Interesting, I've never heard an opinion against remakes before. I guess I could see how it could be annoying if you still owned the old games, but I think it's the nostalgia of playing a great game that has been remastered in it's looks that makes remakes so fun.
Also, I would definatly want an Onimusha collection, along with a Star Wars Battlefront collection, as some people mentioned already.
I just think it's a sign of the times. People would rather have a re-tread. Look at CoD. Same game, different box. We are becoming the brain-dead, paste-eating, Soma-dulled robots of Orwell's imagined future. We're the batteries in "The Matrix".
I think it's great for people who missed games like "Beyond Good & Evil" who're too hung up on their HD tvs to play it unless it fits their shiny new equipment - Because God-Forbid you play something that doesn't support cinema aspect ratios and pixel counts - And I would never tell another gamer how to spend their time or money. But making most HD ports is nothing but a shameless grab for cash on a title (or titles) which have already sold through once and paid for themselves.
RE4 is a shining example. The Silent Hill "collection" is a grand example of how they ****ed something up in the process of porting it so badly that they're hardly recognizable, filled with glitches, burps, and issues the original copies never had...
For those who are getting a chance to play some of these titles they missed on their native consoles & formatting (God of War, Devil May Cry, Beyond Good & Evil), and this is their only option, I'm happy for them. But Lawd help you if things like "Silent Hill Collection" are your only option for getting the experience of those landmark games, because in that case, you REALLY missed out.
Not judging anyone who's got their thumbs on the sticks, but I AM casting a suspicious, and hateful eye at the industry.
As always, Respect to all my fellow gamers.
A controversial view there, Monkey. I think they are great. It gives them more time in the light and it allows for people who've played them to relive the nostalgia in a higher definition. We are getting new games too, so I don't think to we are in too much of a rut. Just the fact of having it on a console I have is a good reason. There are a couple stinkers, but most of them are the best versions.Agree with Chaos - it gives a chance for people to experience "the classics". The idea of HD remakes is far and away from being cash-ins. Not only are companies paying 3rd party devs to remaster their games in HD, but the profit they're making off these HD games (what is it - 12 bucks avg per hd remake?) is very minimal. Yeah, they're making a profit, but not much. Most of these remakes are done not only for fan service, but also to get their respective platforms (XBL, PSN) an extra boost in popularity.
NOW, what monkey wants to be suspicious about is for game-reviewing sites. I think almost all sites are paid by devs to give the dev's games a good review. Yes, that includes this site, gametrailers, and IGN. Not sure about 1up or giantbomb, but the above mentioned ones are definitely a must. Examples? Easy: FF13, LA noire, MGS4.
Going on a tangent here - I disagree with monkey's statement about COD though - first of all, that was a bad example of retreading - COD is too new to be a game to have been "retreading". 2nd of all, people need to get off COD's back. If anyone knows anything about COD games, they should know they are made by diff companies every other year, and that only the IW games are the good ones. This is comign from someone who is not only a fan of IW's COD, but also a lifelong gamer who sees games for what they are at the programming/gameplay design level (name any other console FPS with quicker/seamless matchmaking, loading, smoother framespersecond, and more gratifying gunplay than cod - yeah, I though so).
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