You're first problem is assuming Gamespot reviews are a credible source. If it weren't for the forums, Gamespot would be the worst Videogame site there isNuck81
I can partially agree with this - yes, gamespot has THE best forums for gaming, but the reviews have been "inconsistent" (to put it in a good way) since alot of gamespot's key reviewers left (Greg Kasavin, Alex N., Jeff G., Shane [now at Gametrailers], Brad Shoemaker, etc) [yes, i've been around for a while, just look at my level]. Tom McShea is one of those inconsistent reviewers - I say this b/c, in reality, he set me in the right direction towards games like Resonance of Fate, while on the oither hand keeps people away from GREAT games like Infamous 2. I love infamous 2, I really do, and I don't say that too much about many games - few games I can call my favourite games, except for Super Mario 64 and - infamous 2. I was honestly gonna let this game go just b/c of the review, but I picked it up anyway b/c I wanted the preorder bonus and partially b/c I wanted more Infamous. After playing Infamous2, I was SO mad that a stupid REVIEW almost held me back from playing what was potentially one of my most favourite games of all time. Tom McSchea genuinely didn't know how to play the game, which you can tell by the video review (he didn't know sucking electricity heals you, and he seemed annoyed at enemy encounters, even though doing side missions relieves them...), so you cna tell the review is inaccurate. Alot of people don't notice or just don't want to listen (just b/c either they like Tom's reviews alot, or b/c I seem like a troll), but they gotta look at the hard facts. One of my comments was removed just b/c I told peoplle to be "aware" of this guy's reviews, just b/c they;re sometimes inconsistent. This is the truth, I wish people knew that.
One reviewer you can trust I think is Carolyn Petit. He (she? shoot....) has very comprehensive reviews, and if people just read/watch Petit's reviews with an unbiased attitude, they'd see that. Again, you have to look at the hard facts. A lot of people seemed to be confused just b/c they can't figure out "who" exactly is Petit, but Petit is one of the best reviewers in a LONG time, next to Schooter from I say this from the heart.
I guess my point being is to "review" other reviews, and from there judge if they're accurate/comprehensive enough for you to trust - but obviously, try the game yourself! infamous2 is a blast! PLatinumed it in just a few days!
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