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Overwhelming Times Call For Desperate Housewiv........I mean, Measures

After my fourth day of high school, I have something to tell you people: Whoever says that junior year is the hardest, well, that is a LIE. A BIG, FAT LIE. It's pretty obvious that the hardest year in high school is the last year, am I right? Well, I guess in a lot of cases, seniors take easy cl@sses after taking all of their required cl@sses in previous years. In MY case, I decided to take two AP cl@sses, plus some other little cl@sses that aren't as bad. Remember how I said AP English seemed intimidating? I couldn't have been more right. I'm not saying the people in the cl@ss are bad, because I know a few people in there. I'm not saying the teacher is bad either, because she is a nice lady and is willing to help us out when we need it. It's how much work she piled onto us last night. First of all, we have to read that book that I mentioned, which is called How To Read Literature Like A Professor. Next, the teacher gave us a senior questionaire, in which we are asked a bunch of personal questions and we have to type it out. Then, she gave us this huge list of novels, and while I didn't hear her explain what we were supposed to do, after we get done reading How To Read Literature Like A Professor by October 4, we have to start reading a novel every 4 weeks. Luckily, I recognized some movies on the list, such as One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest;). And as if that weren't enough, we got a list of 80 literary terms in which we have to define, give an example, and other complicated crap for 8 words per week. :| MY BRAIN IS GOING TO IMPLODE!!!!!!!!

Meanwhile, in Commercial Art, I practically failed my first assignment. We were supposed to make at least 3 sketches of business cards AS HOMEWORK on the first day, but all I heard from her is, "You have to complete this assignment by tomorrow." So, I assumed she meant we could work on it in cl@ss the following day, and the assignment had to be complete BY THE END of that day. How wrong I was. So, she gave those who didn't complete their "homework" a D- :(. Apparently we have to take this cl@ss seriously, since she said everything we do has a deadline and you have to complete something by that deadline or you're "fired" (which means you get a bad grade more or less). Now, like with AP English, we are given multiple assignments at once which PISSES ME OFF TO NO END:evil: !!!! *sigh* I actually miss Studio Art:(.........But it could be worse (*cough* Studio Art *cough* that coughing thing is so cliched....).

The other cl@sses are going fine, though, and I've gotten a little homework out of them, but not too bad. Physics is the biggest surprise for me. The teacher is so awesome, that he's given us demonstrations galore, as well as easy work for the past two days. He showed us this cool demo in which he dipped his hand in water mixed with some kind of chemical, and lit his hand on fire, showing us that the heat had to go through the water and chemical before it hit his hand. I thought it was awesome, and he even let people come up and do it themselves. I was too much of a p*ssy to do it, but oh well. Yup, this cl@ss is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY better than taking that horrible Chemistry II.

Now, fast forward back to AP English today. After getting homework from pretty much every cl@ss, we had a counselor come in and explain to us what we would be doing as seniors this year. That's when she got into the subject of applying to colleges and making an activity resume for homework. I pretty much felt hopeless right then. Not only am I not prepared for college yet, but I KNEW everyone in the cl@ss besides me had so much volunteer experience and club experience and extracuricular experience under their belts, and I don't have sh*t. BECAUSE I'M A F*CKING LAZY SON OF A B*TCH!!!!!! Coming home in a bad mood, I explained it to my mom, and after getting pissed off at me for my lack of interest in college in the first place, she seemed proud that I was actually concerned now. We also talked about what I should be doing, and even suggested that I join a couple clubs at school as well to make it look nice on my resume. As I got my homework done and we talked more, I asked myself this question:


So, I guess what I'm saying is, I think I might want to try getting on Glitchspot less and less, as well as cutting my video game time down. I mean, so I've got too many video games to beat? WHO CARES!!!???? I've got more important stuff to worry about and to consider about. I've also gotta improve my social status, because this past week at school, it has been pathetic. I still feel like the loner I've been for the past few years, and I'm sick of it. It's my senior year! I need to do something! Homecoming isn't enough, I need to DO SOMETHING. I don't know 100% if I'll actually be willing to do this, but I can try. It never hurts to try. So, (hopefully), don't expect as many blog posts anymore. PEACE OUT!
















*Jeff Goldblum appe--

Nope, don't even try it:P.

*But why? I thought it was the right time........*

Because, it's stupid, it's pointless, and it gets VGK all fired up:P.

*But it's my job to do that.*

NOT TODAY:evil:.

*Well, f*ck you very much. B*tch. Fatass. Go join your fancy, schmancy social clubs. Go do your fancy, schmancy homework. Go apply to your fancy, schmancy colleges. Go--

(shoots action narrator in the balls with some leftover fireworks)

Yeah, that's what I thought.....

Surprising, Awkward, Familiar, Satisfying, Terrifying = My First Day As A Senior

Life is once again back to normal for me. In fact, waking up at 5:15 AM was so normal it was scary. I'm used to turning my alarm off set for 7 AM and sleeping for a couple more hours, waking up by the time the Tyra Banks show or Dr. Keith was on television. But this morning, it felt like my summer never even happened, as I woke up, ate cereal, took a shower, wiped the moisture covering the windows on my car off, and driving off to school like a typical school day. Once I got to school, though, it was obvious that things would be different. Walking through the double doors on the north side of the school next to the band parking lot, my first day of being a senior had begun.

So, how did each cl@ss turn out on my first day, and how were my teachers? Well, let's take a look (and you'll find out my schedule, too;) ). Oh, and if you don't give a sh*t about any of this, well, I wouldn't advise you to keep reading and just exit out of my blog for today, since it will NOT interest you. If you DO give a sh*t, though, by all means read, Read, READ:

AP Calculus

*sigh* My first AP cl@ss out of two of the year. Surprisingly, most of the people that were in my Pre-Calculus cl@ss last year were in my cl@ss this year, so it's like a sequel to last year's cl@ss:P. Plus, there's a few more people I knew in there as well. As for the teacher, he seems like a more laid-back and nicer fellow than my Pre-Calculus teacher last year. He did give us a math problem to do at the beginning of the hour, which was simple (even though I forgot what to do:P ), as well as a syllabus, but he gave us about a half an hour of freetime afterward:D. So, no homework in that cl@ss although I feel a vibe that this cl@ss will get tough going through the year.

American Wars

This is basically my Social Studies cl@ss for this year, and is a HUGE downgrade from last year's difficult AP History. In fact, I feel like I'm in a stupid cl@ss, made up of mostly outcasts and slackers. Fortunately, one of the girls that went to the movies with me throughout the summer was in that cl@ss and we both sighed a breath of relief knowing we had each other in that cl@ss together. But anyways, all we really study is all the different wars that occured throughout the 1800s, and if you had it next semester as well, you would be studying wars that took place during the 20th century as well, but that's not the case for me. I've had the teacher before in 10th grade English, and she was alright, but mediocre as an English teacher. Hopefully she's improved for this cl@ss. Oh, and no homework.

Commercial Art

Another year, another art cl@ss, and with the same teacher as well. In fact, I've had this teacher for 4 years now:P. But unlike last year when I had NOBODY in there to talk to, there's actually 3 people I know in there with me this year:D. Once again, a sigh of relief. It doesn't seem too difficult (especially compared to AP Studio Art, which is double the work I did last year in regular Studio Art), but I'm sure I'll run into some bumps on the curb a few times. I guess our first project is designing our own business card, which sounds kinda fun. If there's things that I like to be creative and possibly go crazy on, it's probably advertising:P. Once again, no homework.


This year I have the earliest lunch hour instead of the last lunch hour like the previous years, which has its benefits. Fortunately, the same group of girls I sat next to is there to share lunch with me. Unfortunately, instead of annoying undercl@ssmen invading the lunch table, it's a bunch of undercl@ssmen in band that are associates in some way of my friends, so I'm sitting there, crowded by people I don't even know:cry:. WHY DOES THIS HAVE TO HAPPEN!!!!???? Oh, lunch was sh*tty, too. BTW, no homewo......wait a minute, this is lunch. Oops, sorry:oops:.


