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Pregnant 16-Year Olds

Well, I didn't think there was such demand for a movie review:P. Actually, there's barely any, but I see that people are starting to miss them. That makes me fill with bliss, knowing that people actually care!! Lucky for you, I finally went to the movies this weekend. Sure, it was only with my dad, but it was all good. So, what movie was it? Was it Cloverfield, the highly anticipated monster movie? Was it The Bucket List, the movie that brings two legendary actors together for the first time? Was it the critically praised There Will Be Blood? Heh, I wish. Like my local theater would play a superb movie like that:P. Surprisingly, though, my theater redeemed itself by playing a critically acclaimed dark comedy that was about a pregnant 16-year old. I bet you can guess what movie it is...


What a way to end a great cinematic year, especially in the comedy genre. Juno is like the sweet cherry that tops off all of the goodness. It is the story about a pregnant 16-year old (Ellen Page) who randomly had sex with her "good friend" (Michael Cera), and plans to give her child to adoptive parents (Jennifer Garner and Jason Bateman) living in a fancy suburban neighborhood. It is told in three segments: autumn, spring, and summer. Personally, I thought the movie was too short at only 91 minutes, because after it was over, I wanted more. This movie reminded me of Knocked Up, only it was toned down to maintain a PG-13 rating. In other words, it was the same concept, except with less sexual humor, less vulgar language, and more intelligent dialogue. Being a dark comedy, it has its dramatic moments as well. That's not to say this movie isn't funny, because it definately is. It ranks up there as one of the funniest movies of 2007. It is also one of the best casted comedies of the year. Ellen Page you may recognize if you've seen the shocking movie Hard Candy. Well, she's less creepy, and more sweet and intelligent in this one. Michael Cera, of course, played in Superbad, and he pretty much has the same character as in that movie. However, I was wishing that he'd have more screen time, but oh well. Jennifer Garner, who always plays in crappy movies it seems, does a surprisingly good job of acting as an adoptive mother going through a tough relationship with her husband, who is played by Jason Bateman. He plays a pretty cool role, and bonds with Ellen Page's character quite a bit throughout the movie (to the point of almost being creepy:? ). Last, but certainly not least, is J.K. Simmons, who plays Ellen's father. What a bond these two share. It is so realistic, and you can definately see the love between these two. Also, Simmons pretty much steals each scene he is in, since he's so hilarious. Like I said, this movie has got a different tone than most of Judd Apatow's movies have had last year, and even though Michael Cera is involved, Apatow is nowhere to be credited in the credits, so this was one comedy that didn't have his name attached that was superb. In fact, it reminded me a LOT of Ghost World. An awesome comedy to end the previous year with, and if your theater is actually playing this movie, go see it. It's not often I see movies with an indie feel play at my local theater, and it's a shame. This movie gets a 9.5/10.

There you have it. My first movie review since I seen I Am Legend:P. I hope to see Cloverfield sometime soon, so be prepared.

I've been getting into Mass Effect quite a bit lately. I've clocked in about 20 hours so far, and I'm probably only halfway done. I just recently started getting involved with a romantic subplot with my party members on the ship:P. It's pretty funny:lol:. Never before would I have thought that a game would allow a female human (which is the character I made) to hook up with a female alien:P. I love the dialogue trees in this game, even though I don't think they're as in depth as Knights of the Old Republic's was. Unfortunately, I can't seem to get used to the combat system. It seems like every major battle I enter, I die at least 3 times. Am I making it more difficult than it should be, or is the combat in this game really that difficult? Oh well, I'd rather have a challenge than to play the game on the easiest setting. I'm enjoying the game a lot, though. I think it will tide me over until Super Smash Bros. Brawl and the crapload of Xbox 360 releases for 2008 come out.

Nothing else has been going on, except for I've finally got my ass in gear and got started filling out an application for the college I want to go to. I'm planning on going to Highlands College located in Rome, GA in the fall for a couple of years, and then get started with my major. I have no idea where to go from there yet, or what the hell I'm doing, but apparently, it's alright. I guess my dad doesn't want me to go to a technical college because it's too expensive, so I'm stuck with staying in an academic college. It sucks being poor. My mom has to constantly remind me how broke we are lately, and it's depressing the hell out of me:|. It doesn't help matters when I'm at school, and I see everyone with their senior pictures, and they have AT LEAST 3 different pictures of themselves, with interesting backgrounds and poses. Mine? All I've got is a typical school picture pose with a bland background, and that's my only picture. It sucks:cry:. Wait a minute. How did I go from talking about college to talking about senior pictures?

I've got exams to study for tomorrow, which are Calculus and American Wars. Yay, Calculus. I bet THAT goes well, regardless if I study or not. I predict somewhere between 60-78:roll:. At least I'll be taking college algebra when I enter college, which I'm actually good at......

