So let me get this straight, in a game filled with bugs to the brim, graphical and gameplay issues, sound problems and uninteresting content the most important thing to patch in is an androgynous bisexual alien?
And some people are saying that this PC bullshit isn't affecting the games we're playing. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.
@sealionact: It was actually another F-bomb and it wasn't I that censored it but GS. Also, MS's fucking site is still not fucking working. Fucking cunts.
How in the fuckin' **** is Microsoft still a company? I've been trying to buy Gears of War 4 for the last 25 minutes before I gave up. Their site is crashing CONSTANTLY! It doesn't recognize my login session, on multiple stores from different countries. My order history doesn't work and the "Buy" button sends me to a page that doesn't exist. How fucking hard can it be to actually run a goddamn digital sale? I've been buying shit on Steam for nearly a decade and even during DDOS attacks their site was more responsive than this Microsoft piece of shit store. At this point I have to wonder if those dumbasses at Microsoft realize that THE INTERNET is the future and not their shitty, desktop based, security whole laden piece of shit applications.
They've "confirmed" nothing. There hasn't been any news on anything related to historical Total Wars since Warhammer came out. Oh, sure, now that shit hit the fan and they're slightly fearful that they'll lose customers for their next Warhemoroid title they're assuring everyone that a new historical title will come. However, they're forgetting that that's NOT what people are asking! They're asking WHEN is the next title coming? And obviously they're not answering that since it'll be another 2-3-4 years.
However, I'm pretty sure that they'll slowly phase out all of the historical titles and their fans and replace them with 36 year old man-babies living in their mother's basements and playing with toy... I mean "action figures". But hey, that's ok, cause that's what gaming is generally devolving into. If your game doesn't have dragons, zombies, lasers, vampires, magic, and EXPLOOOOOOSIONS!!! it's not a good game. **** the more cerebral games!
@simonbelmont2: Yeah, the fetch quests were annoying. As was the loot, which more ore less became useless after the midgame. Don't get me wrong, DA:I was no DA:O, but it definitely wasn't a "shit game".
grasu's comments