If there is one thing I don't regret, it's that I took this as a science cl@ss this year instead of Chemistry II. First of all, people that took Chemistry II had tons of homework even before summer started! Second, it's Chemistry, and I had a hard time with it last year, so I wouldn't have had a chance with its sequel. Finally, it's the same teacher that I had in Chemistry I last year, so there was no way in HELL I was going to face the Homework Nazi again. My physics teacher, on the other hand, is a laid back young male teacher that seems pretty cool. It also seems like one of my very few cl@sses that will be easy (except for this project we have to do at the end of the year:cry: ). Also, there's people I know in this cl@ss as well. Still no homework, too.

Spanish II

By far, my most surprising cl@ss of the day. It was the same Spanish teacher I had last year (meh), but most of the undercl@ssmen that shared that cl@ss with me were long gone. The only ones in that cl@ss, luckily for me, were the sane ones last year, and not the obnoxious clowns. Also, I actually have a friend to share the cl@ss with too! I didn't think I knew ANYONE that took regular Spanish last year, but apparently, I had a friend that did (with a different teacher in a different hour, of course). But anyways, that was awesome. Difficulty-wise, it doesn't seem like too bad of a cl@ss but we're going to start reading a book TOMORROW, so I guess it is required to actually know some Spanish. OH NOES! But for tonight, no homework.

AP English 12

This is where it seemed my senior year would be the most intimidating. Remembering the hell that my friends went through last year in AP English made me uncomfortable when entering this cl@ss. It sounds like it could be hell, too, since my teacher automatically wants us to check out or buy this book called How To Think Like A Professor or some ish like that. Anyways, we have to read it by October 4:evil:. Also, it looks like we're reading a sh*tload of novels (a couple I recognized as movies, though, like A Streetcar Named Desire, Five People You Meet In Heaven, and the upcoming Beowulf :D) and doing a sh*tload of papers. Why me:cry: ????!!! Oh well, seeing all my friends take it prompted me to take it as well, so monkey see monkey do. Plus the teacher is 100x more tolerable than my b*tch teacher I had last year, so no complaint there. And other than finding a composition book and that one book I have to somehow obtain and read, there was no homework.

For once, I didn't want to kill myself, since I actually had a shockingly great first day of school. It was pretty lengthy, but nice nonetheless. Unlike last year, I didn't have any homework either (besides a bunch of sylabbi to get filled out ). I really do hope this will be a good year, and I'm praying to God it won't be too hard. The only things I'm worried about are those dreaded senior project (15 HOURS OF RELATED COMMUNITY SERVICE REQUIRED AS PART OF THE TOPIC OF THE PROJECT:cry::cry: ) and AP English 12. It'll probably be hell, but hey, that's life. I'm not going to get very far if all I do is take it easy in school, slack off without a job, play video games, watch movies, and get on Glitchspot all day. Well, one jam-packed day down, and over 100 more. This is going to be one hell of a ride. Just wait until Homecoming gets here, too............(Jesus Christ Glitchspot, why the hell do you have to make the word "cl@ss" complicated to type out:cry: ? )

In Loving Memory of My Last High School Summer........

:cry: It's so sad! Only one day remains before I enter my final year in high school, a year that's sure to be both painful and memorable. Man, I had one hell of a summer compared to how craptastic it was last year. For me, so much happened, even though more could've happened, but oh well. Let's take a look back on the past three months:

Movies--I must've visited the theater more times than I ever have in my whole life this summer, and for good reason, too. This is definately the best summer of movies I can remember. Here's a recap of what I saw, along with the score: Shrek the Third (6.5/10), Knocked Up (10/10), Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (8.5/10), Ratatouille (9/10), Live Free or Die Hard (9/10), Transformers (8.5/10), The Simpsons Movie (9.5/10), Rush Hour 3 (7/10), and Superbad (10/10). I might've missed a couple, but I can see why. There were so many kickass movies!

Games--From catching as many Pokemon as I could on Pokemon Diamond, to stepping into Samus' varia suit one more time in Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, I definately played quite a few games. Other memorable gameplay experiences include getting freaked out in the freeware horror adventure games 6 Days A Sacrifice and Trilby's Notes, getting nostalgia from playing Paper Mario on the Wii's Virtual Consule, mastering the short, but sweet Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne, beating the difficult Metroid Prime 2: Echoes, and discovering horror in the first person perspective in Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth.

The Situation With My Grandpa Getting Prostate Cancer--At the beginning of the summer, I had to go up north for a few days to stay with my grandparents after taking him down to Ann Arbor to get a biopsy. Luckily, a few weeks later, when paying a visit to their house one evening, a phone call came in from a doctor, and announced that it was negative:D . That was quite memorable.

The Minnesota Trip--Sure it was a short, weekend long trip, but it was still incredible. Not only did my dad and I get to see a lot of interesting (yet boring) countryside, we got to see my half brother, his new wife, and his new stepchildren. Sure, I had a problem with getting the son to communicate, but I got through to the oldest daughter, who invited me along to see a movie with them. I also got to see The Mall of America for a second time, and even bought some games there. Unfortunately, just weeks after visiting, a horrible bridge collapse occured to put a scar on the city of Minneapolis.

The Tubing Trip--At first, when my mom and I went tubing up north, there were light showers, making the experience miserable and cold. As the trip went on, though, and my mom had a few more beers:P, it got better and more exciting, as we saw things such as a deer crossing the river and a lonely baby duck almost get seperated from its group. It all ended with me driving my mom and I home back to my grandparents' house.

Swimming--Well, I only went 3 times this summer:|. Still, it's a huge upgrade from last summer, in which I only went swimming once:?.

Hanging Out.........With Girls--I actually did a lot more hanging out with friends than I did last year. In fact, these friends happen to be girls;). I went to the movies several times with them, hung out at the town fair with them, and even made them sandwiches at school registration when they were doing some volunteer work:P. I also asked one of them to homecoming, in which an unexpected, yet positive reaction occured.

My Birthday--Yeah, I pretty much turned 18 years old a couple weeks ago. That means I can vote, buy cigarettes, buy pron, order products off of the television, capable of becoming a jailhouse dog if I do something illegal:(. I MISS CHILDHOOD!!!!!

So many of you probably don't care. I could give a sh*t and a piss. But if there is one thing you care about, it is.....


I've only got one movie this time, but it was pretty good. It was:

Mystery Train

It's been awhile since I've seen a good ensemble movie. While not completely fulfilling my cravings, Mystery Train is still a pretty good movie nonetheless. It all takes place in Memphis, with each of the three fragmants all focused on Elvis Presley, while everyone's lives intersect at a hotel. There is a young Japanese couple that comes to Memphis just to discover the culture and music around them, an Italian widow who meets up with a fast talking woman after being told a strange story about Elvis's ghost, and then an English man who everyone calls Elvis that is accompanied by his black friend and white brother-in-law after a terrible situation at a liquor store. It's really a mixture of dark comedy and drama, so you might laugh a little bit while watching it. Also, while pretty much all of the cast I've never heard of, they still put on some good acting. Oh, did I mention that Steve Buscemi is in this, too? No? But it's not surprising you say? Yeah, you're right. This is probably the fourth movie in the past month I've seen with him in it. Anyways, it's cool how the stories collide, but the ending is a little lacking. I usually like my ensemble movies pretty long, and the endings to serve a purpose. Well, I was left with wanting more, and asking myself, "Was that all?" While this ending isn't as pointless as Jarmusch's most recent film, Broken Flowers, there still could've been more to it. Overall, pretty damned good, and definately for those who are into ensemble movies, foreign films, a fan of Elvis Presley, or all of the above. It gets a 9/10.

