I don't see the reason why they should earn money from second hand sales; car manufacturers don't receive money from second hand sales nor TV makers nor ANY company that makes products. Hell, it's like trying to cash in from someone selling stuff at a garage sale.
Sorry Brendan but... The customer is always right, sorry for bursting your bubble. What are big companies without their customers? NOTHING! Give the people what they want.
True! When I started playing the game I was confused as to why I was locked up no longer a commander. The thing that shocked me the most was the fact of not knowing that Shepard had killed 300,000 Batarians; seriously how can you not include that as background information in ME3! They should've included a small story summary narrated by Shepard him/herself a la Gears of War 3
Dom form Gears 3 should've won I mean: SPOILER ALERT He made the ultimate sacrifice! That is enough to remember him as the greatest sidekick of all time.
gralvader's comments