Its the same game...
same weapons...
same multiplayer style....
same cinematics....
no new innovative things.
ERR! wrong! New weapons and different multiplayer style (it introduces a NEW xp system, where depending which pack you choose, you will be rewarded for offensive or defensive capabilities). But cinematics are the same - but what's wrong with that? The only thing I don't like about it is that the graphics aren't updated one bit.
I believe the only things that BF3 has over MW3 is better graphics (and maybe sound?) and a DIFFERENT (note, not necessarily better) kind of gameplay, BF3 being more tactical like TP said.
I agree though, ppl are hating too much - but of all honestly BF3 will be more successful on PC's than on consoles, thanks to dumbed down controls and graphics on the console version.
Remember, InfinityWard has yet to make a bad MW game. I like both games, but depending on what reviews show me, I might be thinking of getting BF3 - but if BF3 turns out to be not as good as hoped (bad AI, lackluster single player experience, glitchy/derivative multiplayer), MW3 is gonna be a sure bet. Ppl are just hating just to hate in this case, b/c if logic serves me right (seeing from gameplay videos from both MW3 and BF3), BF3 has a lot to prove, and MW3 has little to improve on
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