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Can't A Former Blogger Just Stop By Once More To Say Hi???!!!!

How bout that last random blog, huh? Lolz, I crack myself up sometimes. Not really. Well, anyways, wow, it's been awhile, hasn't it? I mean, lately I've just been going back over my old blog posts, reminiscing on old times. Man, I can't believe how much I got into detail with some of those :lol: . I sure did overdo it a lot, huh?

Anyways, I don't know if this is a comeback or not, but I just wanted to stop by and say what's up to everyone, see how everyone's doing, and see who's still on here doing the whole blogging thing. I'm curious. I really am. No, really.

Don't make me put Willem Dafoe up again...


*whispering* You. Yes you. Ummmmmmmmmmmmm.......................

I've got nothing. I don't even know why I'm making a blog post after a year.......OH WELL!! Jeff Goldblum pic for old times sake!

.............or Willem Dafoe. He's just as fantastical.

Ha, wonder who's going to read this rubbish, lol.

Mud puddles.

Finding Love After Returning From the South

It's been quite awhile since I've done a blog. There's just been so much going on that I haven't found the time, and yes, doing those things is more important than blogging:P. But first, I'm sure you all want to hear about my trip to Georgia, so I'll keep it short. It was definitely better than the last time I went down, because I was constantly staying busy. The drive down was a bit overwhelming, since it was the first time I made such a long trip in a vehicle by myself, but I did alright. All we did the entire time down there was work, work, and more work. It was mostly unloading from vehicles our boxes and furniture that we moved down there. I did get to hang out with my friend Ryan a couple of times, but it just didn't compare to my friends up in Michigan. In fact, I think I'm doomed when I start college:|. When I went to orientation, none of the new students there seemed like people I wanted to make friends with. It was almost like deja vu from the last time I moved down there:?. I just can't seem to fit into a Southern society, and I'm starting to pick up this vibe again. But, the actual orientation was alright I guess. I got my schedule and an ID for the school. I'm taking computer science as my major, but all of my cl@$$es are subjects I hate. I have to take Chemistry, and eventually, Calculus:|. Hopefully the teachers I have in college will be more interesting than the ones I had for those cl@$$es in high school. The nice thing that happened, though, was that I found out school starts on August 16th, so I decided to stay up in Michigan for an additional 2 weeks. My mom was going to stay up here anyways to get the trailer sold, so it won't hurt. I got back to Michigan in the wee hours of the morning last Friday, and I was so happy to be back that I wanted to cry. I immediately went to my computer and started to catch up on everything I missed for a week on the Internet:P. Being gone for that long screwed up my routine big time:cry:. I eventually got tired and went to bed, thinking about seeing my two best friends the next day.

I got to hang out with Courtney a little while before he had to go to work, so it was nice to see him again. Then, in the evening, I was invited to go along with Britany, her cousin, and her cousin's boyfriend to a Beatles tribute performance being held in a small town along Lake Huron, so I took that as an opportunity of hanging out with one of my best friends and went along. At the same time, though, I was thinking about asking her out. After seeing what I was up against in Georgia at orientation as far as girls went, I didn't like what I saw, and every girl almost seemed the same. I wanted to be with someone who I really liked and got along with, even if it means having a long-distance relationship, and Britany was that girl. We had a lot of fun at the concert, and I took a lot of videos and stuff. We saw many crazy, random things, such as this old lady dancing in the front with toilet paper attached to her shoe accidently, and this guy that looked like George Bush:P. The band was really good as well. I'm not a big fan of The Beatles, but I thought they looked and sounded exactly like the originals. We got back at around 11:30, and about a half-hour later, when I was ready to leave, I asked Britany to come outside with me so I could talk to her. I told her how I was thinking about her constantly, and how much I wanted to be with her. I also told her that I wanted to ask her out, but didn't know how a long-distance relationship would work. She was flattered by what I said, and I could easily tell that she had the same feelings for me. Then she convinced me that her cousin was in that type of relationship, and that's when the light bulb when off in my head. I officially asked a girl out, and she accepted. I felt like the luckiest man alive at that moment. This wasn't some Amelia sh*t, either. This was actual love. I even managed to plant a kiss on her cheek, which I haven't done to a girl in years. I left her house feeling like a million bucks8).

Fast forward to last night, after having a blast on Saturday with open houses and just resorting to talking on the phone on Sunday. We finally got to hang out again after a day, and I was excited. We were all planning on going bowling as a big group. I didn't do so hot on the first couple games, but I outdid myself by bowling a 165 on the second game. I'm actually starting to become better the more I bowl. I used to be in a pee-wee league when I was in my younger days, but that was it. We went to eat at McDonald's afterward, and then it was just me, Courtney, Britany, her cousin, and her cousin's boyfriend at Britany's house. We played a little Rock Band, and then Courtney and I were invited to stay for dinner, so we accepted. It was after dinner that some major ish went down. Everyone, even Britany's mom, started to pressure me and Britany to kiss. I thought it was hilarious, and so did Britany, even though she was embarassed by everyone wanting her to do that in front of them. So, as she was walking to her foyer in embarassment, I cornered her. That's when the most magical feeling I had ever experience filled my body and soul. I kissed a girl...........and I LOVED it:D. Right then and there was when I realized how foolish I was with going out with a liar such as Amelia in the past and even falling for a freeloader like Anony Miss. THIS was love. THIS was what I have been waiting for throughout high school, and it was long worth the wait. Knowing that a girl loves me and is honest and doesn't take advantage of me and is even willing to attempt a long distance relationship when I move makes me feel so happy. I departed a happy man that night, and I was officially in love. Courtney told me he was proud of us, and I couldn't have done all that without his advice and all. He is one of the greatest people I've ever met, and since he's been through a lot of relationship problems in the past, he has blessed me with a lot of advice that has helped me out. You can't ask for better friends, and it's going to be difficult to leave behind. At least we'll be keeping in touch and seeing each other again someday.

