Dropping offline? What the hell are they thinking? It really makes me wonder what kind of people work at EA. They had been making some solid advances towards getting gamers trust as of lately but with this they have lost everything they won.
I demand my PvP in Diablo III without having to buy the expansion, they promised us a PvP mode back in the day. Don't make promises you can't keep Blizzard!
@naryanrobinson @Javier Did you even read the title of the game? DuckTales Remastered, hence, it is the same old game with a new coat of painting. Expecting something else is ludicrous, judging it thinking it would be something else is also unfair. Javier does have a valid point.
@mariomaster16 @gralvader I know Megaman 10 is a new game. The game was not built with today's platforming standards. I played it and it was just like the old NES games it felt very limited, but if I grade it based on core mechanics of the era it excels at everything. It is just a matter of putting things where they belong.
gralvader's comments