@TomMcShea @gralvader Yes, but what I meant was the era it was first released in, by that I meant the original release date of the original game (1989). The core mechanics of the game are from 1989, review it based on what that era gave to gaming, not by today's standard. And also, how come Megaman 10 has an 8.0 and it came out in 2010, shouldn't the platforming be extremely dated also? Food for thought. I understand that it may not be possible to do a review the way I am saying but in my opinion it would be better, maybe you could add a small note saying that in 1989 this game kicks ass!
@mariomaster16 @gralvader And how come Megaman 10 gets away with it? I wouldn't give Megaman 10 an 8.0 with today's platforming standards yet he (Mc Shea) gave it an 8.0.
I usually agree with you Mc Shea but I think you didn't need to be so hard on this game, it is after all a remake of the original with some extras added into it. You should've reviewed the game based on the era it was first released in. If you go back in time you will notice that back then everything in this game was very solid platforming. Your inner child should have reviewed this game not the adult Mc Shea.
I play games I wouldn't normally play because I get them for dirt cheap and since I already bought them I feel I must at least play them to justify the money spend on them. What I have been trying to do now is restrain myself from buying more games, I already have to many in my backlog; I wish it were easier though, all those humble bundles and steam sales are to enticing. Needless to say, I think I have been doing a decent job lately.
Dear microsoft, I don't care about this DVR function, nor skype nor all the other crap you are charging me for in xbox live. Give us free multiplayer and to those who pay give them the above listed crap. Or maybe you can start paying for my internet and then we can call it even or maybe you know... you could give us free games that are actually new... (new as in something that came out at the most a year ago) along the gold subsciption as sony does.
Has anyone noticed that the image at Gamespot's homepage linking to this video says ass creed? I had to read it twice to make sure they really put that, couldn't stop laughing afterwards.
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