Today has been exhausting and disappointing, though. I woke up to loads of E3 news, which I almost forgot about. I was impressed with Microsoft's press conference, in which it had some stunning gameplay footage and trailers for my most anticipated games, such as Resident Evil 5, Fable 2, and Fallout 3. What was the most shocking news, though, was, of course, the announcement of Final Fantasy XIII for the 360, which made my inner-fanboy squeal:P. Now I'll actually be able to play it without forking over tons of money for a PS3. However, when Nintendo had their press conference, I wanted to spit on my computer. What a load of rubbish that event was. A bunch of pointless peripherals that nobody cares about, as well as a bunch of pointless games that are played with the pointless peripherals that are already out, and the only two interesting games mentioned were a GTA game for the DS and another Animal Crossing? GTFO! What happened to you Nintendo? You used to have so much shock value at past E3s, and now it's this? Pah-leeze.

Other than that, all I've been doing is work around the house and getting a little prepared for my graduation party on Saturday. I wanted to hang out with Britany today, but I called and said she couldn't at that moment, so now I'm just waiting for a call back. I am in desperate need to see her again, and just waiting for her to call back is torture. I'd hang out with Courtney, but he's busy doing something with his church today, so that's a no go. So, right now, I'm just typing a super long blog about what I've been doing the past week and a half. If I have time, I'll probably read your blogs and post a comment in them like usual, but I can't make any guarentees. I apologize if I don't.

I'm done talking my head off, so I'll catch you later. If I have any grammatical errors littered throughout my blog, don't be surprised, because I'm too lazy to proofread it like I usually do.

Spending A Week In The Peach State

I just wanted to give a quick update before I abandon my computer for a whole week. Yeah, we're packing almost everything we have into vehicles tomorrow (with the help of people my mom knows from work and the Eagles organization, while I've got Courtney coming) and taking off in the evening. It's a little awkward, since it's on a holiday that we're leaving, but I hope all goes well. I think we're leaving at night, so hopefully the roads won't be a mess due to the fact that it's Independence Day. What sucks is that I won't get to stay in town and watch fireworks like I usually do on that day, but oh well:(. Anyways, I'm probably going to be back on either Thursday, Friday, or Saturday of next week hopefully.

Nothing much has happened much during the past couple of days, except for me hanging out with Courtney. We were supposed to go swimming yesterday with Britany, but the plans changed because her mom, who is a photographer, had a client, and since she has a little brother and all, she couldn't leave the house. It was very disappointing, especially since she said she won't be able to hang out until late next week. It killed me waiting for her to get back from her week long vacation last week, and now I have to wait until I get back from mine to see her again. Why!!!??? However, I did call her last night just to converse a little bit (after Courtney chewed her out earlier that day due to the fact that he wanted to let her know how impatient we are getting with the way we make plans, but then she makes up excuses afterward that she can't come along). We had a nice, hour-long conversation. I found out the results of her little "date" on Tuesday, and according to her, the guy was a total a-hole. I was a little relieved to hear that nothing was going on with them, but I felt a little bad for her as well. I told her I'd go out with her if I could, which delighted her ears when I said that, but we both agreed that a long-distance relationship would be difficult to accomplish. I suppose that's fair. At least it lets me leave my options open just in case I meet a nice dame in college:). Besides, we both pledged that we would go overtime as far as hanging out with each other when I got back, so who knows? Maybe something unexpected might happen;). But then again, that's just wishful thinking:P.

I also finished a sentimental friend tribute video to all of my good friends in Michigan, which took me a good week to work on. I'm pretty proud of it, especially since I made Britany and Courtney watch it first. I'm not sure if I really made Britany cry, but Courtney, being the sensitive guy that he is (like me:P ), he actually cried. He told me that it takes a lot to make him cry, which made me feel like I accomplished something special and moving with my video:). I can't wait until the rest of my friends see it.

As you can probably tell by my Now Playing list, I easily purchased The World Ends With You. This is probably the most unique and styli$h RPG for the system, and it is hard to put down. I've gotten a few hours into the game, and I'm pretty impressed. The battle system is very confusing to get to know at first, but once you learn how to use it, it becomes fluid and addicting. Not to mention that there's actually VOICE ACTING in parts of the game, which is uncommon for a DS game. Even more noticeable is the soundtrack, which is a compilation of various J-pop-esque tunes, which all sound really good for a handheld. Not to mention the visuals, especially in the cutscenes, are full of sty1e. It's just an overall great game to play, and very overlooked. Grab it if you see it and have a DS.

That's about all I have to report. Hopefully the actual trip itself turns out alright this time, since the last time we went 2 years ago, my mom's van broke down in the mountains because of the transmission. That's one of the vehicles we're taking, but luckily, she's leaving it down there when we leave to come back. The other two vehicles are a Penske truck (like a U-haul) and a new Chevy Avio that my mom just bought, which I feel comfortable traveling with because it's so new:P. Unfortunately, I'm the one stuck with driving the van down:|. I swear, if it breaks down or anything, I'm going to go into a rage. Also, wish me luck for my college orientation, which is the primary reason we're making this trip. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to frantically finish packing before tomorrow:x.