Ummm............Yeah, I've Got Nothing Clever For A Title This Time

I'm pretty much chilled and laid back right now. Not a very stressful day for once, since it's the last day before exams. Finished a lot of things that put stress on my life this week, got a three-day weekend, going to play some video games. That's tha good life right there, yes sirrie. I might hang out with a friend this weekend, who knows? Depends if I'm in the mood. Or if they're in the mood.

Other than gaining another level (RADICAL NINJA, DOODZ!!!), nothing else goin on. I continue to struggle in Calculus, since I got a stupid 78 on my test from yesterday. I swear, I'm never going to get another A on a test in that class (the last test I got a 92, but it was curved, so I really got something in the 80s :| ). I feel like an idiot. I remember when I used to be smart, used to be the kid everyone would want to copy from or would ask for help on or get compliments from the teacher from. Now it seems like I'm letting myself down. Sure, I still get that feeling in some of my other classes, but this is math! Math was always a great subject with me! Why is Calculus so difficult to the point of me wanting to pull my hair out with a pooper scooper? Same with Physics, why? My group finally demonstrated our project to the teacher, but we got marked down because we had to tinker with it 3 times while it was going. Luckily, we didn't fail miserably like a couple of the other groups, so ours wasn't the worst.

I'm going to go play some Mass Effect now. I'd REALLY like to go to the movies some time this weekend, since it seems like forever since I've watched a new movie (hell, I still have movies that I bought from Black Friday that I haven't watched yet:P ). Have an awesome weekend, and sorry if this was another uninteresting blog post about my pathetic school life.

Finally, A Day Where I Can Get Ish Done!

So far, just like last week, the beginning of the week has become stressful. My group got our Physics project done at least, so that was out of my hair. However, I had so much to do other than Physics, I just couldn't find the time. Well, lucky for me, I got a surprise when I woke up this morning: a mother f*cking snow day:D. I wasn't expecting it, either. In fact, I was actually looking forward to school today because I was anxious to see everyone's video projects in Physics. But, I can't deny a snow day, so now I get a chance to get a crapload of homework done today.

Oh, and another thing. I guess today is the Michigan primary, so I get to vote for the first time ever:D. I think I'm going to vote for John Edwards. Why? Well, he is democrat, he is for gay marriage it seems (because gays deserve a chance, since my mom is gay..............wait, did I just reveal that? Oh snap:P ), and he is the underdog, so I gotta give him props. Plus, his wife had breast cancer, and so did my mom, so there's a little bit of a connection there. I really wish I knew more about the other candidates, though. I KNOW I'm not going to vote for Clinton, not because she's a woman and I'm against women presidents, but because I've heard about what she wants to do with violent video games, and I do NOT want my violent video games taken away:x. As for Obama, I really need to know more about him before I vote for him, but I'm sure he'll be one of the top dogs in the election, so I'll just wait.

One more thing: SUPER SMASH BROS. BRAWL IS DELAYED AGAIN!!!!!!! THE AGONY!!!!!!!! Well, if it's for improvements and tweaks, I'm all for it I guess. Wouldn't want it to be a Mass Effect, where it is a really good game on the inside, but its presentation is sloppy. Plus, I've got too many games to beat at the moment, so I can wait.

Alright, since I woke up so early this morning, I'm going to take advantage of my longer day and play a little bit of Mass Effect before the sun rises. Have a nice day, and stay safe!

I'm Tired, and I Want My Life Back

Ugggggggggggggh, this week has been KILLER. It seems like as soon as I return to school from Christmas break, I get homework, projects, schoolwork, essays, and reports out the ass. I haven't even touched my 360 since I beat Bioshock, and it's making me sad. That's why after I type this baby up, I'm going to load it up and play some Mass Effect. But first, my week.

Everyday I've come home from school, I've had to either do a crapload of homework (which includes finishing that lovely book Wuthering Heights, which is due Tuesday :roll: . I've only read two chapters since I went hardcore on it this past weekend:|. ) or work on the Rube Goldberg project for Physics with my group. Mostly, it's been the latter. It's been hell, since it is due next week (along with a parody of a movie to associate the project with, so we have a video project as well. Ours is going to be a parody of Shrek, which I tried to write a clever script for. I'm apparently going to be playing Lord Farquad with a gay/demonic split personality:P ). We procrastinated like hell, which we brought on ourselves, so I guess we should blame ourselves for the added stress. Hey, at least I'm starting to be friends with the people in this group (or at least I THINK I am), so it's all good. In fact, one of the people in my group is this kid named Ricky that lives down the street from me. He's a really nice dude, and he even used to be a stoner:P. Back in 9th grade, he used to call me Pedro because he thought I looked like Pedro from Napoleon Dynamite (so did everyone else, though, but fortunately, the phase passed). But me and him get along pretty good, and I even got him into listening to some Lupe Fiasco, which is hard to do nowadays with these Soulja Boy dickriders:roll:. His taste in rap in the first place seems good, though. However, he's more into rock (the kind I don't like, of course), but I'm just glad he's into a little rap. Overall, glad to be making a friend that isn't a girl for once:P.

