(sigh) I probably shouldn't be on here, on the count of I'm supposed to be reading Frankenstein for English, but f*ck it. Reading is taking over my life, and I need a f*cking break. Jesus Christ, my brain feels like it's going to implode. Not just from the joys of reading, but from other things. Mostly with the bullsh*t of school, and that damned senior project breathing down my neck. I just don't know what do think anymore. Too much on my mind, especially with my girlfriend.
Our relationship? Pretty much the same as the past few months, so no conflict going on there. However, like I said before, I'm starting to suspect her of lying to me. Well, yesterday, she told me yet another bizarre story of hers that sounds unbelievable to me, and I went to my mom about it. Amelia's guardians go to this bar/organization in town all of the time, which means that a lot of people that go there know them, so since my my mom is also a member there, she went down there to have a few drinks and shoot the breeze like usual, but she also asked around about what they knew about Amelia and basically investigated. It's kinda awkward to see my mom getting in my business like this, playing private eye, but I guess it's for my own good. Turns out she found out from somebody that, and I have NO idea if they were drunk or not, but they said that she keeps some sort of journal to make things up, and that all of this sh*t dealing with her transplant, etc. is just an act. In other words, she's psycho, and I need to watch my back. My mom told me this, and I didn't know what to think. I have no idea who to believe, her or Amelia, anymore. Seriously, last night when my mom told me this, I just wanted to break down and cry in frustration. I'm so overwhelmed right now I don't know what to do. Everytime I'm around Amelia now, I can't help but think about it. If this sh*t is true, and Amelia is lying through her teeth, then I'm going to be so disappointed. I mean, she's my first true girlfriend, and she is the only person that seems to care about me at school. If I lose her, I'll be reduced to nothing all over again until I move back to Georgia. I'll be put in a situation with having no friends again like I did when I first moved up here to Michigan. I've even contemplated breaking up with her, even though I don't want to. We really aren't that close, we never hang out outside of school, and everytime we talk on the phone, there's always constant awkward silence. And yet, I still want to keep her:?. I don't know, I just don't know. Maybe I'll see how things go within the next month or so. Maybe I can find out more info or something. Maybe she'll reveal some information to me that she doesn't tell anyone other than the people she cares about. Maybe........
To make matters worse for me today:
Rapper Pimp C died today:cry:. Yeah, I know that barely anyone gives a sh*t about hip-hop on this website, but I don't care. Pimp C was part of the legendary Houston rap duo known as UGK, and this is probably one of the biggest hip-hop deaths in quite a while. What's bizarre is that they just released an album as a group this past summer, too. I haven't really listened to much UGK, other than some songs from their most recent album, but they can put out some dope music to ride to. I mean, there's a reason they are called the Underground Kings. It's a shame that Pimp C had to go so quickly, though. R.I.P.
Let's see, what else? Ummm.........well, I'm not doing as well as I should in school, the weather is sh*tty, this Jeff getting fired bullsh*t is getting on my mother f*cking nerves, my cat is a douche, my dog is a douche, I watched a movie this past weekend that hurt my brain (L.A. Confidential), the--
*Dude, would you CALM your PORKY ASS down?!!! You're like a hog that's squealing over another hog taking your spot in a mud bath or something, jeeze!*
You try to walk in my shoes and see what it's like:|.
*I would, if I had feet, Edison. Besides, I don't think I could put up with the immense amount of weight.*
Why did you call me Edison?
*Because, everyone overuses the name "Einstein," so I decided to switch it up and call you "Edison" sarcastically instead. Learn to think outside of the box.*
How original:roll:.
*Now, before I have to change into large, pink text, surrounding your blog with a pink massacre you will never be able to forget until your soul dies, will you PLEASE tell everyone something positive for a change?*
If you stop calling me fat, yeah I'll change up my blog s7yle a little bit.
Oh well, Until Next Time people, LAT--
*OK!!! Ok. Fine. You win. But ONLY to see you say something positive for once. I mean, it's Christmas time. I'm sick of seeing everyone depressed. It's like everyone reacting to if The Tonight Show was cancelled all of a sudden, and people crying because they'll never see Jay Leno's face on their television ever agai.....oh crap, that actually DID happen in a way, didn't it?*
Yeah, nice simile, moron:roll:.