I May Be Out of My Mind, But It Feels Damn Good

Obviously, when you move, it is very hard to leave your good friends behind. During the past few months, I've kept some amazing friendships, as well as gained new ones that a person could dream of. What sucks even more, though, is when you start falling for a girl just weeks before the move. Unfortunately, that's what is happening to me, and I actually did something about it.

My friend Britany and I have been great friends since the new year kicked off. It started off as just seeing each other at lunch and hanging out, and gradually grew into a greater friendship that consisted more than lunch meets. We started to hang out outside of school occasionally, and eventually grew into best friends. By the time graduation hit, our friendship became incredible, and we started hanging out every chance we got, forming a trio of friends that consisted of me, her, and Courtney. I never had any true feelings over her, until one night we were hanging out. She was nervous about this guy that she liked, and was anxious to call him to ask him to go out with her, but it took our encouragement to convince her to. Well, Courtney's, that is. I wanted nothing to do with it. In fact, I was feeling jealous. I started thinking to myself, "What are we going to do if she gets a boyfriend? Is she going to hang out with us anymore as often as she has in the past?" Along with that, though, I gained another feeling. I started to fall for her, which wasn't what I had in mind.

Surprisingly, the relationship didn't last long, and both Courtney and I could see that. You could say I was relieved. I even told Courtney how I felt about her, and he started to give me some good advice. It even led up to him saying that I should just flatout tell her how I feel before I move. Apparently, he saw that we've got something special in our friendship, and he figured that with the way she has bonded with me as a friend, what do I have to lose by telling her that I like her? Since she was on a trip to Kansas City for a nationwide competition of some sort all of last week, though, I had to wait until she got back.

Monday came around, and I was pumped to have Britany hang out with us again, since Courtney and I missed her. Before we picked her up, we kept calling to see when she would be available, and she told us at around 3. Well, that time rolled around, and Courtney called up. As I was driving, I overheard something on the phone I didn't like. I heard her say that she met some guy on the Internet, and was going to meet him on Tuesday for the first time. My heart sank right then and there, as I was sticken with a combination of anger and failure. I thought that there was nothing I could do. When we ate at Burger King and drove to the bowling alley to go bowling for once, all she would talk about was this guy. It made me sick to my stomach. I couldn't even concentrate on bowling, even though I was doing damn better than last time I went bowling. I actually bowled a score of over 100 on both games without bumpers:P. It was a fun time, but I still couldn't stop thinking about Britany's guy situation.

Britany's cousin and her cousin's boyfriend were hanging with us the entire time, and they took off toward the westside of town after their first game of bowling, leaving me, Courtney, and Britany to play a second game on our own. When we got out of that place, though, Britany had to go home. Before she could, though, we had to wait on her cousin, since she was staying with Britany and Britany's mom wanted them to stay together for that day. So, as we were waiting for them to reach the part of town that we were at, we just sat in the car at the park. I bumped a Ludacris CD that me and Courtney were bobbing our heads to, as Britany was expressing her dislike for it with funny drawings she was drawing in some sort of book she had:P. Eventually, they called, saying they were on their way. I was about to put my car in reverse to exit the park, but by dominant force, I put that car in park, and dammit, I had something I needed to get off my chest before it was too late.

My heart was pounding as I was fishing around in my brain for the exact words to say to Britany. Courtney was still in the car, since I told him to witness this. That's when I was blunt and to the point, and said, "I like you." This was the first time I had ever told a girl that, and I was as nervous as Oprah talking to Tom Cruise. Luckily, I got a great reaction. She was flattered, and she told me she had the same feelings toward me:). I even told her how I felt about that relationship she was in before and how I felt about her meeting that guy she met on the Internet. She just wondered why I didn't tell her this sooner:P. I've never smiled so much before in my life when she told me all of this. However, she said she didn't know what she was going to do, since I was moving to the south. Not only that, but she had that guy to see on Tuesday. Satisfied with what I heard come out of her mouth before, though, I just told her to do what she had to do. Then I took her home, smiling with glee. I couldn't stop asking her if she was weirded out or if she was mad, but she never gave a negative answer. In fact, she was quite satisfied with what I said. I didn't want her to leave, but I knew she had to go home. I bid her goodbye with a hug, and that left Courtney and I to talk at Tim Horton's some more. I couldn't thank him enough, since he was the one who helped me out on this whole ordeal from the very beginning. All in all, everything turned out great, and I realized how great my two best friends are. I could never trade these two people for anyone else, and when I go to college, it is going to be very difficult to find friends that are on that same friendship level as Britany and Courtney.

Overall, yesterday was just a "feel good" day. Along with admitting to a girl that I was falling for her, a lot of other things happened. I donated a lot of my old toys to Goodwill, which left me with a good feeling. I got to spend time with my close friends, which made me feel great. I bowled two great games and dominated my opponents, leaving me with a terrific feeling of triumph. Hell, I even found a hard game to find that I wanted, The World Ends With You, at Wal-Mart. I didn't buy it, since I didn't have enough money, but after counting change I had saved up, I found out I had enough. I just hope that game is still at Wal-Mart, since I only counted about 4 copies:?.

OH CRAP!!!! I've got movies to grade! I forgot last time, so I have to make up what I missed. In fact, I've got a new reviewing system;) :

Get Smart


+ Incredible cast, consisting of Steve Carrell, Anne Hathaway, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, Alan Arkin, Terry Crews, David Koechner, and more.

+ Awesome cameos from James Caan, Bill Murray, and Patrick Warburton.

+ Nice action scenes

+ Some very funny moments


-- Jokes are hit or miss most of the time

-- An unoriginal plot with cliches left and right

-- Needed more Bill Murray:P

Overall Score: 7/10

The Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad!