And then WHAT THE HELL WAS UP WITH THE WEATHER? Seriously, we had TORNADO WATCHES on Monday. In January! In Michigan! Is that even possible?! Well, at least all the bad weather avoided my area, but we still got mild temperatures. After the sh*tload of snow we had gotten the previous week, I am surprised. But, luckily, the temperatures are going down to normal territory, which is a big relief. If I want to be worried about f*cking tornado watches, please, let it be summertime first. Unless I'm down south, it's nothing I care to see in the wintertime anytime soon.

Alrighty, just wanted to say hello before I go back to my busy life at the moment. So far, 2008 has been STRESSFUL. Gimme my 2007 back:cry: !!!!

The Coolest Ninja (What?)


(crickets chirping)

Oh, it's been 4 days. Never mind, then.

So, I've only got 2 days left of break (not including today), and since it's only the weekend, it's nothing special. The holidays are over, everyone's going back to work, and I'm trying to get homework that was assigned to me for break done. It's primarily homework from English, of course, and I have to read half of the fantastic masterpiece Wuthering Heights (cough) CONFUSING (cough, followed by a sneeze). Not only that, but I have to read The Hours for "outside reading" (thank god I saw the movie way before I read the book, so if I somehow can't finish the book by next Tuesday, I can write the report based on what I saw in the movie:P ). Not only do I have those to worry about, but I gotta get my group together so we can finish our Physics project, which is due in a couple of weeks:?. We barely started. And to top it off, I have a senior project to start, and I have to do 15 service hours by the end of February. I love school so much, I proposed to it on one knee with a diamond wedding ring with the words "I Love You With All My Heart" engraved on the edge:roll:.

I beat Bioshock, just in case you couldn't tell. The ending could've been better, but I'm not complaining. But I guess I can say that this game was WAY better than System Shock 2. It offered more atmosphere, an awesome story, badass enemies, superb graphics..............if there were a couple things better in SS2 than in Bioshock, it would be that it was scarier and had more variety in weapons and powers. I must've jumped more times than any game when playing SS2.

Now, I'm alternating between Mass Effect, Super Mario Bros. 3, Super Metroid, and Super Mario Galaxy. I'm almost finished with Galaxy (I think), and it's been a pretty fun journey. It's not the best platformer I've ever played, but it's probably in my top 10. Super Metroid I'm stuck on at the moment, and have no idea where to go. SMB3 has me stumped with World 6 at the moment. Mass Effect has been incredible so far, even if I'm still at the beginning of the game and just became a Spectre. I love the side quests this game has to offer, and the options in dialogue. However, it seems to me that the KOTOR games were more in depth. I mean, in this game, you can't even have conversations with your party members, which is disappointing (unless that comes later in the game). Plus, there's so many people roaming around in the environment where I'm at, but only a few of them you can talk to. I was expecting a LOT more NPC interaction than what I'm getting. I'm enjoying it other than those complaints, though. I can get past the glitches and bugs easily, and it seems like it isn't as buggy as the KOTOR games, so I'm fine with that.

Wednesday I went down to the city with my dad to go window shopping at all of the major electronic stores. I bought my first major hip-hop CD since I bought Eminem's The Eminem Show in 2002, and it was Lupe Fiasco's The Cool. I'm glad I bought it, because he's one of my favorite rappers, and he spits some hot fire on this one. Plus, each and every song has a dope beat and a nice hook to it, so that's always a plus. I've only listened to it 1 and a half times so far, but I'll definately play it as much as I can. Definately one of the best hip-hop albums of 2007, but I still like Common's Finding Forever better. I just couldn't stop listening to that CD. Literally, I must've listened to it at least 20 times, and I'd be willing to listen to it more times.

Well, with 2007 behind us, what lies ahead for me in 2008? So much. It is going to be one hell of a year, and here's why:

  • My first prom (if I have the balls to go)
  • Graduation
  • My move back to Georgia
  • The presidential election
  • Gaming, such as Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Grand Theft Auto IV, Fallout 3, Fable 2, Banjo Threeie, and much more, and HOPEFULLY joining Xbox Live for the first time
  • Starting college (hopefully)
  • Trying to get another girlfirend

:( at #3. I'm so sick of moving. Plus, it was hard for me to make friends when I was down there last time. The only friends I made down there were from the North, like me:?. And then there's that horrible drought:|. But, I guess getting out of Michigan has its benefits, such as getting away from a state with a bad economy and being farther away from two of the most dangerous cities in the country (Flint and Detroit). Why am I thinking about that right now, though? I still have half a year left, and I need to enjoy it to the fullest (despite all of the stress).

Man I'm hungry. Gotta go find some eats.

Like Sand Through The Hourglass, So Are The Days of Our Lives.......

