Ok, this is a sad chapter. So, pretty much most of us know that it is dumb writing about something that you can't even physically hold (besides the CD). I mean, we spend so much time talking about how much this game is better than that game but the sad truth is, it is all the same bolony and that includes game boys and play stations and so forth. I think it would be a cool idea to start a life for most of the kids here over 18 since the ones younger than that are just lost between the fear of crime and badness but one day they shall wake up. Also, all those kids that post a harrassing or "trying to be" funny post trying to humiliate me for example, don't we have enough of them ? Also, those muppets that don't even finnish reading my post (examples below) before writing dumb answers. Well, let me tell you a story. No, maybe another time, but anyway, I think it is dead out sad how you people talk about games like it would be some sort of important thing of life. Yeah sure, throwing a disc in the drive and blowing some heads off can be fun for a while if the player is mature enough to seperate reailty from fiction (which these days is hard), but let me say, there are so many other things to do in particular besides writing the same old posts, every day, about this and that and what is better, really sad isn't it? I saw an Airline Pilot yesterday, I was like "WOOW" does that guy also write posts about games? And then I see all the kids that do. Well, usually it is young college boys, kids, people that work at Best Buy for a living, I mean, I haven't seen any winners that drive ferraris and fly multi-million dollar equipment post anything about games. Seriously, my topic will be closed and taken away probably, but at least some get to read it and hopefully learn. Playing PC games is fun, writing about them is not. People should rather discuss why there is piracy in the gaming industry now that's a good pc game related topic. Oh well. So next time you finnish your calculus 2 homework, or after your mommy handed you your lunchbag, or after you flipped burgers at in n out burgers, or laugh at funny looking korean kids wearing big arse glasses, think about you for a bit and now about what you are going to post like I did now. HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA I OWNED YOU !!! Writing PC Game posts ROCKS !!! Look at all the goobers that wrote a reply without having finnished reading the post. Now this is a great topic !
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