+ An absolutely necessary spoof of detective/police movies that pokes fun at generally every cliche there is to be found in those movies, and pulls off each joke with outrageous, laugh-out-loud funny situations

+ Leslie Nielson kicks major ass

+ Almost on the same level as Airplane!

+ Has a young OJ Simpson in it, prior to the controversial murder trial

+ Too many quotables to name

+ Leslie Nielson kicks major ass


-- Weak story, but since it's a spoof, I guess it's not that important

-- Needed to be longer!

Overall Score: 8.5/10

Well, I guess I'm off to Wal-Mart. I shall hit you guys with one last blog post before I take my trip to Georgia on Friday. I'm probably going to be down there until Friday, so I won't be on for awhile. As for the situation with Britany, I'm probably going to see her Wednesday, so we'll see what happens there. Now, if you'll excuse me, there's an uncommon Square Enix game with my name on it waiting for me:P...

The Amount of Days Left Decreases, But the Friendships Increase

It feels like it's been two weeks or more since I've written my last blog post. I guess it's because I've been so busy staying occupied that it feels like a large amount of time has passed. Well, last time, I was complaining about how I couldn't record any quality videos for YouTube because I didn't have the proper software to keep going with my plans. Well, Foolz3h introduced me to a program that allows you to convert .mov files (which are the videos recorded on a digital camera) into files that allow you to play the video clips on Windows Media player. That was the solution I needed to help jumpstart my plan into action for creating movies on Windows Movie Maker. Ever since, I've been going crazy using that program. It's a cool little program to use when you know how. Check them all out if you want on my YouTube channel: Some of them probably won't be funny to you guys, since it involves me and my friends, but oh well. Just try to get me past 100 views on my videos:P. I'm desperate:cry:.

Other than that, I've been doing one of these four things:

Playing video games

Hanging out with my friends

Going to open houses

Packing for Georgia

As far as gaming goes, quite a lot has happened since you last heard from me. I managed to beat Half-Life 2: Episode One in just a few hours, but it was a great continuation of the original game. I was particularly proud of getting the achievement where you only fire 1 bullet throughout the entire episode, and you can only use the crowbar, grenade launcher, grenades, and gravity guy through the game to get past obstacles and enemies. It wasn't too hard, but I was proud of unlocking such an intimidating sounding achievement. After conquering the first episode, I started on Half-Life 2: Episode Two immediately. It is certainly longer, and it is more intense than the first episode. Thank goodness there's no "One Bullet" achievement in this episode, though, because I don't know if I could take that:P. I'm pretty far in the game, but the gameplay was starting to get stale and repetitious, since all I've been playing was hours and hours of Half-Life 2. That's when I started on The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion for the Xbox 360. I'm definitely not that far (just got out of the prison at the beginning of the game), but it seems like a fun game, and works a lot better than playing Morrowind on my crappy PC (which was the system I bought Morrowind for:| ). As soon as I got out into the open world, though, I became overwhelmed with open-endedness (don't know if that's a word or not:P ) galore! So, I decided to wait until I beat some other games before taking that behemoth on. So, all I've been playing since then is some good ol' Resident Evil 4 on Pro. It's pretty hard, but I'm on the island, so I think I'm doing pretty good. One day I'd like to get the Wii Edition so I can try out the "Separate Ways" mode, as well as trying out the different controls.

I went to a couple of open houses last weekend, but they weren't anything special. I only stayed an hour at both. However, I've been hanging out with my friends Courtney (whom you have probably recognized from my videos:P ) and Britany a lot, especially Courtney, since Britany is on a trip right now. I don't think I've ever bonded with anyone as much as I have in the past month with this guy. It's like all of these years growing up, I've searched for that one true friend that would always be there for me, hang out with me every chance they got, and shared a lot in common with me, and just days before I am moving, I have finally found that person. It only took, what, 3 years since I moved up here? Yeah, it took me the entire time I lived up here to obtain that best friend I was looking for:roll:. But yeah, both of us share the same sensitivity that allows us to have some deep conversations, both of us share the same geekiness when it comes to video gaming (and Pokemon games in particular:P ), both of us share similar experiences with our heart problems (he had open heart surgery, though:P), and both of us even like some of the same hip-hop, which is unusual to find nowadays. He even said that I was his best friend that he ever had, which meant a lot to me. You have no idea how hard I try to be a good friend to people, and it looks like it is paying off. I'm just scared that I'm not going to find friends like that when I move. At least that he said that he and Britany would come down to see me when I'm in Georgia during Spring Break, and usually I wouldn't believe a friend when they say that they are going to do something like that, but this time, I believe him. In the past, when I always lived in different places, I always gained a best friend in each place. But as soon as I moved from those locations, I would lose contact with those people and never hear from them again. Those were in the days where I was still maturing and childhood was still engulfing me, so those friends were just childhood friends. Now that I'm an adult, and I've gained friends up here in Michigan, things are different. We VOWED to keep in touch, no matter where we moved to, and we agreed that we would meet again, no matter how much it would take to do so. Yeah, I know I'm boring everyone with all of my sentimental talk about friendship, but I just thought I should get that out of my system. It's been on my mind quite a bit lately, and I needed to express my emotions in some way. And what better way to do it than on a gaming website on the Internet:P ? Yeah, go ahead and burst out in laughter now. But don't worry, I'll just be laughing with you:twisted:.

