I've never understood the importance of grades, and nobody has ever been able to explain to me why they are important.
Exhibit A: You need good grades to get into college.
I graduated a semester late from college because my university had not recieved my HS transcripts yet. Hmm whole lot of good my gpa did there.
Exhibit B: You need good grades to get a good job.
I don't have my GPA on my resume basically for the same reason I don't list Detassling under workforce skills (I spent a summer detassling corn when I was 13) it doesn't fit, and employeers don't care.
This maybe different for somebody w/out any job/life experience but if you've got things going on for you outside of school well nobody is going to care about your GPA.
Well if you want to get into a good graduate school, or into medicine/dentistry/and even maybe law, your GPA does matter, it is the most important thing.
Your right though anyone can graduate from college with decent grades without too much trouble; and that alone is enough to get a "good job". But that doesn't mean that getting a 4.0 average won't open doors that would have been otherwise closed.
I got my lab based job that pays me over 3000 a month (for 16 hours a week), from my university while I am going to school. I also have gotten tens of thousands in scholarships, and won't have a problem getting into grad school, or med school, as I have the grades and the references from my lab job/volunteer work.
O btw, most people do just breeze through college, occasionally repeating some cla$$es here and there, and most of those people will be middle cla$$. I want to be rich, if for no other reason than just being rich. I want a respectful job, and I want a job that is thought provoking, otherwise I will grow bored of said job. Generally speaking our society gives the most thought provoking jobs to those of us who did the best in college. It's true.
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