(que the Days of Our Lives theme) And as the days of our lives pass, so do the years. You know what that means, right? 2007 is almost gone, and 2008 is on its way to take 2007's place. But before 2008 takes over in about 6 hours, and Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin Eve dominates the television tonight, let me recap on my thoughts of 2007:

It was a very quick year, and I kept feeling like time was flying by so fast. Seriously, the month of September passed by so quickly, and before I knew it, Christmas had arrived:?. Never before has that happened from what I can remember. Other than being a quick year, though, it was also very action-packed for me, compared to the boring 2006. So much happened to me this year, that I can hardly believe it. Also, unlike last year, this year wasn't so unlucky for me, and I wasn't constantly stumbling in piles of dog sh*t getting in my way in my life. What exactly did happen to me this year?

I continued to experience the next generation of gaming with the Wii.

I won a state-wide art contest that placed me in the top 18, which prompted me to reveal my art here on Gamespot.

My one and only first cousin got married this year, and the wedding actually turned out surprisingly great.

I visited Minnesota for the second time in my life to see my half-brother and his new family, who turned out to be quite a mixed bunch.

My grandfather tested negative for prostate cancer, and soon returned to his normal, drunken self:|.

My mom's divorce with my dad became final.

I turned 18, opening a whole slew of horizons for my life.

I went to my first ever Homecoming dance, and had the time of my life.

I obtained my first real girlfriend ever, and felt like I was on top of the world for a few months, but then had to break up with her because of unexpected, shocking truths (or lies in this case:P ).

I experienced a first date that I will never be able to forget, which was both embarassing and life-threatening.

I got a heart cathode to cure my heart from having heart palpitations any longer, which I've had since I was born.

I finally got my braces out of my mouth, and replaced with a retainer.

I expanded my experience with the next generation of gaming by getting an Xbox 360 for Christmas:D.

That's pretty much my whole year in a nutshell for ya. Yup, looking back on all of that, as well as so much more that has happened, I can easily say that this year was a better year for me than last year.

The entertainment world was also superb this year as well, introducing one of the best gaming, cinematic, and musical years in recent memory. In the gaming category, so many awesome sequels and brand new games made their way to retail stores everywhere. The Wii had Super Mario Galaxy, Super Paper Mario, Warioware: Smooth Moves, Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, Zack and Wiki, Medal of Honor: Heroes 2, and more. Xbox 360 had its best year ever, scoring games such as Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, Halo 3, Bioshock, Mass Effect, Forza Motorsport 2, The Orange Box, and much, much more. PS3.............meh, skip this one:P. PC, while I have barely any knowledge about, seemed to have a great year with World In Conflict, Sam and Max: Season 1, Supreme Commander, Command and Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars, Crysis, World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade, and others. PSP...........meh, skip this one as well:P. Now the DS had some stellar releases as well, ranging from Pokemon Diamond and Pearl, The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass, Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings, Contra 4, Sonic Rush Adventure, Hotel Dusk: Room 215, and others. (whew) That is a ton of gamage!

The cinema showed tons of stellar movies this year, and some of the biggest franchises ever made their return to the big screen. Tons of sequels cames out, and among them are Spiderman 3, Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End, Shrek the Third, Live Free or Die Hard, Ocean's Thirteen, The Bourne Ultimatum, Rush Hour 3, National Treasure: Book of Secrets, the list goes on and on! Unfortunately, some, such as Shrek the Third, Spiderman 3, and Rush Hour 3 were absolute disappointments, while others, such as Live Free or Die Hard, Ocean's Thirteen, and The Bourne Ultimatum, proved to be spectacular treats for the eyes. But other than the sequals, tons of original movies made their debut. The Simpsons Movie marked the first full-length movie based on the television show, while 300 was hailed by many as an epic that will go down in history with Gladiator, Ben-Hur, and Braveheart. Knocked Up, Superbad, Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story, and Juno all proved that you can still get a great comedy in a sea of cliches and wannabes. Walk Hard even proved to be a surprisingly hilarious parody, which is about as rare as westerns are nowadays, but the remake of 3:10 to Yuma proved that the genre is alive and well. American Gangster marked the return of Ridley Scott, and No Country For Old Men marked the return of the Coen Brothers. Gone Baby Gone proved that even if Ben Affleck was a mediocre actor, he could direct one hell of a movie according to a lot of people. Musicals were very common, with Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street, Hairspray, and Enchanted getting some big screen time. Robert DeNiro returned to the big screen in the fantasy epic Stardust, while Tom Hanks returned in Charlie Wilson's War. So much more movie magic took place this year, and with all of this, this was one of the best years to go to the movies in recent memory.

Since I primarily listen to hip-hop music, I'll only describe this genre. Basically, this year was a balance between the positives and negatives of rap. The positives were that some of the most legendary and recognized names in hip-hop put out albums this year. Rappers like Common, Talib Kweli, Lupe Fiasco, Pharoahe Monch, Kanye West, The Wu-Tang Clan, Freeway, Jay-Z, UGK, Chamillionaire, and many others all put out some bangers. The mixtape game was changed, with many rappers getting recognized by their skill, and DJs such as DJ Drama and DJ Khaled putting out albums to display the talent. Many producers put out albums as well to showcase their producing talent and to unify hip-hop, such as Marco Polo, Statik Selektah, Timbaland, Hi-Tek, and DJ Jazzy Jeff. Unfortunately, rap also showed signs of actually being put on life support, with clowns such as Mims, Huey, Plies, UNK, Hurricane Chris, Flo-Rida, Jibbs, and especially Soulja Boy, turning rap into a mess of snap rap and absymal lyrics with a sh*tload of goofy dances, more ringtones than a person can download in their lifetime, and stupid anthems that keep getting repeated and repeated. Overall, hip-hop music had its ups and downs this year.