This week, I have started gathering cardboard boxes together and packing my room up. Even though we're not making our first trip to Georgia until the 5th of July, my mom is telling me to get **** packed early, and wait until next week for electronic stuff because I gotta have my electronic stuff:P. However, I really wish I could get a laptop because it seems like a pain in the ass keeping my computer up here for two more weeks after we get back, and yet, not have very much furniture that I could put it on. That, and I'm keeping my Xbox 360 and my Wii up here as well. It's going to be hard to figure out, but I'll think of something. As far as the packing goes right now, I'm exhausted. My room is looking eerily empty, and it's making me depressed:(. No more game posters on the wall, no more junk cluttering up my closet, no more software cramping up my computer desk. It's just not the same. But I gotta do what I gotta do. At least by going through everything, I found a lot of junk that I didn't need anymore and threw it away, making space. I also found a bunch of old toys of mine that I am planning to donate to Goodwill or something. Of course, there's all of the nostalgia of seeing things you didn't know you had, either8).

Oh, and I MUST mention the game deal I got at a garage sale last weekend. I found Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, the rare game that people proclaim as the best Castlevania game ever, for only $1. Sounds too good to be true, right? It is in a way. All it was was the game disk in some CD case that was in bad condition, not to mention that the disk itself was badly scratched. But I didn't care. For $1, I couldn't pass up this chance to play a game raved by people as one of the greatest games of all time, whether or not it works. I'm hoping like hell it does, but we'll see. This situation reminds me of a blog post Kravyn wrote a few weeks ago:P.

That's about all I have to report for now. Maybe I'll get back into Half-Life 2: Episode Two or make another video on YouTube or something. Making YouTube videos is incredibly fun. Hopefully tomorrow my Gamestop has that damned download station to get that Deoxys for Pokemon Diamond, because I had to walk out of that Gamestop disappointed last weekend:x.

I've Just About Had It (AKA A Plea For Help)

I am frustrated beyond imaginable right now. I never thought making simple YouTube videos would be such a frustrating and impossible process. I've got two major pains in my ass going on right now, and it's killing me. First of all, that program known as CamStudio. You've seen my Goosebumps: Escape From Horrorland (Intro) video, right? You've seen how the audio and the video didn't go along together, right? Well, jumping into the gameplay is a lot worse. I've tried everything. I started off with recording by microphone as I record the video with the CamStudio program. Well, the audio messes up completely and just becomes scrambled and a complete mess, along with the video's framerate dropping to the point of no movement. So, I tried recording with no audio. The video still does the same damn thing. Maybe it's because I'm a complete n00b at doing this, but I couldn't do this to save my life. It's just terrible. If anyone, ANYONE, knows how to use this damned program and can tell me what I'm doing wrong, point me into a direction where I can get help, or just tell me if there's any free program out there that is just as good as CamStudio, but can record games, I will be very thankful. It sucks having a plan in which everything fails when trying to execute it.

Then, I wanted to start experimenting with Windows Movie Maker. I took a trio of videos on my digital camera today, and was planning to implement them into a project on that program. Turns out that the file type, ".mov," isn't supported for that program, and I couldn't import those movies into it. The question is: how the **** do I reformat these videos to get them to import onto WMM? Is there even a (free) way to do that, or am I royally ****ed in the @$$? I tried right clicking the videos and going to "Properties," but there's no option to change it to a different type of file. I'm sending out an S.O.S. right now, and any help would be appriciated. That's all I want, too. I don't want any comments that say "that suks dude, sorry your video projecks arent going so well" or "i dont know much bout dat stuff so i cant help but good luck anyways" or "i really wish i could help u, but if i could i would help you." That's all bull****, and you'll get some very negative feedback if you try to pull that. Either post a comment suggesting help, comment about something else I talk about in my blog, or both, or if you have nothing to say other than something that is half@$$, don't even bother commenting at all. Just don't give me any of that bull**** I put as an example above.

*whew* Now that my rant is done with, I might as well state the positive. This week's been pretty good I must say. My two best friends and I have been bonding and hanging out a lot, which is very cool. Funny, it only took me about 3 years after I moved up to Michigan until I bonded with some real friends. Now I've only got a month until I move:roll:. We pretty much call Wal-Mart our hangout spot, since that's where we go if we're bored:P. I'm getting sick of going there, though. Tonight we were all supposed to go to the drive-in, but one person couldn't go, so I decided to not go either. We tried to think of another weekend to go, but everyone has plans each weekend that follows, so it seems as if that plan is going down the tubes as well. Curse that stupid drive-in for not being open on weekdays:x. But I've thought about us going swimming next week, so hopefully that goes well.

I bought a crapload of cheap stuff this week, whether I found them at garage sales or at this mom-and-pop game store in town. Movies, games, even CDs I found. At the game store, which is called Video Game Connection, I found Duke Nukem 3D for $3. I've never played it before, but being a fan of Doom, it seems like touching upon similar ground, only with more humor in it (especially the memorable quotes:P ). Then I stumbled upon a hip-hop CD that's supposed to be a cl@$$c: Big Pun's Capital Punishment. For $3, I couldn't resist. I've only listened to a couple songs on it (it takes me awhile to get motivated to listen to a full CD), but it sounded great from what I've heard. Finally, I managed to find a special 2-disk edition of Monty Python and the Holy Grail for only $6. Considering I had a version of the same movie with no special features to speak of, I figured that I might as well add this one to my collection.

Then, yesterday, Courtney's trailer park had a community sale going on, so we checked it out. I found a few items that were worthy purchases. I bought The Five People You Meet In Heaven on DVD for only $2 because after just reading the book, I wanted to give the movie another chance to see if I would like it better. At that same garage sale, I found The Passion of the Christ on DVD for the same price, so I bought it as well. I'm not a religious person, but I was dragged to see it when it was out in theaters, and even I thought it was powerful. Courtney said he hadn't seen it yet, and he's a religious guy, so I bought it for him basically. Moving on, other purchases I made included $1 for The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly and $2 for Ludacris' Word of Mouf CD, which isn't really considered a hip-hop cl@$$ic, but since I like Ludacris as a rapper, I had to buy it.

