@gotrekfabian: Oh, I feel you there buddy. Time just disappears when you get older. Like, I don't even know where the **** it goes - I just look at the clock and the day's gone!
@PrpleTrtleBuBum: Pretty much all Rockstar's open-world games have that problem. They're too afraid of putting in any sort of resource management, because their games are made to be as popular as possible. Unfortunately that means simple. Look at GTA 4 & 5: Carry 20 weapons. Go to mission marker. Watch cutscene. Follow tutorial-like instructions that leave no player interpretation whatsoever. Repeat x1000.
Vice City was their best, with the empire building and business buying and all that stuff (though done much better in Scarface TWIY).
Did they fix the bug where line of sight would not work? Playing on PS4, sometimes a bug would occur where your soldiers could not see. I finished the game like that - the only way to rectify it was to reload a save, making Iron Man harder than it should be, because your soldiers couldn't fire back... Never patched, as far as I know.
Looking forward to Xenonauts 2 more though. The first is pretty much exactly what I wanted the EU reboot to be, but alas, you get what you're given.
@toffifee: Third time for me too. How I envy those about to experience this beast for the first time! Though you have to have also played Ico to get the most out of the story...
@hardcoregamer1: Yup. Some of my all-time favourite games are about 4 hours long. Resident Evil 2, MGS1 etc. Alien Isolation is one of my favourite current gen games - people attacked that for being too long...
Remember folks, if this is the beginning of the end of Bioware, remember there's still Wasteland devs (can't remember name, and too lazy to google), Larian and Obsidian all currently putting out great games in the style of what good ol' Bioware used to. It's not all bad.
Good_Coop89's comments