Well, I guess there's only one way to end an "End of the Year" blog entry..........


Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story

It's not often that we get an actual good spoof at the movies these days. I mean, the however many people there are that are the creators of the Scary Movies have f*cked up the way America sees parodies nowadays that it's sad. I mean, the last great movie spoof was probably the original Shrek, and that came out way back in 2001. Well, look no further. Looking at the movie poster and seeing that it says, "From the guy who brought you Knocked Up and Superbad" should indicate that the great Judd Apatow was somehow involved, and that this movie is guarenteed to be hilarious. And that's exactly what it was. If you couldn't figure it out already, Walk Hard is poking fun at the biopic genre of movies, and specifically, Walk the Line (hence the name WALK Hard). It does a damn good job of pointing out all of the cliches of biopics and turning them into jokes. For example, when John C. Reilly starts playing the role after showing Dewey Cox's childhood, it shows him playing at a high school talent show, but then it's revealed that he's only 14 years old:lol:. That's how over-the-top this movie is. In fact, it's so over-the-top, that it shows male frontal nudity in it:P. Oops, did I just spoil it? Oh well, you'll probably forget this review after reading it and be surprised anyways:P. Anyways, the songs are pretty damned good, and some had me rolling in laughter at how funny, yet how real, it sounded. Personally, I liked the version of the song "Walk Hard" best when Ghostface Killah was rapping a verse:P. The cast is spectacular, and you'll notice lots of cameos of the usual Judd Apatow crew, such as Paul Rudd, Jonah Hill, that Middle Eastern dude from 40-Year Old Virgin, and that strange woman who's the boss at Smart Tech in Virgin. There's also an appearance by Jack Black, Justin Long, Frankie Muniz, and Jason Schwartzman. Also, there's Jenna Fischer, who plays Cox's love interest. She does a wonderful job, and she's hawt, too:oops:. If you are a Judd Apatow fan, a Walk the Line fan, or just a fan of parodies or comedies in general, go see this movie now. One of the year's best comedies (as if this year didn't have enough "best comedies" ). It gets a 9.5/10.

I Am Legend

Will Smith is back to play hero again, and believe it or not, he's not, I just totally stole that from the poster:P. I Am Legend is about the seemingly last person on Earth who tries to find a cure to transform creatures called "Dark Seekers" back to normal humans after a virus wipes out almost all of humanity. It's a hybrid of science fiction and horror, and like a combination of 28 Days Later and Cast Away. Most of the movie focuses on Will Smith's character and his dog going through their day to day routine of being the only person in New York City left, while at the same time, trying to solve the mystery of those Dark Seekers. This movie is filled with many cheep scares, and most of the time I was cringing at a suspenseful moment, expecting something to jump out. Half the time, I was correct, but the others I was just a little too paranoid:P. Will Smith does a good job at acting like he is very lonely, and even starts making friends with mannequins at a video store:lol:. Does this remind anyone else of Wilson? The ending is a little bit disappointing to me, as I was expecting more to it, but it was alright I guess. The special effects are amazing, except for the fact that you can tell easily that the animal's (except for Will Smith's dog) was composed of CGI. I have no idea how much this follows the book, but according to my contemporary American literature teacher, it doesn't, and she was actually angry with this movie being made:P. I actually enjoyed it, and I highly recommend it. It gets and 8.5/10.

Well, have a great New Year's Eve, be safe, and hope you can make it to 12:00 AM. I sure will;). Don't party too hard, and once again, be extra careful out on those roads. As for me, well, I'll probably be staying at home, playing video games, since we're under a winter weather advisory. That + drunk drivers out on the roads driving on the wrong side of the road (I'm looking at you, guy who killed a family in Ohio:evil: ) = not a good night to be out driving. Besides, I'm not much of a party person. Once again, have a phenomenal New Year, and see you in 2008:D!

Some of The Most Hilarious Videos I've Seen On YouTube In 2007

As part of the madness of the year's end, I'm going to post the most hilarious and memorable videos I've seen on YouTube, whether they be comedians doing their thang, reactions to shocking videos, hysterical flash cartoons created by people with twisted minds, angry game reviewers, pranks, remixes, and so many more. Now I realize that some, if not maybe most, of these videos may have come out before 2007, but this is just a list of the videos I'VE seen throughout the year, and to those who haven't seen them, I wanted to share the laughter. Hope you have a comfortable pillow to place on your computer chair, and some potato chips to munch on, because it's going to be quite a ride.........