Last, but not least, I've got something to show you in....


The other day, after watching all the Brian Regan videos I could find and craving for more comedy goodness from some other comedians, I came across videos of Dane Cook (I didn't realize how funny this dude is), a video of Patton Oswalt (which was meh, so I left him alone), and some videos of Bill Engvall (yes I actually think he's funny, but not as funny as I used to think). Hell, I even watched some of my favorite Stephen Lynch acts, too. But one person caught my eye as I was searching. You may have heard of him, but his name is Frank Caliendo. This dude is INSANE with impressions. I was laughing so hard as he was doing impressions of people like President Bush, John Madden, Al Pacino, Robert DeNiro, Shaggy and Scooby Doo, and many others. I thought he was brilliant. Anyways, video is right here. BTW, if anyone would like to give me any other good comedians to search for, I would really appriciate it:).

Now is when the final countdown begins I guess. With only Monday left (time to cram in some Metroid goodness:D ), I'm starting to get a little nervous, yet a little excited about my first day. I mean, I get to meet new teachers (in which some I hear are pretty cool), discover who is in my cl@$$es, and anticipate seeing those who I KNOW are in my cl@$$es. My first day kicks off on Tuesday, and I'm sure you'll see a blog post that day as soon as I get home. Until Next Time, LATA!!!

And the Super Important, Extravagant Verdict To The Situation Is....UPDATED!!!!!

......well, I guess she'll go with me. I really don't know what to think. See, here's how it all went down. I sent her an email last Saturday, but it's been 4 days with no response. These past days have been torture, constantly clicking the refresh button on my email inbox every hour or so. I finally told my mom about it yesturday, and she told me I should just call her, and said emailing her instead of talking directly to her was silly. So, growing even more balls than I had before, I called her just now. Her mom seemed pissed by now, since I've called 2 times before, but she hasn't been home. Finally, I got lucky, and I finally got to talk to her. I struggled a little bit to ask her the question, asking it very slowly. She then responded with an "Ooooooooo," like I was telling her I liked somebody. Then, she explained to me that she's going with a group of friends (some of them I know), and that she really doesn't like going alone with a guy to Homecoming. My facial reaction right then and there was ":|." Fortunately, she said I can join her and her friends, so I said that's cool. Also, before all of that, I asked if she checked her email yet, and she says she was going to tomorrow since she's going to be at her dad's house. So, who know's what she might say in the email she sends to me in response to the one I sent to her? Basically, it looks like I'm going to Homecoming for the first time:). Unfortunately, I might not get to pick her up from her house, take her out to eat, and take her home like I was originally intending on doing. But hey, at least I didn't get rejected. And at least I had balls to call up and ask8).

And with that note, now it's time for........


A better title, don't you think:P ? Well, I bought Metroid Prime 3: Corruption yesturday. For once, I actually have other things on my mind that are bugging me more than video games, but I've been waiting for this baby to come out for awhile, so I finally bought it. It's pretty satisfying for a conclusion to the series. Judging from the first 4 to 5 hours playing it, it's definately superior to Metroid Prime 2: Echoes and probably on par with the cl@$$ic Metroid Prime. Let me just say that the beginning tutorial in this one is the best introduction in a Prime game IMO. You actually have NPCs to talk to in the first part of the game, with full voice acting (there's even a guy that says "Damn," which surprised me because I didn't think Nintendo would include curse words in their own franchises:P ). Also, a funny situation is when you shoot at the guys, a turret descends from the ceiling and starts shooting at you:lol:. The guys don't get hurt when you shoot them, but it's still funny how a defence system activates when you start becoming hostile. The bosses in the game so far are very unique and fun to battle. They are probably more exciting and distinct than the repetitive "guardians" in the previous game. I've fought about 4, and I'm expecting more goodness. The game seems a little too easy at times, though, but that's probably because I was idiotic and chose the "Normal" difficulty setting instead of "Veteran" :cry:. Also, the most important thing: controls. It took me a couple minutes to get adjusted to them, but once I did, they were very nice to use. The only problem is when you pull levers or turn switches the first couple times, the controller might be unresponsive, and you may have problems. I haven't witnessed any more troubles, though. So far, it's a very fantastic experience, and those with a Wii definately need to pick it up. It's THE best game out on it right now. Oh, and don't let Glitchspot's score intimidate you into thinking otherwise:P.

Also, I've played a little bit of Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth. I'm starting to become annoyed with it because I constantly have to use walkthroughs on it. This game is HARD. I constantly overlook the tiniest things that are required to solve the puzzles, and I constantly die, whether it be trial and error from a stealth situation or falling or something like that. Right now I'm stuck in a stealth situation, but I've become more focused on Metroid Prime 3: Corruption at the moment, so screw it for now.

Now it's time for.........


Man, too many movies I've watched the past few days. And it's a variety, too. I've got a western, a Holocaust movie, a depressing teenage movie, a semi-documentary, and a cl@$$ic comedy. Let's get this ish cracking:

The Blues Brothers--This is probably a better movie than Animal House was as far as John Belushi's cl@$$ic films go. I mean, it's humorous (and over-the-top at times), it's got cool car chases, it's got Dan Aykroyd in it alongside Belushi, it's got cool music, and it's got great cameos, whether it's music legends such as Aretha Franklin and Ray Charles or actors/actresses such as John Candy and Carrie Fisher making an appearance. What's not to like here? It gets a 9/10.

The Laramie Project--This was different for a change. It is a movie based off of the incident in Laramie, Wyoming in which a gay man was brutally beaten and tied to a fence. What was different was it was like a documentary, in which people were interviewed about the situation, only the actual people were replaced with actors. It's got quite a good cast, too, ranging from Christina Ricci to Peter Fonda to, of course, Steve Buscemi:P. I SWEAR, HE'S IN EVERY MOVIE!!!! But anyways, each actor/actress does a good job of making it seem like they were the actual citizens of this town, and everything from the opinions everyone had about gay people to the depliction of the courtcases of the accused men are so realistic, that you'll be fooled into thinking this IS a documentary. Definately worth a watch if you are interested in this sort of thing. A 9/10.

The Pianist--Yup, another Holocaust movie. In fact, after watching this one, I think it ranks up there with Schindler's List, maybe even higher. I mean, right from the beginning, everything goes wrong. There is no beginning that drags on. This is the story about a pianist who is given a chance to remain in a ghetto by a German officer he knew, while his family had to leave him, and then from there, it's all about escape and stealth. Oh, and of course, it wouldn't be a Holocaust movie without shocking and horrifying scenes, which The Pianist fills the voids completely. In fact, it could be even more shocking than in Schindler's List. Definately see this if you're into these types of movies. It will not disappoint. A 9.5/10.

Once Upon A Time In The West--Finally, I am introduced to Sergio Leone's work. It was a pretty cool experience, too. Basically, it is about a lone harmonica player who helps out a widow after her family is killed by a gang of outlaws. Sounds pretty simple, but the plot is actually more complicated than it seems. I had trouble following it at times, but maybe it's because the dialogue was hard to understand, because it's an old movie and old movies have crappy audio. I don't know, maybe I should've kept the subtitles on or something. But anyways, the camera work was awesome, and looked like a movie straight out of the 70s instead of the 60s. The characters were cool, and even badass at times, especially the harmonica player played by Charles Bronson. Overall, it was a good purchase for $7, and definately has got me lookin forward to more of Leone's movies. An 8.5/10.

