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#1 gpvalkyrie
Member since 2006 • 302 Posts

I created this first post to find out what you people really think about the scrin. Do you think EA did the right thing implementing a new alien race? Do you think it was worth it, making gameplay better? Or do you think the scrin shouldn't be there at all?


I personally did not like the idea of having that new faction. I would preferred being in control of a rebell/mutated fraction running terror ops against both, NOD and GDI, like some of the missions in C&C2. It would have been like a GLA in Generals, basically relying on tactics more than ever. I think the scrin should have been used only as a real problem, not a side that you can join, I would have rather play the mutants guerilla sabotage version, at the end, aren't they who suffered out of all of this the most? That's just what I think. 

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#2 gpvalkyrie
Member since 2006 • 302 Posts

The Mammoth Tanks with railguns are extremely powerful. The Mammoth tank can easily take out 8 Scorpion tanks if it was outnumbered that way. C&C 3 is disappointing to the true fans or the universe. Nod doesn't have a powerful enough unit.agturboninja


Do you like using pictures as an avatar of a delta force unit that turned up into a pile of crispy skeletons ? 

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#4 gpvalkyrie
Member since 2006 • 302 Posts

i'd say system shock 2 for a few reasons

1. there is scarce resources - it's no run n gun blaster, ammo and supplies aren't very abundant, and every shot you take is a measured decision of how much danger you're in now vs how much danger you may be in later - it's a horrible feeling to see your ammo draining away, sort of like watching the blood pump out of your body, it's very difficult to try and rationalise letting your blood pump away - you'll often just find yourself running around in a mad panic trying to escape the enemy

2. the atmosphere is astounding - excellent use of voice acting and cinematic scene-setting as you frequently encounter log recordings of the ship's crew, as well as ghosts create an amazing atmosphere of anguish - watching a ghost tell his family how much he loves them before blowing his brains out is as moving as it is horrific - and there's a tremendous sense of isolation as you stalk through the aftermath of what must have been some utterly horrible events

3. the enemies look and sound wrong - it's as though they spent time working out the wrongest sounds they could possible find, sounds that just couldn't exist in nature, then implemented them into their game, and you can often hear the enemies before you can see them, and there's just nothing worse than knowing you have to round a corner and face one of those awful things

4. respawns - you have to backtrack through the ship a lot, and this means enemies randomly respawn - it's hard to ever feel safe when an enemy could come from anywhere, at any time - and the only thing worse than hearing an enemy before you see it is not hearing an enemy before you see it - you'll often turn just in time to find a whrench flying at your brain - enemies do tend to pop up right behind you

system shock 2 is really just the most amazing horror experience i've ever had on the pc, and i'm really hoping bioshock can follow it up and start making it onto lists like these



If you ever write a book let me know, I will be the first one to read it, seriously, you write so interestingly that I had to read certain things twice, lol, wrench flying at your brain, I liked that 

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#5 gpvalkyrie
Member since 2006 • 302 Posts

Although I like C&C3 a lot, I see less tactis here than in the origininal first C&C1, who agrees here ?

Over the course of C&C, tank rushing kind of took away lots of the fun which we saw again once more in C&C3. The game already has a few different units to choose from, on top of that promoting the use of only the same old units (GDI Medium Tank Rush, NOD Avatar Mechs rush). The Airforce in this game once again prooves to be however more effective than in earlier C&C games, thanks God, but so far all I see in the harder missions are people getting the same units, mass them all up and throw them at the enemy, vice versa so I don't see the blabble that NOD relies on tactics to win, just mix light tanks with avatar mechs and off you go.


I think it is a little disappointing, since you already got almost no units available (small selection), and then stick to the same ones. However, the Commando prooves a great asset once again.



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#6 gpvalkyrie
Member since 2006 • 302 Posts

I agree totally with all you said and have some advices as well, but first:

 You are so right about the PC Upgrades. It is an expensive and to be honest, money waste, even for the ones that can afford it. Because paying so much money to spend it in ways that only do more harm than good (destroying your eyes, giving headaches and so forth) and paying a fortune for it, is called a waste of money. Also, the prices are way overrated of those products.

