360-Halo 3. Always Halo 3. Never anything but Halo 3. Hell, even I don't think it deserves AAA, but I certainly don't hate it. It's a fun game, you can't deny that.
PS3-Technically doesn't have an exclusive AAA, but I know quite a few people who think MGS4 didn't deserve AAAA. I only played it for a total of 10-15 minutes at Comic-Con but I could tell the game was amazing in every right.
Wii-Brawl and No More Heroes. For some reason, Cows and Lemmings think that that games with enjoyable action and tons of Nintendo content aren't AAA material. Also according to Cows and Lemmings, games that perfer to use unique presentation and interesting character design aren't AAA material either.
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