1.) Stephen Lynch, the singing comedian. Thank goodness my friend recommended me to watch this dude, because he is unbelievable. Watch his performance of his song "Superhero" and you'll see what I mean;).

2.) Ventrillo harassment, Duke Nukem StyIe8). Apparently that angry girl couldn't handle the balls of steel:P.

3.) One of Tourette's Guy's last videos before passing away. R.I.P. :(.

4.) The one that started my Jeff Goldblum obsession. Seriously, do you have room for Jeff Goldblum?

5.) A drunk guy gets a prank phone call from a guy using an Arnold Schwarzenegger soundboard. One of the funniest prank calls I've ever seen.

6.) A compilation of prank calls on C-SPAN. Makes me wish I had that channel now to experience the hilarity:P.

7.) Madness. THIS..........IS............A REMIX THAT'S ACTUALLY FUNNY!!!!!! Seriously, check it out. A hilarious and random remix of the infamous line in the film 300.

8.) The continuation of the controversal "Trapped In The Closet" videos by R. Kelly. Teh funniness is strong with this one. For those who haven't caught it from the very beginning, here's a link. Even though it is funnier than hell to watch and shouldn't be taken seriously, the story does get a little interesting to me. Also, I highly recommend the Mad TV spoof, called "Trapped In the Cupboard."

9.) A remix of the Liberty Medical commercials, where Wilford Brimley says "Diabetas." It's actually pretty catchy if you ask me:P.

10.) A whiny kid gets scolded by his parents when he refuses to log off of World of Warcraft. I love how the father handles the situation:lol:.

11.) The magic of Frank Caliendo's impressions. Too bad his television show on TBS sucks balls.

12.) One of the cheeziest horror movies ever gets a remix overhaul. And the results? OH MY GODDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!

13.) And who could forget TEH GARBAGE DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????? Check out the whole 7 minute clip from that craptastic movie. It gets better:P.

14.) Phoenix Wright gives out boots to the head. I feel sorry for Jenny and the wimp:(. Here's the original clip, too.

15.) A white kid in a rich looking neighborhood tries to "ghostride the f*ckin whip homie." Yes, he actually says that, followed by a cracked squeal of joy.

16.) Soulja Boy ghostrides the whip. In front of a Piggly Wiggly.

17.) Soulja Boy's "Crank Dat" music video. LOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!

18.) Dane Cook, yada yada yada, everyone knows about him:P.

19.) But does everyone know about Brian Regan? One of the funniest (and cleanist) comedians I've seen in recent memory.

20.) Not a direct link to a single, specific video, but a link to a whole bunch. The Angry Video Game Nerd. The number one source to go to when you want to see angry reviews of crappy games from the old-school.

21.) Don't forget Irate Gamer, too! Sure, he's a total ripoff of AVGN, but he has reviewed some games that AVGN hasn't, and he even has some good points sometimes, even on the games that AVGN has reviewed also, so I enjoy his videos as well.

22.) A guy that sounds like a cross between Christopher Walken and Steve Carell gets frustrated while playing some insanely hard levels of Super Mario Bros. It's a pretty long video, but trust me, it's worth it8).

23.) Charlie the Unicorn goes to candy mountain with his creepy unicorn friends. Great to watch while stoned:D. Not that I would know what it was like, because I never smoke......

24.) WHO WANTS MUFFINS????!!!! *smiles with a creepy, wide smile for 30 seconds* Personally, I'd like to try the shampoo muffin:P. Check out this dude's other videos as well, filled with massive randomness and over-the-top songs. I highly recommend the video titled "Let Me Borrow That Top."

25.) How could I forget the best commercial of the year? It makes me want to actually play Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker just to CASTP A SPHELL!!!! Oh, remix version, too.

26.) What's better than seeing people react to screamer videos? Seeing them react to the "2 girls 1 cup" video, that's what:P. If you've seen that monstrosity of a video, you've probably been scarred for life. I know I am:(. It's funny to see what kinds of reactions different people get, though. There's celebrities like rapper Pras, Wyclef, Joe Rogan (of Fear Factor and The Man Show fame), Ron Jeremy, Robert Kelly, The Roots, and even Kermit the Frog! There's also normal people responding in hysterical ways, whether it be a whole family watching it individually, a guy sitting all alone getting scared by it, somebody's boss, or a group of friends. Lastly, there's a guy that tries to reenact it............with a Barbie doll:|.

27.) IMO, the BME Pain Olympics reaction videos are better. Luckily, since I'm so sane, I decided to refrain from watching it. If you want to know what it is, try reading the comments from some of these videos. I'm sure you'll find out. Anyways, this guy's reaction is hilarious. Same with these two. This guy even eats a banana:P. But of all of them, I think this guy takes the cake.

28.) Last, but most certainly not least, there's the "Awesome" spoof videos of video games. Out of all of them, I think Metal Gear Awesome is the funniest. It's just got so many random things in it, that I was losing track! To see the others, check out this guy's profile page.