Thirteen--And finally, there is this. This has to be the most depressing movie I have ever seen. But wait, you guys are probably thinking, "Well, movies like The Pianist HAVE to be more depressing than this! What are you getting at?" Well, in The Pianist, it was historical, and there were ruthless German soldiers ordered by a dictator to kill innocent Jewish people that weren't intending on dying. In Thirteen, there are kids that CHOOSE to live sh*tty, depressing lives. It's about a middle school girl who befriends a slut that hangs out with all the "cool" kids, and after she meets her, her life pretty much takes a left turn and goes straight to hell. She argues with her easygoing, yet naive mother, she starts having sex with guys she barely even knows, she starts stealing, she gets her tongue and belly button pierced, she argues with her mother again, she does drugs, she turns emo and starts cutting her wrists, she argues some more with her mother, and that's pretty much the whole movie right there. Oh, the ending is pretty awkward and stupid if you ask me. So, does anything good come out of this pathetic, unrealistic movie? Well, the cinematography was well done (I'm a sucker for shaky cameras in movies :oops: ), and the acting WAS pretty good. But besides this, nothing else really is good. I mean, after watching it, I felt like sh*t. I wanted to cut my own wrists after what I saw. It was somewhat entertaining to an extent, though. Watch at your own risk. A 7/10.

*whew* I also had to sit in the living room while my mom was watching Perfect Stranger on Saturday night, but the first 10 minutes were boring as all hell, so throughout the rest of the movie, I just found something else to do. It was a terrible movie. My mom even hated it. So, what's my point? DON'T RENT THIS MOVIE.

Finally, to end this post, it's time for......


While talking to my friend on Yahoo the other day, he introduced me to this comedian named Brian Regan. I had never heard of the man before, but I gave Stephen Lynch a chance when a buddy at school told me about him, so I might as well give this other guy a chance too. Well, I watched a couple of Regan's videos, and this is one funny dude! If you've heard of him before, you probably know what I mean. But if you haven't, check out one of his acts right here. It's probably my favorite I've seen him do so far. I still have yet to see all of them that are up on YouTube, though.

Well, with 5 more days of summer left, a highly anticipated new game to play the hell out of, and who knows what the hell else, looks like my final week of summer will be alright. Oh, and there's severe weather hitting Michigan right now as well, which isn't surprising:roll:. Last week the county I live in had a tornado warning, and we had to go to a friend's house due to the fact that we live in a friggin trailer:|. Luckily, all it did was rain heavily with some occasional lightning, and that was it. A tornado struck down about 15 minutes from where I live, though, so it was a close call. Well, Until Next Time, LATA!

Still Summer, And I'm Actually Concerned About Homecoming...WTF'S WRONG WITH ME?

Uhhhh, yeah. I must be on drugs, because I ACTUALLY want to go to a school dance for once. Heh, I remember last year posting random pics of kids going to Homecoming because I hated it, but I might be a changed man this year. First, let's flashback to Thursday.........


So, Thursday was my school registration. For once, I was actually looking forward to it, because you get to see familiar faces and friends you haven't seen over the summer, and you also get to compare schedules. Well, while there, AM and KA had a table set up trying to sell these locker shelf thingys for the school, and basically volunteering like usual. I was there with another friend of mine, and we both got registered. It went like this: got a picture taken for school IDs (in which I dressed a little too nice than pretty much every else did), filled out an order form for a yearbook, voted for Homecoming king and queen on a ballot, got a parking permit for my car, and finally, got my schedule. Well, running into people left and right, I found out that there was a surprisingly immense amount of people I know in my cl@$$es, especially AP Calculus, as well as lunch. It's nice for a change:D. Socially, it looks as if my senior year is going to be decent.

So, after that, I decided to hang with AM and KA and their friend a little while, conversing a little bit with them, and even getting the birthday card from AM that she was going to give me the other day. Then, they start in jokingly that they were hungry, and that I should go get them some food. Suddenly, a sudden urge came over me, and I actually DID want to get them sandwiches. I offered to make them some peanut butter sandwiches, and while they said that it would be excellent if I did that, they were skeptical that I would actually do it. I mean, who could blame them? Who in the right mind would be that generous? Well, as crazy as it sounds, I was that nice8). I rushed home, made 4 sandwiches, and returned to surprised faces, a mouthful of thank yous, and even hugs:shock:. HUGS!!!!! OMG!!!!! I never get hugged! I felt so awesome just then. So, anyways, I hung around a little bit more, even getting a chance to meet KA's mom. I had to leave, though, because it was getting close to 2:00, which was when registration ended, so I went home with satisfaction filling my mind. I also went home with other thoughts, such as the actual Homecoming dance;).........

Fast-forward to today.....

F......F.....FAST FORWARD!!!!

So, during dinnertime (after purchasing my first lottery tickets by myself for the first time8) ), my mom asked me if I was considering on going to Homecoming, since she's always wants me to go to events such as these, even if I always decline. That's when I revealed all of my thoughts, about wanting to take one of my friends and all, and she gave me the OK and we both agreed that it would be an awesome experience for me. I mean, it is my senior year and I need to go nutso before my high school years end, and plus this girl and I are pretty good friends, so why not? Then questions started filling my mind. What if she rejects my offer? What if somebody already asked her? What if her parents wouldn't want their daughter going out with an 18 year old, or maybe even a boy at all? But, just a little while ago, for the first time EVER, I sent her an email asking if she would like to accompany me to Homecoming this year. I actually had the friggin balls. So, now, with my heart pounding fast, and not a care in the world other than this girl, I am desperately awaiting an incoming email stating her response.

Could I FINALLY be going on a date with a girl sometime soon? And most importantly, the event being a school dance called HOMECOMING???!!!!! I sure hope so, and I will be keeping my fingers crossed that all goes well. The next blog post you'll see will either be me typing in the most extreme excitedness or me being so depressed and pissed that I'll be cussing up a storm. Either way, you'll probably be scared at how I type up my blog next time:P. Large font FTW!! So, wish me luck and all. OH, did I mention that Homecoming is about a month from now? Yeah, I'm a little early, but oh well. It's just the right time before the risk of some other guy asking her rises.

Well, so much for my Metroid Prime 3: Corruption hype for now:P. I'm still looking forward to it when it comes out, though, and the gameplay videos and impressions are better looking than ever. Wish I could play Bioshock, though, but oh well. Oh, and I've watched a couple of sweet movies, so expect movie reviews some other time. I'm too focused on other things at the moment:P. Anyways, before I have a heart-attack, I'm going to end this. Once again, wish me luck, and let's hope my plan doesn't fail miserably. Until Next Time.....LATA!!!! (:lol: My theme song:P )

What Could Be Better Than Getting A Razor From Gillette For Your 18th Birthday?

First off, thank you all for the happy birthday wishes you left on my last post. It meant a lot to me, and it doesn't take that much to please me. As for my actual 18th birthday was disappointing. VERY disappointing. Why? First of all, I couldn't see Superbad that day because AM and KA had to wait until today, so no hanging out. Second, it was raining birds and fish (just trying to be original), so I couldn't invite anyone to go swimming with me. Finally, both my parents were working, so I was on my own for the entire day. The morning was the biggest highlight, though. I woke up to find gifts on the table like it was Christmas, which was a nice surprise. I ended up getting two t-shirts, an air freshener for my car (which gives off one hell of a nice smell:) ), a little file organizer for college and bank stuff, and finally, a little shelf to store my DVDs. Even though it didn't quite fit all my DVDs, I still managed to make it look nice. Plus, I put my video games at the spot where my DVDs used to be, so now they look more organized.

But then on Tuesday, I got something out of the blue in the mail that I would NEVER guess I would receive: a razor for shaving. And what's even stranger is my mom denies purchasing it, and no one else has come clean and admitted to getting it either. I wonder how Gillette even knew my age, or even who I AM. It's strange. But with it I got a small can of shaving cream and a packet of after-shave, so it's not a bad little deal. Also in the mail, I got this notice from Secretary of State saying that I could go register to vote now, which I completely forgot about. Now I know what I want to do this weekend.