Other than beating Half-Life 2 for the second time, hanging out with Courtney and Britany, and being frustrated with creating videos for YouTube (check out my latest video BTW:P ), I've watched a couple of movies. Like before, I'm too lazy to write any thought-provoking reviews, so the scores will have to do. They are:

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull--8/10

Rambo--8.5/10 (Bloodiest. American. Movie. Ever. Ok, maybe that's overexaggerating, but it's still violent to its rotten core:P)

Speaking of movies, I watched AFI's 10 Top 10 on CBS Tuesday night. Why I even bother watching these AFI specials anymore is beyond me, but they peak my interest slightly. The list this year was just plain messy and unorganized, though. This year, 10 of the top movies of 10 different genres were picked. That's where the first problem comes. Some of the genres made you go "WTF?" Sure, you've got the ones that deserve to be seperated from the rest, like animation, sci-fi, fantasy, sport, mystery, western, and epic. But courtroom drama? Romantic comedy? Gangster? Those are too specific. What about just plain drama, comedy, and romance? That would seem more reasonable. To screw it up more on some of those lists are the movie choices. First off, on the animation list, it is all Disney movies except for one, which was Shrek. I know that Disney makes some pretty kickass animated films, but there are some other cl@$$ics made by other film companies. Then there was the fantasy catagory. That was just a complete mess. Take a look at the list and see for yourself. And where the hell are The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly and Once Upon A Time In the West on this list? I could go on and on, but just take a look on the site itself to see how poorly constructed these lists are. Tis a shame, a big shame.

I'm done gabbing for now. I'm going to try to beat Half-Life 2: Episode One soon, which I hear is pretty short. I also have some open houses to go to tomorrow, so I gotta prepare for that. The only problem is I'm almost out of money from getting lots of fast food lately:cry:.

MGS4? HA! I'm Still Playing GTAIV!!! And The Orange Box!!!

Says the kid without a PS3. Yeah, I've heard all of the buzz on MGS4. A 10 on Gamespot, people in the official thread on GGS saying how it's one of the best games ever, yada yada yada. I like Metal Gear and all, but not enough to automatically go and buy a PS3 just because people are saying how great it is. I'll wait until an avalanche of great games comes out for a PS3 (and I get a job:P ) before buying one. Besides, there's always that possibility that it could be ported to the 360, although I'm getting my hopes up for that one:P. In the meantime, though, I'm enjoying the hell out of The Orange Box. I beat Portal, which is probably one of the finest puzzle games I've ever played. It was very short, but the puzzles and the sarcastic humor blended together so well. Also, the last level was pretty intense, leading into an insanely awesome end credits song. The only other game I've been playing is Half-Life 2. I already played it and beat it for the Xbox about 2 years ago, but since Episodes 1 and 2 are included, and I wanted some extra achievements, I decided to play through it again. Surprisingly, it feels so fresh, even after experiencing it before. The gameplay is so good and cinematic that it is worth it. As for Team Fortress 2, you already know my financial stance when it comes to online gaming, and how fond of it I am, so I'll pass on that one for now.

And since everyone is going nutso over MGS4 at the moment, I'm thinking about jumping right back into GTAIV just for kicks. Why? Because with all of the hype of that game gone and the fact that everyone has played it and moved on, I might as well show some love for it still:P. That way, while everyone is fondling their precious PS3s and drooling over MGS4, I will still be talking about GTAIV:P. Same with Smash Bros. Damn, almost forgot about Smash Bros:shock:. That's mindboggling. But yeah, conformity SUCKS.

Other than video games, I've just been either chilling with friends, posting new YouTube videos, going to a boring graduation party of some girl I know, watching movies, or buying movies. I went to Wal-Mart the other day with my buddy Courtney and decided to buy Raging Bull for $10 because that movie is the most badass boxing movie ever made (true story). Then, yesterday, my dad took me down to the city with him, and we went to a Gamestop that sold DVDs (the Gamestop in my town doesn't sell those for some reason:?). There was a "Buy 2 Get 3 Free" deal, so we jumped on that deal. My dad got one of his crappy movies, while I picked out 21 Grams, In America, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, and The Deer Hunter. We also hit a Circuit City, and because I really liked Airplane! (more on that later), I purchased The Naked Gun for $6.99. I also got Dazed and Confused for $5.99 (the lady that rang me up almost charged me $10 for it, which was the original price, but I pwned her buy showing her the sale price tag:P ).

Since I watched a couple of movies, I'll share some scores. I'm too lazy to write reviews today, though.


3:10 to Yuma--9/10 (one of the best westerns I've seen in awhile)

Oh, and my first vlog.

Oh, and I shaved my mustache off for the first time since I grew it.

And that's about it. Have a wonderful Father's Day tomorrow!

Not Even Severe Weather Could Spoil The Fun of Graduation

I am exhausted. With only 3 hours of sleep during the past 24 hours, I guess it's easy to see that I had one of the craziest weekends ever. It was crazy in a positive way, though. Let me take you back to Friday...


