@Crabjock @godonholiday The process we use is as follows: We have a ticketing system (https://www.atlassian.com/game-development/) that happens to be used by some game developers. We deploy a development, testing, staging and production. Staging mirrors production.
We work locally on our tasks and test as we go. when the feature is 'feature complete' we ask for a code review and for the code to be merged with master. We use github for this.
The code gets reviewed and if it looks good gets merged with development. Then we test on development. When all the features are ready for that release we merge and deploy to testing. Here we have our code tested externally and internally, using code tests and human tests. Once these have been passed or fixed we push to staging for a final check and then to live.
Through this process we catch the big bugs, its the small ones that dont break actual functionality of a feature that get through.. like a menu item not being clickable.
If you read into the GTAV issues, you will see that only some of the issue they have are to do with load (they just didnt know the demand rubbish). The issues they have are actual bugs in the code.. big bugs that got missed.
The feature was not usable and that was not due to load.
@IAMTYLERDURDEN @godonholiday Acutally I work in development. Not all development is the same... but if any other application failed in this way at launch.. heads would role.
There are lots of ways to load test.
They clearly had work to do, thats why they left it 2 weeks.
If you have a look at some of the work around. you would have seen that this is not ALL load issues. There are clear bugs in the code. Bugs should go through the normal code review and testing. They missed some of the big ones.
@IAMTYLERDURDEN @godonholiday What? They have to have the discs physically printed or have the digital distributed restricted.
OR.. they could have said.. we didnt realise it would be THIS successful, so in anticipation of all of you wanting to connect, we need longer than 2 weeks for online. So it wouldnt be broken on launch?
"look at how many people bought the game", "This is to be expected" As a developer, I am embarrassed for the dev team.
In order to sell that many games, they had to make that many discs and control the downloads. Therefore they new what the size of the market could have been. Embarrassing
Did they load test? Doesnt sound like it. Did they delay it to test and fix... err yeah and still released it.
Its never satisfying wining against bots.. they get predictable and dont rage quit once you own them. With real opposition... this is Team Death Match right?
godonholiday's comments