@amvivin Nice try but you meant to say "Guns don't kill people. Video games kill people. According to the politician in the above article. Which is pretty senseless
Is this guy serious? Sure go ahead blame video games and don't blame guns, last time I heard nobody has killed another person with a video game cartridge or cd. In fact the US is responsible for supplying weapons to the Mexican drug lords, weapons that have been used to kill innocent people; but yeah you know, screw that, video games are the problem. I bet all Mexican drug lords play video games daily before going on shooting sprees with GUNS that they wouldn't have if it weren't for the US (guns are illegal in Mexico).
Move along, move along, just another crazy exec trying to push the F2P garbage forward. I prefer to pay $50 to $60 dollars once for a complete game than to pay $1 for every extra thing that F2P games charge for. F2P is the future they want because it gives them more revenue, it is NOT THE FUTURE WE GAMERS AS CONSUMERS WANT!
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