 Games all being the same these days. You are right but here I want to add something. Me for example, my job gives me lots of free time and I earn good. However, I spend money only on games such as for example a Command and Conquer 3 because I like strategy games and am a fan of that game. Now, I will definitely buy Crysis and the HL2 Episode 2. What I stopped wasting money on are games like STALKER, or Ghost Recon, other weird games that were just made to spend a few bucks and then throw it in the trash or waste time and energy reselling it on ebay (these days I'd rather throw it in the trash, sorry if I seem arrogant but I dealt with so many crackos on ebay, I'd rather just throw it in the trash). So, result. I buy a game once every 3 months. I am happy about that.

Console Gaming these days I do not recommend. The games are all the same, copies of a previous game for a previous console with boosted up graphics. Games are too expensive, unless you get them in the shadow places, up to you really, but it is also a waste of money. I got an XBOX and every 6 months I play a few levels again from Halo 1 and 2 and that is it. I am ready to sell this one tho because I can make over 100$ with all the games on that one and that's another two great dinners with my girl (if she doesn't insist to pay all the time).

About you getting loaded with beers on the weekends is ok. It is your culture. Ignore the 12 year olds here or church freaks that think because they live a life with no alcohol they are better than everybody else (American reaility, I am sorry and want to apologize for the few of us that are not like that), it comes from the old days, I know the history behind it, at least you guys behave yourselfs and not like most of the people here that start puking around in the clubs, screaming and disrespecting others and acting like the club is their home and if you people do go for a fight and then it is for real and not this pushing around wimpy crap we got around here (mainly because everyone is afraid to loose their home in a lawsuit because of braking someone else's nose).

Well, I agree with you totally, I am on your side on that one. I would reccomend you to buy a new game every now and then that is worth it, but as you said, spending so much money on constant pc upgrades just to play a few games that are worth it at the end is actually not worth it. That is why I am here, also saying that I will not upgrade my PC anymore, I will play the games that I can still play and when this baby gets too old than bye bye to gaming, at the end you get more good out of it than bad.



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#7 gpvalkyrie
Member since 2006 • 302 Posts
you will get sentenced to death..... man, worse case you loose an account, who cares, make a new one that takes 2 minutes. Unless you're one of those "I am so proud that I got 4000 posts so I'm just acting like I'm the boss in here and everything I say is right because I got 4000 posts", who cares man, just get a new account and meanwhile don'd do anything silly to loose points to begin with
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#8 gpvalkyrie
Member since 2006 • 302 Posts

what a loser, stealing WOW accounts must be the joy of a life time. While I go out surfing during holidays, getting laid and live a life there are guys behind screens whole day long stealing WOW accounts ?
They should do themselves a favor and jump off a bridge onto a boat, jump off a building, or walk in front of a jet turbine because it's better for them to just stop living right then and there.

F.Y.I. if one of them hacks into this gamespot account, lol, enjoy, worse case I create a new one, I don't care about kiddish points, ranks and how many posts and such.

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#9 gpvalkyrie
Member since 2006 • 302 Posts
Because it is better working on a bag instead of playing boxing games on pc, at least it is healthier
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#10 gpvalkyrie
Member since 2006 • 302 Posts
I just loved how my wingman's arse got always shot off the sky 4 mins after each mission in Comanche Gold and then when I got my reenforcements on their way (Dragon Squadron, Valkyrie Squadron, Voodoo Squadron and Gunfighter Squandron) their arses got shot off too. Then I was left with no hell fire missiles, a few hydra rockets and a few rounds to blow up a half enemy army. The missions were great but if my reenforcements wouldn't always get off the sky, fire hellfire missiles at tanks instead of stingers that 90% of the times hit the ground below them and Voodoo squadron would be as great in doing damage as they are in talking, then the game would be PERFECT.