*Go f*ck a............um.......well, just go f*ck something!*
Whatever you say:P.
*But first, tell about your experiences with Super Mario Galaxy!*
Well, my mom, being the awesome person she is, let me play Super Mario Galaxy early:P. Since my dad foolishly left it here without his authority, my mom just told me that it was his fault that he left it here, and that I could play it:P. Besides, he's not the one who was going to wrap it anyways, and he can hardly tell if the game is open or not, so why not? So, I started playing it, and............................I hated it:|. The end.
*Then why did I see you play it until 3:00 in the morning on Saturday night?*
Thanks for spoiling the controversy:|. Yes, I honestly did like what I played. So many levels to experience, and so much to see. This is probably my favorite game of the year alongside Pokemon Diamond. I just could NOT put it down. Sure, it's a little easy to play, but there's still a hint of difficulty in it. I mean, I've died countless times already, and I'm only at about 30 stars:P. Thanks to the endless supply of 1-ups, though, dying doesn't become so frustrating, so that's why the game is a little easy. Still, with all of the variety in the game, it's hard not to like it. It is easily better than Super Mario 64, because of more activity in the worlds and superior graphics. In fact, I really wasn't that impressed with Super Mario 64 when I played it, but I guess that's what happens when I wait to play the game when it gets ported to the DS:P. But yeah..........pretty much the same reaction as everyone elses, so I won't go on and on about this game, because people know what to expect.
Speaking of Mario, check out this video of someone playing Mario in frustration. Amelia sent me this video, and I just cracked up laughing. It reminded me of Angry Video Game Nerd a little bit;).
And I'd appriciate it if some more people gave me some recommendations of getting an Xbox 360 or not. I know more people other than Aljosa and collective that read my blog have 360s. Come on. Show some gaming love:cry:.
Ok, time to read some Frankenstein. I'm done being an ass like usual:P.
*A FATass, that is. Heheheheheh........*
*Hello? You still there, typing your blog?*
*Testing testing. One two........*
*Well, while this sucka is off the internet, let me tell you all something that you should know about Josh. I heard he was secretly a woman dressed up as a man. Yup, you heard me correctly. A friend of a friend of a girlfriend of a husband of a grandfather told me. Yes, I said a husband of a grandfather. It should be inevitable, since the mustache definately looks fake. And the gotee is really just artist pastels that he uses to draw on himself to make him look manly. He uses those for his arm hairs, too. But yeah, I also heard that he likes to watch General Hospital in the afternoons when he comes home from school. He even records the episodes on his DVD recorder and puts up videos on Youtube! In fact, here's an example! Yes, he has an account called CaziGirl. Like I said, he's secretly a woman, so it's absolutely necessary to fit in to his feminine qualities. Although I do admit that Sonny is a badass........*
Yes, he is a badass, isn't he?
*Most definately. I mean, did you see the way he took care of the business with his father on today's episode? I mean, wow! Although I do admit that his former lover told him what's what, you know? And, damn, do you think Jason is going to get to keep Jake or is Lucky going to take him? And what is up with Emily's ghost appearing in front of Nikolas' eyes?*
I KNOW!!! It just seems so unreal! So many questions.....
*Exactly! And.............................................oh sh*t. Ummmmm, exactly how long have you been standing there?*
Standing? Well, more like sitting, becoming amused with all you have to say, you ol' text. Claiming I'm a woman? Calling me fat? Saying I watch General Hospital? Not only that, but you have the nerve to put up links leading to pictures of the people on that show. Very amusing stuff there. So, since you have so much knowledge of General Hospital, why don't you continue explaining what you know about the show?
*Uhhhhhh, about those images. I just wanted something to get that picture of Pimp C out of my head. I'm so upset by his death at the moment, that it's hard to see his face without crying. R.I.P. by the way....*
(clears throat) You were going to explain the show..........
*Ummmmm..............how about I run away from that backspace key again instead?*
That is also a devine choice.
(runs to Video Game King's blog)
That's what I thought. (watches General Hospital videos on YouTube to recap what happened the past few days)
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