I just ordered my black dualshock 3 from Play Asia and im so excited! Can anyone who has one say if its better than the SIXAXIS, and what PS3 games support rumble?catlin_czirr
Yes, the DUAL SHOCK 3 is much more balanced. Here's my pictures...
I honestly thought it was atrocious. I found no redeeming qualities about it. It looks and plays like poo...in my humble opinion.;)
The Bike motocross is the only part I think is fun. As far as the looks. They say at the start of the game that this demo is not the final version. So, I hope they make it look better.
It felt like a PS2 game with XBOX 1 graphics. The only thing I liked about it was pressing backthen forward before a jump to get huge air.beaudman
Are you guys even looking at the same demo I am? Do you have an HDTV? It does NOT look like a PS2/xbox1 games. It looks a lot better. PS2 games are 480p at best. This is 720p and has much more textures. I played the demo. I only like the Motocross part. That's fun.
This past weekend I picked up a 40 gig PS3 w/COD4 and have enjoyed it since. Can anyone recommend any other great online games that are available now or coming in the near future? thx.
[QUOTE="SaintsRowSam"]*shakes head in dissapointment*SaintsRowSam
why, cuz you dont have one?
quite the contrary i got one a year ago, first day broke down, then got another one broke down in 2 months, then another one wich broke down in 2 weeks, same thing happend with 3 of my cousins (except they only went through 2)
LIAR! Just like most XBOTS! See link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GLOPW1Qe1HU
I received my new copy of EGM and they had a review of Uncharted. Of course, they fail to give them AAA score. It is merely good. In the review, they just desperately seeking for something they can find to bash this amazing. The reviewer raves about the gameplay and the graphics, yet he says, "but there just seemed like something was missing" Why can't you just rave about what the game does have? Have we really become this picky about our games?
I flip the page, and Mass Effect gets9.0 Excellent Rating.WHat willit take for people to finally admit that PS3 has system seller games?
It's got a bunch of 90's already. IGN (91%), Eurogamer, UGO, Gamespy. Gametap all gave it a 90%. Game Informer gave it a 87%. EGM and 1up gave it a 85%. So, we'll all good.
Well i've been hearing people talking about switching hard drives from their ps3. My question is what is it called how much is it and any picture refrences?avataraang1
See link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BkM9wiZePfs&feature=related
And the technical limits have NOT been reached on the PS3 yet. Not even close...the developers aren't even experienced enough with the system yet to have reached technical limits...rhyumavampire
That's right. It's only the 11th month of the PS3. God of War came out in 2005. That's five years after the PS2 came out.
If you think this game has less detail then Kameo (lmfao KAMEO!!!) You need to get thicker glasses or cancel your subscription to XBOT4EVERMONTHLY magazine. I have never had this much fun with any demo ever! Can't wait for the full game
Exactly. They dude probably just glanced at the pictures and thought they were the same as actually playing the game.
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