My dad and I left to go up to my grandma and grandpa's house to take stuff up for the 50th wedding anniversary/graduation party taking place the next day. This was the first time I had seen my grandparents since Christmas, so the visit was long overdue. We got there, got some things unpacked, and chilled outside in my grandpa's garage in the blistering heat. Then, the clouds got darker, and we were hearing weather alerts on the radio. We had some severe weather heading our way, and the whole area was under a tornado watch. The county I was in was actually under a tornado WARNING, which meant trouble. Fortunately, most of the mess was slightly north of us, so all we got hit with was a moment of heavy rain and high winds. It wasn't nothing serious, although the rest of Michigan got pounded hard with severe weather. They started to clear out of the state as the night went on, but the norther counties were still under a tornado watch, including the county I was in. In fact, some more thunderstorms moved through the area at around 11, but I really didn't care. I used to be paranoid with this type of thing when I was younger, but I've grown out of my fears of thunderstorms and have gotten a little used to them in this day and age. All I knew was that I was tired from waking up early that day, and I wanted to go to bed with anticipation for my party the following day.


I woke up to my mom forcing me to get up, and when this usually happens, it means I better wake my ass up or I'll face the consequences:P. After I got myself ready and everything, the rest of the morning consisted of hard work trying to help get the party ready. Here it was partly my party and I was stuck working my ass off:|. The party itself wasn't anything significant. All it consisted of was a bunch of old people that were friends of my grandparents or just family who I barely ever see. Oh, and country music. There just HAD to be old-fashioned, whiny, howling-at-the-moon music straight out of the boonies played at the party, since it consisted mostly of older folks. Majority ruled there, so no music that I liked:roll:. It drove me nuts, especially when the karaoking began. There was one funny moment where I got my grandpa to attempt a rap song, but I shocked him when I was able to do it. He looked at me like I wasn't related to him:lol:. Eventually the party came to an end, and despite bugs getting into a lot of leftover food and it having to be pitched into the garbage, it was a fun day. I wound up with over $200 from all of the guests at the party plus a Wal-Mart gift card from my great grandma that lives in Missouri, so it was all good. I turned on the television as soon as I was relaxed, and what did I see? Tornado watches all over the state.........again:|. Luckily, it wasn't by us, but it was toward my home in the lower part of the state, so I guess my town got hit that night.

Sunday (Morning-Afternoon)

I requested that I wanted to sleep in on Sunday morning due to the fact that I had an all night party that night, and I wanted to get plenty of rest so I wouldn't be too tired. My wish was granted, and I got to sleep in until 10. The big day had finally arrived. I was both nervous and pumped at the same time. By the time noon hit, we were on the road toward Bay City, in which we visited with my cousin's ill grandfather. It was a little depressing being there, especially since it was before graduation, but I didn't let it bring me down. I admit, I barely knew the man, so I wasn't too effected by the situation. We headed back out on the road again toward Flint, where the ceremony was going to be at. There was still time to kill, though, so we ate at an Olive Garden. That's when.............more severe weather hit. The third friggin day in a row:|. At first I noticed the clouds darkening outside, but as we were getting ready to walk out the door, rain started POURING. This was the heaviest rain I had seen. It looked like a hurricane. We were basically trapped in the lobby of the Olive Garden until the rain settled down. We could even hear tornado sirens going off, indicating that there was possibly a tornado warning in the area. Fortunately, we were spared from any damage, and eventually, we made our way to the place where the graduation ceremony was. It was nice seeing my friends again after spending the weekend with a bunch of older people, that's for sure:P. I was worried about having anxiety attacks like I did at the honor's ceremony, but this time, I brought a bottle of water with me to calm me down. Surprisingly, it wasn't as bad as last time. Sure, my heart was pounding in a mix of anticipation and nerves, but I felt fine, especially after walking across the stage and receiving my diploma. There was a lot of picture taking after the ceremony, so I got to take pictures with family and friends. The cool thing was that after a day of nasty weather, the sun was actually shown going down as I got outside, which was symbolism of a great day. Despite the time being about 10:00, though, the night was only young for me;).

Sunday Night-Monday Morning

After changing out of my humid robe and dress clothes, I wore the same tourist-sty1e shirt I wore at my graduation party for the senior all-night party that night. What a blast it was. I got to hang out with Courtney (might as well give his full name, since a video with him in it is revealed on my YouTube channel:P ), Britany, and a bunch of my other friends throughout the night. There was a lot to do, too. I started out at the gambling area, similar to the one at prom, only with a few more games added into the mix. I stuck to blackjack mostly, only because there was this one dealer who gave us good odds by hinting what card he was holding with either a nod or a shake of his head as he asked us if we wanted to hit or stay:P. We each got tickets for a raffle later on depending on how many chips we each had. Then, the gymnasium was filled with things such as laser tag, carnival-like games, picture taking, caricatures, and more. Finally, there was a dance floor in the cafeteria, along with an eating area where people could just sit and eat pizza (which was good pizza) and other munchies. Each person had a number written on their wrist as they walked in, and certain numbers were called for prizes at 2:00 in the morning. My number was lucky enough to be called, and since there wasn't much remaining on the table of prizes, I picked out another necklace. I'm really starting to feel like a rapper with all of this bling around my neck:P. Following that was this performance in the gymnasium by this hypnotist. The whole thing seemed like a crock of bull****, but it was intriguing to keep an interest, even if we were all tired:P. Finally, it was time for the ticket raffle, but I didn't win anything that time. It was alright, though, since we all got gift bags as we were leaving. In it were coupons for free food, free tanning, and a Wal-Mart gift card for $55. A ****ING WAL-MART GIFT CARD!!!!! All this time, I thought the school was ****, but I guess they were a little generous after all. All I knew was, between all of the graduation money I got and the gift card I got from the school, I was rounding up my two best friends later in the day and going shopping.