Today, like stated before, was the day I went and saw Superbad with KA and AM. One of them gave me two hilarious birthday cards, while the other girl still has yet to give me one, but said she has it at home and would give it to me next time we saw each other. It was cool receiving birthday cards from someone besides my grandma and mom, and in exchange, I gave each of them one of my senior pictures. It was a good trade IMO;). But anyways, it was weird seeing Superbad with these two because they are both band students and are high honors (like me:D ), so it's hard to tell what their reaction would be to this kind of movie, especially when they barely swear either. But I guess they took it pretty well, and as for what I think about it, I'll get to that in a little bit.

Right now, it's time for...........


Catchy title, isn't it? Eh, well, I'll tweak it a little next time. Sounds kinda awkward right now. Um, yeah. Anyways, last time, I told you I beat Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne, which is a sequal to a game I never beat. It was also shorter than the original, but man was it sweet. There's nothing more satisfying than using that "Bullet Time" feature to take down the baddies. I hope they come out with another in the future and make it more expansive.

Today, I also beat a game, and like Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne, it was a sequal to a game I never beat. That game is Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. I am actually surprised I beat it, since most people say this is harder than the first game. I had quite a time beating the final boss, if you people catch my drift and know what I mean. It took me about 3 tries, but I got it down. Unfortunately, I didn't quite get 100% completion, but 85% was close enough IMO. It's kinda hard to go back to a boss battle and scan them after you've already saved after beating them. I had a blast playing this, though, and it's definately got me pumped for Metroid Prime 3: Corruption. Oh, and after watching the Metroid Retrospective on, is it just me, or does Samus' face at the end of Metroid Prime look more realisticthan Zero Suit Samus at the end of Metroid Prime 2: Echoes? That's kind of weird taking away the realism in a sequal to a game. But then again, look at The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker :P.

Also on my gaming agenda, I started on Call of Cthulhu: Dark Ends of the Earth. I've got to say, this is one satisfying experience. It's so suspenseful, and your adrenaline gets pumped up to the max with the stealth and chase portions of the game, since the enemies in the game are quite creepy and you just want to get the hell away from them as fast as you can. There's nothing that's jump-out scary so far that I've played, but the creepy factor is raised over the limit, that's for sure. Like Greg said in the video review on Gamespot, once you obtain your first weapon, you automatically feel a rush of relief, since you are unarmed for about 4 hours into the game. I can't wait to jump back into it in a moment.

Let's get into movies now, in.....


Anyways, Superbad is the big daddy out of all of the movies I've seen recently, so lets get to that:


When I first heard about this movie and saw a poster for it, I immediately thought it was going to be another one of those "stupid" comedies along the lines of of Hot Rod, Dodgeball, Balls of Fury, Accepted, or Beerfest. As soon as I saw the reviews, and what the cast was, though, I realized this movie was going to be a riot to go to, and I was correct. This movie had me laughing my ASS off, and was a surprisingly superb follow-up from Judd Apatow, especially when Knocked Up was out only a couple of months ago. He may have only produced it this time, but it still had the same hilarity as Knocked Up, only this movie focused on teens instead of young adults in their 20s and 30s. Also, there was a LOT more sexual humor involved in this project, but it left me in tears, no matter how vulgar it was. Most of all, though, there are memorable characters such as the ever popular "McLovin" and the two cops who are just out having a good time and getting hammered. You'll find a couple of people that have appeared in a number of Apatow's previous projects, such as Jonah Hill and Seth Rogen, and their performances are as hilarious as ever. In fact, after this movie, I think Jonah Hill might have a cult following just like Seth Rogen did after Knocked Up and Steve Carell did after The 40-Year Old Virgin. And just like Hill's supporting performance in Knocked Up and Rogen's supporting performance The 40-Year Old Virgin leading up to their leading roles, I think Michael Cera and Christopher Mintz-Plasse could achieve the same success in the future if they play their cards right. Honestly, after seeing this movie, and seeing other movies such as The Simpsons Movie and Knocked Up this summer, I think this summer could go down as the best summer for comedies in a LONG time. Go see this movie to laugh until you cry, that is IF you can take the humor. If not, well, sucks to be you, because you have no idea what you're missing. Oh, and prepare to see some of the most ridiculously funny drawings you'll ever see:P. This gets a 10/10.

Then I've got others, in which I won't describe as much detail:

Wild Hogs--Surprisingly good, with some of the humor actually funny. Great cast, too, and Ray Liotta was awesome as the leader of the nasty biker gang. Of course, there's plenty of jokes that are either cliched or fall flat on its face, too. 7/10

Vacancy--Pretty good suspenceful horror. Not really scary, but it was better than most of the crap out nowadays. Plus, the ending was nice for a change in a horror movie. 7.5/10

The Lookout--This was a LOT better than Joseph Gordon-Levitt's last movie, Brick, which was just too damned complicated to me. This is basically a Memento-lite because it deals with coping with life after obtaining memory loss. It wasn't as complicated or creative, but it was still a solid thriller. Jeff Daniels plays a good role as a blind man, and he's proving to be a great actor. He is so underated it's not even funny. Most people look at him and see Harry from Dumb and Dumber, and that's about it. 8.5/10

Well, with my birthday already passed, no time for anymore vacations, reality competitions such as Hell's Kitchen (Rock won:D ) and America's Got Talent (The ventriloquist won:D ) ending their third and second seasons respectively, and a sign that the leaves on the trees are starting to change colors (not to mention lower temperatures the past couple of days), it looks like my summer is almost at a close:(. All I really have to look forward to now is school registration tomorrow and the release of Metroid Prime 3: Corruption on Monday, which doesn't hit store shelves until a day or two after. I hope it won't be the same situation I had with Okami last year, which was a pain in the ass going to Wal-Mart constantly everyday after the release day to see if it was there. Damn that game was fun, though. I almost forgot all about it................reminising aside, I hope I have the balls to call up some friends and hang out with them before the summer ends, even if it is AM and KA, that would be great. I'm talking something else besides going to the movies, because after 4 times, it's starting to get old. Then, on September 4th, my final year of high school begins. I'M SO NERVOUS:cry:!!!!! Oh I'm pretty sure you'll hear me whinning and crying the day before my first day of school when I write a blog post, so I'll save it until then:P. Until Next Time, LATA!

Whether You Like It Or Not, It's A Blog Post About My Birthday!

Only 1 more day until I turn 18! YAY!!!!!! Where's the streamers and balloons and stuff?

Lolz, the "Happy Birthday" balloon is way in the back, but oh well:P. Now here's an unusual question some of you may not have thought about: As far as celebrities go, who shares their birthday with me on the 20th? Well, let's check and find out!

Al Roker (the guy on the Today show:D)

Joan Allen


Fred Durst:|

And those are basically the only people I recognized from this list off of Check it yourself if you want. Hell, change the date to your birthday and see who has the same birthday you do. It's pretty cool to look up.

So, as you may have guessed, if it's my 18th birthday, my past weekend HAD to have been worthwhile, right? Well, pretty much. It was long, due to me waking up at 7 in the morning for a change during the past three days. Here's how it all went down..........