29.) Oh sh*t! I forgot one other video, and it's the best one of them all! Makes the rest of the videos look as funny as a Martin Lawrence movie. Here's the Holy Grail of the funny videos I've seen this year.

*whew* There ya go. Hope everyone appriciates the laughs from this sh*tload of videos I provided. You better like them, too:evil:. I didn't just sit here for about 2 1/2 hours and make this blog post for nothing. In fact, I could've been playing Mass Effect this whole time (awesome game BTW), but since I'm such a nice friend, I provided you folks with awesome videos.

This probably isn't my last blog post of the year, since I want to do a final one on New Year's Eve, but if for some reason I can't, well, see you in 2008 I guess!














How'd you like how clever I was when I put a different Rick Astley video instead of the usual "RICK ROLL'D" video to fool you on #29? Oh, you didn't watch it? Well....................WATCH THE DAMN VIDEOS FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE:evil: !!!!! And also, what do you think of my clever techniques of keeping this message hidden, too? Oh, is that angry smiley giving it away? Son of a....

I Have NO Idea Why I'm On Here Today, But...........

............I just wanted to say......oh, you know:P. It's inevitable. I mean, it's the TWENTY FIFTH of DECEMBER. I mean, if you really don't know what today is, then how the hell did you get this far in life with such ignorance? Oh for Christ's sake (pun intended:P ), fine I'll say it................


There. Now, hopefully everyone's holiday is going swell, and I hope that everyone is enjoying spending time with loved ones that care. I also hope that everyone got what they wanted for Christmas (or if they didn't deserve sh*t, I hope they didn't get what they wanted:P ). As for me, I'm pretty happy with what I got. Got an Xbox 360, so now I have the ultimate game system. In fact, I didn't get the arcade one, but I got the Pro one:D. I was so surprised. So, instead of worrying about getting by with a dinky memory card, I got the full 20GB hard drive, as well as a silver membership to Xbox Live, a headset, and two extra games: Forza Motorsport 2 (which looks WAY better than Gran Turismo 3, the only racing game I've ever cared for) and Marvel: Ultimate Alliance (which I've been curious to play, since it has a variety of different superheroes from different comics, unlike X-Men Legends, where it's just the X-Men). Hell, it's even got tons of demos from Xbox Live Arcade, as well as a full version of Hexic HD, which I played a little bit. I even managed to unlock my first achievements, so go me! I tried Forza already, but it seems too complicated for me at the moment, so I'll pass on that one right now:P. As for Marvel, I haven't started that yet.

But the two true games that I asked for were Bioshock and Mass Effect. Haven't played ME yet, but Bioshock is f*cking insane. I mean, it is "Oh. My. F*cking. God." insane. It's like a mix of 4 genres: horror, adventure, first-person shooter, and RPG. And let me tell you, after beating System Shock 2 the other night, I felt right at home with Bioshock, only it improves just about everything possible that was in System Shock 2. It's scarier than hell, the graphics are some of the most impressive I've ever seen (this coming from a person who played this as their first true next-gen game:P ), the action is intense, the environment is fully interactive, and the physics for the dead bodies is incredible. Did I mention it scares the sh*t out of me? Seriously, there is this one part in a dentist's office, and.............ok, no spoilers there. But anyways, I think this here is my Game of the Year. It's just so superb, and I can't get enough. Sorry Mario:(. The 360 has taken over my mind.

Unfortunately, I'm not so sure if I'm too impressed with the consule itself. First of all, it is a LOT bigger than I expected it to be, and is about the same size (if not bigger) than the original Xbox. And the adaptor connected to the power cord? The Angry Video Game Nerd would be having a tantrum! Second, it is so damn noisy when I play games..........and I'm worried. I've read online that the 360s that are noisy are the older versions, and that those ones are the ones that result in the Red Ring of Death:?. That's why everytime I turn it on, I always have an intense staredown with the power button on the console to expect the redness and not the green around the ring. It's going to drive me up the f*cking wall, but oh well. I wouldn't be the only one.

So, other than that precious Xbox 360, what else did I get? Eh, nothing much. I got some DVDs (Superbad, Knocked Up, The Simpsons Movie), some Wii accessories (AKA Wiimote charger and Wii points card), and a sweet new computer chair, since my last one was falling apart, due to the fact that my overweight self kept leaning back on it too hard:P. Other than that, that's about it. But that's more than enough for me. I'm more than satisfied with what I got, and I can't wait to jump back into the underwater city of Rapture to take down some Big Daddies:twisted:.

Once again everyone, MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!

No More Pretend Grillz!

Yesterday, I finally got those annoying braces off of my teeth:D ! I'm so happy. My teeth feel a little weird right now, as if they have some slimy film covering them, but other than that...........wait a minute, there's more to that, unfortunately. A retainer. As if I thought my journey of obtaining pretty teeth would finally come to an end, along comes Mr. Retainer to make a lovely home in the roof of my mouth for 2 months:|. It's not too bad, I guess, but it does tend to get annoying when I have to constantly take it off to eat. Also, I find myself playing with it with my tongue. Other than those gripes, though, it's nice to feel my teeth again:). Brushing my teeth has never been so smooth, and eating food has never been so easy.

