I totally don't agree with most people in here, you still make it sound like linear games create better storylines and so forth. First of all it is obvious that all games are somewhat linear, the question is to what extent? If you got a corridor that is I don't know, 20 yards wide that leads you to the next level is simply poor. Why not create a passage or door or whatever the heck on the end of the map then that leads to the next level with a beautiful scripted sequence, leaving you the choice how the heck to get to that point or passage or door or whatever. At least you won't face the 20 yard "corridor" or "just use the same street because there are high roadblocks on other potential streets forcing you to follow the same old street". Also, logically speaking in that case is that an enemy would put dozens of striders and gunship suupport with hundreds of combine snipers and commandos on the roofs etc, now that seems logic to me, back it up with some more Combine APCS and let's see if you can get through with your 190 rounds, few hand grenades and so forth. Obviously the game creaters won't script such an obvious tactic sequence because you just couldn't get through.
It would be cool however to see such a tactic where you can choose "wait a second, ok, maybe it's not that great of an idea taking that way, let's choose the sewers, or other roads but let's first go on top of that tall building to see which road is the best to take" you get the point.
It is BORING to be forced to go along a narrow path with dumb enemies popping up every now and then, backed with some cool music, it makes the game feel like it is for 6 year olds. You can still make awesome scripts, imagine you choose to take another road that is totally free of enemies and suddenly troops position themselves on the windows pointint weapons at you, you got ambushed, should have taken another way or try get through it.
What I hate about HL2 is the fact that in the cities all doors are locked and it is always LUCKY bombs and grenades to blew up the structures into pieces that it amazingly always opened the right paths for you to go, that's getting old. It's just boring.
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