I was going to bed just as my mom was getting up, which was about 6:00 AM:P. I could not sleep for anything, though, and I ended up waking up at around 11, only getting about 5 hours of sleep. Regardless, I was ready for the day. After getting everything unpacked from the van as a request written on a note by my mom on the fridge, I called up Courtney and Britany to join me for a day of shopping. We all hit Wal-Mart first, of course, since we all got gift cards at the all-night party. I ended up buying The Orange Box for the Xbox 360 for $40, since I've been waiting for a long time to get that game. I also got Airplane in the 2 for $10 DVD bin. We hit up Meijer next, since I wanted to get Courtney something for missing his open house on Saturday. I just ended up giving him some money instead because I couldn't find what I was looking for:P. However, I found some nice DVD deals: Spaceballs and United 93 for $5 each. Gamestop was our next stop (pun intended:P ). I convinced Courtney to buy a DS, since he didn't have one, and I was convinced to buy The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, so I caved in and spent $26.99 on it used. I was disappointed that I couldn't find The World Ends With You for the DS. It's hard to find, that's for sure. The guy working there told me I had to go all the way to Flint for that game. From that point until the late afternoon, we all just hung out and had fun. It was a fun day, despite being extremely tired from lack of sleep.

There you have it. My dynamic weekend summarized in paragraphs to your reading pleasure. Just as a reward for reading this, I'll show you a cool new site I stumbled onto today. It might be really old, but I think it is amazing. It is, and you take two pictures of people and you can morph them together. It is funnier than hell. I've also got a new Random General Hospital Moment video up on YouTube, so check it out if you thought the first was even a little amusing. Oh, and I am happy to report that my Goosebumps: Escape From Horrorland (Intro) video is almost at 200 views! YES!!! This might prove to be successful (yeah right) :P. I'll try to get my next part up by the end of the week if I can get CamStudio to cooperate with me.

As I was typing this, I noticed some lightning in the distance and heard a little bit of thunder. I checked to see if there were any severe alerts, but there weren't any. I guess it was just a couple of minor thundershowers. I'm just getting sick of all of this bad weather:(. Well, with a cardiologist appointment tomorrow, a bunch of games to look forward to playing, and preparation for my next YouTube video in the future, I might as well go to bed and be prepared for tomorrow. My eyes feel like they are going to fall off, so I'll catch you all later.

The Final Blog Post Before Graduation

The final moment is almost here. Sunday is the day I graduate, while Saturday is the day I have a graduation party up north at my grandparents' house. Actually, it's a graduation/50th wedding anniversary party since they are celebrating 50 years of marriage. It should be a riot. However, this is just going to be family, so I'm having my other graduation party with friends next month. My grandparents live 2 hours away from where my town is, so it would be too much trouble inviting friends to a party that is 2 hours away, especially since gas prices are devastating to our pockets (prices are actually going down slightly, which is nice). But anyways, my dad and I are taking off tomorrow morning to go up there, while my mom is going to come up later on after work.

I just wanted to give an update before the weekend because I knew that if I waited until Monday or something, I'd have too much to say, and my blog post would turn into a giant novel (as if they aren't giant novels normally:P ). Nothing much has been happening over the past few days, but it's been nice and mellow. I went to Gamestop on Tuesday to take advantage of that 50% off deal that they were advertising. The only game that caught my interest was Sega Genesis Collection, which was only $10. I've had that game on my wish list for quite some time, so it was definitely a wise purchase. I mean, it has 28+ games on it! That's insane! I also rummaged through the used games like I usually do, and I stumbled upon Viewtiful Joe 2 for only $2.99. I had no idea that game had come down in price so immensely. It was even cheaper than the original Viewtiful Joe, which I played and beat a few years back (and then traded-in, since I was a fiend when it came to trading in games back then:roll: ). So, I couldn't resist picking that up for that insanely low price. I haven't played either game yet, though, since I want to finish games on my Now Playing list first. I've also been replaying Resident Evil 4 on Pro mode because the Resident Evil 5 trailers and impressions have made me crave some Resident Evil 4 goodness. I had no idea Pro was so hard! I've died so many times that it's not even funny. It's mostly during the Ashley-escorting segments, since they are a pain in the ass, but I'm still having fun. This game never gets old.

On Tuesday night, I went out with some friends that night and we just hung out, whether it be at Tim Horton's or Wal-Mart:P. We had nothing else better to do. Even Anony Miss came along for the ride, which surprised the hell out of me. She even called me this past weekend, but only to request some prom pictures. However, she forgot why she called because we talked for about an hour:P. It was nice spending time with my friends like that, though. I want to continue with moments like that during the summer.

Wednesday was the day of the senior luncheon and commencement rehearsal. I was actually surprised at how good the food was. We paid $1 for either steak or chicken. I picked steak of course, and it was pretty damned good. That was the first time I had eaten something at school that was delicious. I was even stuffed afterwards, as if I had just eaten at a regular restaurant or something. It was nice. Then we had our commencement rehearsal for the actual event taking place on Sunday, which was pretty straight-forward and simple to follow. I just hope it isn't as long as the honor's assembly was. I really hope I pull through without anxiety.

Today has just been a day consisting mostly of playing Resident Evil 4 and editing my videos on YouTube by adding annotations to them, which is a pretty cool new feature. Speaking of videos on YouTube, I finally uploaded the first part of my playthrough of Goosebumps: Escape From Horrorland by using CamStudio to record it, thanks to brandyinindiana's suggestion;). It doesn't have the best quality, and the audio is messed up for some reason, but it works I guess. Depending on if I keep having more problems or not, I'll have to see if I can get some more gameplay videos up in the future. I sure hope so.

That about does it for the updates for this week. Wish me luck on Sunday!