Friday was the day that the town fair started to begin. The day before, I already made arrangements to meet a couple of my friends down there (lets refer to them as AM and KA from here on out because it is easier for me, who are both in band BTW), so I was anticipated to be there. So, after cutting grass for the first time in weeks due to minimal rainfall, I gave AM a call to see where she was at, since she said she performed in her school band for the opening ceremony. Finally, finding a parking spot 15 minutes later, due to the crowds of people, I met her and her friend at the arts and crafts tent. We hung out for a little while, and I even got the courage to try some TNT salsa dip for a free sample (it's funny how I'll try to do that just to be cool:P ). Then that girl that was with AM had to leave with her aunt, and then I called up KA. After AM and I tried really hard to convince her to come down, she finally agreed to meet us at the library. It was a long walk, but it was worthwhile. We bumped into some familiar faces on our way there, too, and they joined our party. Finally, when KA joined us, we headed back to the general area where the fair was being held, and we all hung out for about 3 hours. That's probably the longest time I've hung out with friends outside of school since..................2 years ago:shock:. But it was worthwhile, even though they saw a bunch of band people here and there that I didn't know, and you know how awkward it is when you are hanging with a group of people, and you bump into someone that THEY know, but you don't. But I ran into some people I knew here and there, so it was all good. So, at around 5, KA had to leave, and by that time, it was just me and AM, hanging out with each other for about an hour. I bought both of us some gyros, which were delicious. At around 6, my feet were too sore to keep on walking around town, so I bid farewell to AM, and I headed for home. Saturday would be another delightful day on my birthday weekend.


Saturday rolled around, and this was the day that I got my usual $100+ shopping money from my dad, so we headed out and I spent a LOT more than I thought. First, at Best Buy, I made these sweet purchases:

Once Upon A Time In The West DVD--$6.99 (Never seen this movie before, but since I'm getting into Westerns, it's on the top 250 on, and it was $7, why not? )

Clerks 3-disk Special Edition DVD--$19.99 (the cheapest I've ever seen it, excluding online stores)

And finally, a purchase I wasn't planning on making on a music CD, but couldn't help it, because I've been becoming addicted to their songs by watching music videos on YouTube:

Daft Punk "Musique Vol. 1 1993-2005" CD--$12.99 (One More Time is my ish8). Too bad some songs were edited in length, though:evil:. )

Then, of course, I had to hit a couple of Gamestops to get some sweet ass games. Fortunately, I didn't buy crap like last year (*cough* Siren *cough*). In fact, 3 out of these 4 games are uncommon to find IMO, but at the price I found them, I couldn't resist. Here's all the games:

Dreamfall: The Longest Journey on Xbox used--$17.99

Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth on Xbox used--$17.99

Painkiller: Hell Wars on Xbox used--$12.99

Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne for Xbox new--$1.99:D (And I already beat it:P.)

Finally, I payed a visit to an F.Y.E. inside a mall. This is the kind of store in which you could either find awesome deals or find outrageous prices. Well, I stayed away from becoming ripped off, and I bought a couple movies for good prices. They are:

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest 2-disk Special Edition used--$14.99

Go new--$4.99

*whew* I'm surprised I still have money left to buy Metroid Prime 3: Corruption when it comes out. Heh, like I really need it:roll:. There's too many damned games I still have yet to beat! Luckily, I just beat Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne. Talk about one short game! It must've taken me about 6 hours! It was worth the $2, though, since the action was awesome, and so was the story-telling, even if I couldn't make sense out of it at times. Plus, unlike the first game, I actually made it to the end of this one. Wish I still had the first one, though, instead of trading it in:cry:. I also tried out Painkiller: Hell Wars last night, expecting something similar to Doom. I just wasn't impressed by the time I beat 2 of the levels, though. Something is just.........missing. Oh well, what did today AKA Sunday have in store for me?


Today wasn't really that exciting to tell you the truth. It was nasty outside, raining all day, as I basically played my way to the end of Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne. My mom made me a special lunch, as well as taking me out to this restaurant I haven't been to in awhile along this lake. She also got me two gifts, which were a seat belt shoulder pad and a nice picture frame with one of my new senior pictures inside of it. Nothing special, but it's the thought that counts. I also watched a couple of movies that I was planning on avoiding, but I watched them anyways, since my dad insisted it:roll:. I'll get to that in a future blog post, since I don't feel like reviews.

*sigh* So, tomorrow is the big day. The day when I officially turn into a man, an 18 year old man. An 18 year old who can buy cigarettes legally. An 18 year old who can enter adult stores legally. An 18 year old who has to steer clear of girls under that age until they become my age. An 18 year old not ready to turn 18:cry:. WHY!!!!!!!!!!!????? WHY DOES MY CHILDHOOD HAVE TO END SO FAST!!!!!?????

*Jeff Goldblum appears*

"Snap out of it! I was 18 once before, too. But hey, look how I turned out? Perfectly fine! And I have a way with the ladies, too."

Go to hell. Anyways, I WAS looking forward to going to see Superbad tomorrow with AM and KA, but I got a phone call today saying they were busy and had to wait until Wednesday to see it with me, so oh well. I just don't know what I'm going to do tomorrow. Maybe there might be a surprise or something waiting for me tomorrow. I have no clue. Anyways, To Be Continued onto another blog post coming later in the week, featuring movie reviews and cool stuff like that. Yippie.

Trapped In The Closet With Country Music Singer John Berry Playing Metroid Prime

My my my, the days are certainly flying by, aren't they? Just under three weeks left of summer for me, but that doesn't mean that a lot isn't going on. My 18th birthday is coming up on the 20th, so only 5 more days until that (not to mention Super Metroid is becoming released onto the Nintendo Wii's Virtual Consule that day:D ). Unfortunately, I'm out of Wii Points, so I guess I have to buy myself a card when I get some birthday money. Also, I guess 18 is the age you have to be to enter adult stores, so I get to see what it's like:D. I'll probably feel like a pervert, though:P. But I'm just a curious 18 year old!

Also on the DL this weekend is the town fair, which I'm kinda excited about. Usually I go once when it happens, and it's usually with my parents, just walking around the streets seeing what is on display and such, but I'm not a big fan of the carnival, so I usually steer clear from that. In fact, a couple of years ago, just before my 16th birthday, I remember country singer John Berry was here performing (that's him in the pic above), so my mom and I saw him for a little bit. I know, big whoopee doo, a country singer that hasn't been heard of since the '90s. But hey, it's a famous person in my small town, so I wasn't complaining. My mom was satisfied too, since she bought his greatest hits CD at the store afterwards:lol:. I checked the performers this year, and I noticed yet ANOTHER country singer from the '90s is performing (his name is Doug Stone BTW). What is with all these forgotten country music stars always performing? Where's everyone's favorite cIassic rock musicians at? Why don't THEY come around? Hell, WHERE'S TEH HIP HOP:cry: ? I know, I'm not being realistic:P. Why would a rap star visit a small town to perform at a fair?

This year, however, I want to see if those girls that I go to the movies with all the time would want to hang with me instead of sticking by my parents because I notice that the majority of the people there are kids hanging out, and it makes me feel like a social loser when I'm with my parents at my age I'm at. Besides, I could convince those girls to hang with me by telling them my 18th birthday takes place during that weekend:P. I just want some friends:cry: !

Anyways, getting back on the subject of Metroid games, I started jumping back into Metroid Prime 2: Echoes so I can finish it before Metroid Prime 3: Corruption releases. I must be getting close to the end of the game, because I have over 80% of the scans, and I just got the awesome screw attack. That's probably the best item in the game right there, since you can jump a maximum of 7 times using it and plus you can hurt enemies, although I haven't tested it out on any baddies yet. That would be extraordinary if I managed to beat this game because I've never beaten the first Metroid Prime, and plus I heard this one was harder. There's no denying that this game is difficult, but it's still pretty fun. I'm just relieved that the light/dark world aspect isn't going to be in Corruption, because one game is enough for that sh*t.

Now, get ready for.........


