by the rules of system wars it recieved a 10 HERE at GS so it is the best game this gen.
godsendBLISS's forum posts
I love how the TC doesn't even reply to my old post pointing out how Splosion Man isn't on the ps3...
BTW, why keep changing the criteria TC?
^This is the BEST platformer this gen.
THE BEST. Not tied with LBP. Not tied with anything.
It stands in a league of it's own.
Although LBP is more sophisticated, with more elegant controls, a lot more content and better graphics/visuals.
LOL, are you serious?
to reply ot your post im playing splosin man right now on my ps3. check your facts first before posting. splosion man is on psn is is a mediocre platformer at best. highly over rated.discredit lbp if you want but it only shows your bias. lbp is an outstanding game just check metacritic.
Summer...of...ARCADE. It brought us Braid and Limbo. DAMN AWESOME.ZippySlappybraind is awesome on psn
limbo is better in LBP
shadow complex
exactly, nothing on psn touches that game, or trials hd, or super meat boy, or splosion man...
shadow complex is one of my favorite dd games of this gen as is joe danger, trine, flower, pj shooter1 and 2, eden, monsters,dead nation, and a bunch ofother games. sploxion man iscool but way over rated. super meatboy is free on and is afun flash game. not worth buying. that's like buying angry birds. btw splosion man is on psn as well. joe dangerspoops on trials hd. nothing can touch shadow complex and nothingcan touch the shooter series. why do you guys like splosion man so much it is so over rated.
back on topic wii and psn games are more creative than xbla games but thats not to say that xbladoes not have great games.
volume of games: 360>wii>ps3
creativity of games ps3>wii>360
quality of productionof games: 360=ps3>wii
the title says CONSOLE. The most downloadable games I played this gen ahve been on the 360. The best downloadable games i played this gen have been on the ps3 and the wii. the originality of the games on the wii and ps3 are mind blowing. this is a classic case of quality over quanityPC>360>Wii>PS3
is the 360 flawless?
The same question could be asked about the Wii.
Why does Wii lack major high-quality FPS titles?
i agree with you. this is an area nintendo needs to imporve on. but you lack of willingness to constructively critique the 360 shows what type of gamer and person you are. you asked me to critique the short commings of the ps3 and I did I asked you to critique the short comming of the 360 and you talk about the Wii's short commings. This is total OWNAGE. your loyality to a brand makes it imposible for you to be objective. therefore I end this discussion with you NOW. all systems have area they can improve upon but you can not see it and are only willing to discuss this topic in regards to the ps3 and wii. Wow.just restating my answer to your question and the question i poisedin case you forgotsorry i quoted myself it was a msiutake. i do not know ifLBP won GOTY here but it did win on a ton of other sites. also some shortcommings of the ps3 is that home is boring without friendthat like it. while online is free it desperately needs cross game chat. i hate having to usecross gametext on my ps3.ps3 needs more high quality RPGs. Now can you do the same for the 360?
[QUOTE="godsendBLISS"]of course not. what silly question. is any platform?is the 360 flawless?
exactly. and i named some of the short comming of the ps3 and asked you to do the same for the 360 and you refuse. one is MS lack of interest in investoing in the platforming genre and i made this thread about that short comming and hyou attacked me for it and still refuse to list the areas you would like to see MS make improvments with the 360 but i was able to to it for the ps3 becasue I find the things i detailed about the ps3 areas where i would like to see them improve to make the experience better for gamers. however you are too busy beingdefending a company. support GAMERS and answerthe question.
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