Other than that and last minute schoolwork up the ass, nothing much has been happening. I've been getting back into the game Dreamfall: The Longest Journey after getting a little bored of Super Mar.............err, I mean, uh, after wanting to PRESERVE some Super Mario Galaxy goodness for Christmas:oops:. What, you thought I was going to say I was getting bored of such a superb game? HA! Teh funniness! But anyways, Dreamfall is actually proving to be surprisingly good. The gameplay is simplistic ass, but the only reason I keep playing is because of the story. It's pretty sweet. I hope to complete it before Christmas, since I hear it is so short, but I don't think that should be a problem.

Speaking of Christmas, COUNTDOWN!

Days Left Until Break--1!

Days Left Until Christmas--5!

Days Left Until New Year's Eve--...........meh, don't really care about that at the moment.

Days Left Until Final Exams--Do I REALLY want to worry about that right now:| ?

Days Left Until Valentine's Day--WTF?

That's about all for today. Probably my shortest blog post in months, but I'm so anticipated to get out of school and for Christmas to come that I'm feeling lazy. Go figure. Anyways, have a nice Friday tomorrow, and I'll probably be back before Christmas, so see ya later!

Doc, Stitch Him Up and Hand Him A Snow Shovel!

Level 35. Stitches. Heh. Cool. Yeah, I've been level 35 for a little while now, but I might as well acknowledge it, just like I have to acknowledge the fact that we have gotten bombarded with a sh*tload of snow overnight. Jesus, I've already been outside to shovel the damned stuff 2 times this morning alone, and it's STILL coming down. My mom was the one who got my ass up at 7:30 to the sweet scenery of snow mountains outside:|. I swear, if I'm going through all of this work that's wasting my Sunday away, and I don't have a snow day tomorrow to make up for it, I'm going to throw a temper tantrum so bad that it makes a toddler's look like a simple whimper.

But I guess all of this snow has a positive side to it. The fact that Christmas break is around the corner, as well as Christmas itself, makes the snow useful for creating atmosphere, which is something that we didn't have last year. The countdown is on!

Days Left Until Break--6

Days Left Until Christmas (and the day when I'll be playing Mass Effect and Bioshock for the first time:P )--9

Oh yeah, I almost forgot. It looks like it's confirmed that I'll be getting an Xbox 360 for Christmas after all:D. I have no idea if I'm making a big mistake or not, but I'm asking for the Arcade one because I really don't have that much use for online at the moment, and I just want a 360 for the single-player experiences. I cannot wait! One last countdown:

Days Left Until I Get My Braces Off--3

That's right, on Wednesday, I'm finally getting these annoying f*ckers off of my teeth:D. I'm so excited. At least, I'm pretty sure I'm getting them off. That's what my dentist said last time at least. But it will be so nice not to have to dig food out from between my braces and teeth any longer, because I'm getting sick of doing that. I'm also tired of swishing milk around in my mouth when I get food stuck and my mom constantly having to tell me, "Stop doing that! That's bad for your teeth!" I do it with pop, too:P.

School has been getting on my nerves, like usual, especially AP English. Reading Frankenstein is alright, but the fact that we have to write in a composition book ten billion things for every 4 chapters is torture. Not only that, but being assigned other books to read outside of class (as if Frankenstein wasn't homework:roll: ) at the same time is a pain. The bad thing is we are being assigned to read half of this boring looking book over break. With Mass Effect and Bioshock keeping me occupied, how the f*ck am I supposed to be interested and motivated to read a boring book? It's blasphemy! BLASPHEMY!!!!!

I got tons of movies over the past week or so, visiting stores like Best Buy and Wal-Mart. Last weekend, during my visit to Circuit City, I got a copy of Snatch for $3.99, and the 2-disk special edition of Boyz N The Hood for only $8.99 at Best Buy. Then, yesterday, during my visit at Wal-Mart, I got About Schmidt, The Aviator, and War of the Worlds for only $5. It's cool how even after Black Friday has passed, I can still manage to find tons of great deals on DVDs. I'm gonna need them if in the future, when HD-TV takes over, and I don't have an HD-TV, so I can still watch movies on a regular TV.

Lastly, Amelia and I finally started talking to each other again on Tuesday, after 3 school days of awkward silence toward each other. Being in the same group in AP English cl@ss, we HAD to start talking to each other in order to complete our assignment. But I'm glad we're still friends, even after what happened. I've lost too many friends over the years, and I just want to keep one for once.

I'm done talking my brains out. I've gotta go back out in the cold world and shovel some more. Then I gotta finish reading Frankenstein. Then fold clothes. Then read some more. Then shovel some more. Then become disappointed next morning because I find out I actually have school. Then go to school pissed. Then get tons of homework. Then come home and light my backpack of homework on fire in rage. Then fail my classes. Then dropout. Then................heheh. Forget those last 6 sentences:oops:.