Yup, I'm actually making that the official name of my movies portion of my blogs. Oh, you didn't know I was splitting my blogs into portions? Uh, it's true:P. Might as well spice it up a bit. And you thought I was going to go without movie reviews for once , didn't you? Well, guess again punks:twisted:. It's okay, it's only one, and it's going to be brief:

Lost In Translation

After watching Groundhog Day and repetitiously viewing the segment of Coffee and Cigarettes called "Delirium" on YouTube (because how could you just resist watching a comedy legend chatting with two hip-hop legends randomly at a restaurant:lol: ? ), I just can't get enough of Bill Murray. His movies go in two seperate catagories: either really good (Groundhog Day) or really underwhelming (Broken Flowers). Well, I really don't know IF there's anything to describe about Lost In Translation. I mean, nothing really happens, other than Bill Murray's lonely character meets Scarlett Johansson's lonely character and they hang out in Tokyo until Bill Murray's character has to leave. That's it. I'm serious. No major plot twists, no conflicts, nothing. Not that it was bad, since I was interested until the credits rolled, but for those that don't have patience, you will be BORED. Like usual, Bill Murray played a pathetic loser with a boring swagger, so no surprise that he was picked for this role. Johansson, however, was gorgeous, and was glowing each time she appeared on screen. And............that's about it. Just a story of unexpected friendship, with a semi-sad ending, without any romance. Not really any comedy either, so this would be basically cIassified as a drama. See it if you can put up with movies in which nothing really happens. A 7/10.

So, anyone psyched for Superbad coming out in theaters? Well, after Knocked Up, I really wasn't expecting any more sexual comedy goodness this summer, but after watching previews (:lol: The name McLovin always cracks me up) and seeing early reviews, it looks like we get double our pleasure this summer. Plus, it's produced by the guy that directed Knocked Up AND features a lot of actors that were in it, so it WILL be hilarious.

And now, it's time for....................


Heh, wasn't expecting that, was ya? Well, lately I've been posting funny videos at the end of each blog post, so I figure I'll make my own section out of it:D.

I'm sure everyone has heard of R. Kelly's "Trapped In The Closet" music videos by now, right? Well, he just came out with the 13th, 14th, and 15th chapter this week, and each day a new chapter is being released. That means more ridiculous chapters to make you roll over laughing:D! Check em out on this site if you haven't already. Oh, and make sure you watch the first 12 chapters first on YouTube, because not only is it ridiculous to the point in which you laugh your ass off, it actually has an interesting plot to go with it IMO. Just don't take it seriously. And for a hilarious parody of it (as if the original wasn't already a parody of itself:P ), here's the Mad TV skit, called "Trapped In The Cupboard." Trust me, I've watched it over 10 times and it still doesn't get old:).

Well, that's all I have to say this time around. Until Next Time.............OMG A RUBBER!!!!!! I mean LATA!

Answer the Mutha F*ckin Question!!!!!

Gee, I appriciate all of the help with those questions I asked before:roll:. Jesus Christ, you can't go on forums and ask those kinds of questions, or else you'll just get smart-ellic answers, and you can't ask them in blogs because nobody bothers to answer them. I might as well use, since actual people help you with what you search for. Gamespot just pisses me off.......and I still get on it anyways. As far as X-Men Legends goes, though, I pretty much did all the research I could on the sequal and the actual game itself here on Gamespot, and I got all the info I needed. Once again, thank you for answering my questions:roll::roll: MASSIVE EYES ROLLING!!!!!!

*sigh* Well, I've been watching a lot of movies lately, including a new movie that was just released into theaters. I've been busy the past few days as well. On Friday, I got my new pimpin gold glasses from the eye doctor, and after complaining about them hurting my ears a little bit, the guy got my glasses adjusted and they fit great. I also got my oil changed in my car after waiting for months to do it, but that's not very interesting. Then, later in the afternoon, I got a phone call from my friend, who always calls me throughout the summer (she called me throughout the summer last year as well). After talking to her the previous day, she confirmed that we would all (all meaning us two and some more girls) go to see Rush Hour 3 the next day, which was super. She also said that her band was running a car wash in town on Saturday, raising money for her band, and even though I already got my car washed at the Chevy dealership where I got my oil changed, I said I would be there. I never have anything better to do anyways. We then talked about our new schedules that were posted up online, which were only in ABC order, so they weren't in the actual order. We have to wait until registration day for those details.

Saturday rolled around, and my mom and her friend went out to this lake to test out the new motor she got for her small boat, so she wanted me to pick up lunch for them. My dad and I went and got some burgers from a fast food joint, went over there, and ate. I also got to ride in the boat for a brief moment, which was fun. I was more focused on arriving at that car wash, though, and wanted to leave. So around 2:30, I went and got my car washed. After donating a generous $5, I got to hang around a little while, conversing with several people I knew from school who all seemed happy to see me, including a couple of the girls that I was going to see Rush Hour 3 with. Keep in mind I went and seen Transformers and The Simpsons Movie with these girls as well, so this was the third time we were getting together to see a movie. These are basically the only people I've hung out with all summer. Anyways, I almost didn't want to leave, but I didn't want to stand around, getting in the way of everyone working, so I left. 5:00 rolled around, and I headed down to the theater, and we all saw the movie. Just like that, I was heading home.

Ready for reviews? Well, here they are:

Groundhog Day

I don't really know if this would be counted as a romantic comedy, but if it is, it's one of the best I've ever seen. Even if it isn't, it was still a fantastic comedy. It's about a pessimistic weatherman (Bill Murray) who goes to this small town for Groundhog Day, and waking up to the same day constantly afterwards. This film was a lot like Run Lola Run, except instead of a certain situation repeating itself, a whole day repeats itself.........with various results. It's a fun concept I like to see in movies, seeing the same situations occuring with different outcomes, almost like playing a video game like Fable or Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. You'll see Bill Murray try to break the law, fall in love with the woman who's worked with him for several years, try to kill himself, and try to save others. You never know what he will do next, since this movie is pretty non-linear. While it wasn't the type of movie in which you're constantly laughing out loud, the humor was pretty good. Besides, bombarding this type of movie with pointless humor would be completely unnecessary. This was a very creative movie to watch, and also very fun. It gets a 9.5/10.


After watching modern westerns like The Proposition and Seraphim Falls, I wanted to rent some c/assic westerns to see just how much better this genre could get. So, slowly working my way up to old westerns like The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly, I came to a stop with Unforgiven, one of Clint Eastwood's last westerns. This movie was pretty friggin awesome. I mean, what could be better than Clint Eastwood, Gene Hackman, and Morgan Freeman playing in a movie together. Well, if they added Robert DeNiro, Jack Nicholson, or Al Pacino in it, then it would take the whole damn bakery, but the cast was pretty awesome in this movie. The story goes like this: A retired killer renews his old ways of life by accepting an offer to kill two men who knifed up a prostitute's face in a small town. The story has a some great twists, and the acting is pretty good, especially from Gene Hackman, who plays a nasty sheriff. Eastwood proves that not only is he one of the greatest actors ever, he's also one of the best directors. Seriously, I hope this man creates a couple more masterpieces before his time comes. And, of course, Morgan Freeman proves once again he's one of the best African American actors ever. If you've never seen a Western before, rent this movie. It is terrific. Even if you do love Westerns, and you managed to pass this one up before, by all means watch it. It deserves a 9.5/10.

Big Fish

Another unusual movie from the mind of Tim Burton. It is a wonder to watch, though. This movie was like Forrest Gump in fairy tale form. It's pretty hard to describe the plot, so here's what describes it as: It is a story about a son trying to learn more about his dying father by reliving stories and myths his father told him about himself. Those myths and legends that are told come to life in glorious visions, and you'll marvel at the visuals. You'll laugh, and also probably cry, at all of the situations that go on in the movie, since this is pretty much a full fledged fantasy movie. The cast is pretty good, ranging from actors (and actresses) such as Billy Crudup, Ewan McGregor, Jessica Lange, Helena Bonham Carter, Danny DeVito, and, once again, Steve Buscemi. I swear, this dude is in almost every movie! But, like always, he's awesome, just like the rest of the cast. Along with the cast, you'll also come across unusual people you've seen somewhere else, such as Matthew McGrory, who was in the Guiness Book of World Records for having the largest feet; Deep Roy, who played the Oompa Loompas on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory; and then, you have Billy Redden, who you may have recognized as the banjo kid from Deliverence:twisted:. The thing about that guy is that I used to live in the town that he was born and living in:D. Look on and you'll see where. But anyways, back to the movie. The ending was really good, and you might have your carpet flooded with tears. But all in all, it's a fantastic journey through life that you'll never want to leave once it's all over. Highly recommended. A 9/10.

