There are certainly QOL improvements that would benefit Shenmue 4, but quest markers is NOT one of them.
I'm serious on this, that is one of the defining features of Shenmue - you are an inhabitant in the world, and you navigate it as such. Floating, ethereal markers do a massive disservice to environmental design in modern games imo, and if a new game like Control (not to mention the resurgence in popularity of classic Resident Evil) can do well while making the lack of objective markers a core part of the experience, then surely a game series whose entire goal is defined by immersion can embrace that.
Sort the real stuff out. Don't put me in fights that are scripted to lose just so you can show a cutscene to show I need to do more grinding. Make food items fill Ryo's stamina more, so I don't have to eat 15 onions to be able to do one fight. Present the moves/skills system better to newcomers. Improve general locomotion of Ryo so it doesn't feel like he's a car, and allow more free-form movement through the world - in Shenmue 3 you can't even walk up slight inclines in many areas.
These are the things that need to be addressed, not quest markers.
“At the end of the day, man, the reason that it’s a game is because when you go from fall into winter — after Joel falls, and you think he’s dead--and you see that beautiful bunny on that pristine white snow, and the arrow… and then you notice for the first time that it’s Ellie by herself, standing there – and you push forward on the analogue stick--that is something that just doesn’t translate to any other medium but a game,” Baker said.
Joking aside, this was the only Gearbox series I ever liked. People forget Hell's Highway ended on somewhat of a cliffhanger, so hopefully this means a BIA 4 will see the light of day. You did not mention in the article that it had 2 "proper" sequels on consoles and pc: Earned in Blood and Hell's Highway.
So they've switched engines? Last I heard they were using Unity, now it's Unreal 4. An engine switch is an enormous change, no wonder they disappeared as long as they have.
Good_Coop89's comments