda BOTW
But i'm still waiting for this game, eventhough i won't expect much
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