And finally, the moment you've all been waiting for (let's try something different;) ).............

Rush Hour 3

[spoiler] It's been 6 long years since we've all heard that infamous phrase from the final blooper from Rush Hour 2, in which Chris Tucker says, "Damn! He ain't gonna be in Rush Hour 3." Well, finally, Detectives Lee and Carter are back for more action, laughs, and their silly antics in the third (and possibly final) installment of the hilarious trilogy. The plot is basically the same as in the first two movies, only it takes place in Paris. In fact, this movie gives you a serious case of deja-vu, as if you were watching "Rush Hour 2 1/2" instead of "3." The only difference is that there's more humor and less action. The humor was Chris Tucker being his usual, loud-mouthed self, providing the audience with extreme laughter, and that was about it. Jackie Chan didn't get as much screen time as he did in Rush Hour 2, and the result was a minimized amount of action sequences, which I thought was disappointing. Sure the humor was hilarious (but with a few cases becoming stale), but I wanted to see Jackie Chan kicking a lot, and I mean a LOT, of ass. The plot was cliched, leading up to a lackluster ending. Also, the bloopers felt lame compared to the last movie, and there weren't even as many. In fact, this time, it seemed like they were fake bloopers this time, because the last blooper tries to be as unexpected as the last blooper in Rush Hour 2. Rush Hour fans might be disappointed this time around, but you'll still be laughing your head off, since Chris Tucker steals the spotlight this time around. I hate to say this, but I really hope this is the end to the series. It gets a 7/10. [/spoiler]

Well, 8 more days until my birthday, and 22 more days of summer left. That means 22 more chances to beat some video games, 22 more chances to get up early to have a longer day instead of sleeping in, 22 more days to hang out with friends, 22 more days..............pleh, I'm done. Throw me a frickin bone as Dr. Evil would say. And just for laughs, lets not end this with the usual "Until Next Time" climax. Let's just..........end it.

Gaming Woes, The Death Of An Internet Favorite, and The Host

Well, lurking the Off-Topic Discussion board last night, I came across some horrible news. Apparently, the Tourette's Guy, has died :(. I was a big fan of the dude, and I remember watching my first Tourette's Guy video and laughing my ass off as he blamed Bob Saget for everything that went wrong with him:lol:. Ever since then, I always checked his website to see if any new videos would appear to make me laugh some more. Some of them may have seemed fake, but they were still hilarious. Hopefully this isn't some kind of sick joke that someone decided to post an article saying he died, but it seems pretty legit. To pay my respects, here are a couple of my favorite videos by him. Check them out to get a good laugh:

Bob Saget

Taking his son to a job interview

Driving lessons and voice dubs of The Lion King

Total cerealAn episode full of his best quotables

Garbage disposal sounds like Chewbacca

There's plenty more videos on YouTube to laugh your head off from, but those ones are the best IMO. R.I.P. Danny. You will be missed, along with your dirty mouth that made you so awesome:(. :cry:

Not only has that made my past weekend sh*t, but also my video game experiences have as well. As you may know, I bought Marc Ecko's Getting Up: Contents Under Pressure used on the Xbox a while back. I just started playing this past week. It's not a bad little game, and it can get a little addictive at times. Sure, there are problems like invisible walls and the fact that it's pretty linear, but it's still cool. I don't know if it's the actual game, my Xbox, or the fact that it's got tons of minor scratches on the disk, but the damn thing won't stop freezing up on me. At times, mostly when I'm spray-painting graffiti, the frame-rate drops to the point where the game freezes, and I have no choice but to reset my Xbox and restart the mission. It's becoming a pain in the ass. I already ran warm water over the disk to clean it off, but apparently that doesn't work. I know there's a solution that has to do with toothpaste, and I remember running across it before online, but I tried to Google it and I can't find the webpage I was on before. So, if anyone would be so kind to explain step by step how to clean a disk with toothpaste, it would really mean alot from me. But after becoming too frustrated to try to play the game over and over again, I decided to move onto another game I bought a while back: X-Men Legends. I'm not an X-Men fan, but I like to get into action-RPGs from time to time, so this game looked good. I'm only on the second mission in the game, but it's quite addictive. But I have a few questions to those who've played it: Does it ever get even SLIGHTLY non-linear? Is there other things to do other than fighting enemies? Are there side-quests or secondary objectives to complete in the game? And finally, how is the sequel, as well as Marvel Alliance? Once again, I'd appriciate it if someone would answer these questions for me.

Surprisingly, I've only watched one movie this entire weekend. I'm pretty much too broke to buy any more cheap DVDs at the moment, and garage sales aren't doing the trick, either, since all the ones my dad and I have been to lately have pure junk. Honestly, brandyinindiana, I have no idea how you do it:P. I'm getting to the point where I don't enjoy garage saling anymore. But here's my one and only movie review for today:

The Host

Here's a movie that could tide me over until I see that mysterious monster movie coming out on 1-18-08. This movie really didn't focus on the monster that much, though. The story is that a father, grandfather, aunt, and uncle escape from a quarentined area after coming in contact with a strange creature lurking in a river by their city and they look for the father's daughter that was captured by the beast. If I could describe this movie, it's like a combination between 28 Days Later, The Fugitive, and Godzilla. 28 Days Later was all about isolation and viral outbreak, and that's similar to the situation in this movie. The government thinks that the monster can spread a virus to people that come in contact with it, and that's when everyone has to be quarentined and controlled by fascist police and doctors. It shares similarities with The Fugitive in which the wanted family is constantly running and hiding from officials out looking for them, and some of it takes place in sewers. And, of course, it's obvious why this movie is compared to Godzilla. The monster looked pretty good in the movie, looking almost like something on a PS3 or Xbox 360 video game. There's a lot of chaos at the beginning, and after that, you don't really get to see much of the monster in the movie until toward the end, when there's, of course, a badass ending. The characters in the movie were cool, and you felt like you were with them. You'd get the names mixed up at times because their names are Korean names, which all sound similar, but you'll distinguish them soon enough. There IS a choice of watching this movie in English, but I actually wanted to watch it in the original language because English voice dubbing is just plain goofy in Asian movies IMO. And since this IS a horror movie, you'd expect the usual cliches, like the cheap scares and constant killings, right? Wrong. All of the scenes in which I was expecting to jump out of my seat turned out differently than I thought. Also, unlike other horror movies, there's some deep character development in this one, and you actually care for them. At times this movie was also funny, with some clever one-liners at times and ridiculous scenes that remind you of older monster movies. Funny, chaotic, sometimes scary, dramatic.........this movie had it all! And it deserves a 9.5/10.

Well, Rush Hour 3 is on the horizon, and it looks like the score on Rotten Tomatoes is pretty bad so far:(. Oh well, I still would like to see it, since I found the last two very hilarious. I'm also kinda looking forward to Stardust because it has two legendary actors in it: Robert DeNiro and Peter O' Toole 8). Plus it's at 100% right now on the "Tomatometer," so it's getting great early reviews. Who knows? This movie could be one of the best of the summer, and a fantasy movie worth seeing. But, until then, I'm just going to watch funny ventrilo harassment videos (when someone pranks an MMORPG vent server with a soundboard) and play video games while anticipating my 18th birthday coming up in 14 days. Until Next Time, LATA!