DA:I was NOT a piece of shit game. The fact that 14-year-olds on the Internet can't discern between their distaste of a particular company or their policies and a game's gameplay used to be funny a few years ago. Now it's just fucking annoying.
If ME:Andromeda is just DA:I with guns, in space, using ME's races than it's already a better RPG than ME3. If Andromeda manages to replicate the gorgeous, vast, fairy-tale like environments from DA:I (and make them less fairy-tale and more sci-fi) than the game will be a massive success right out of the gate. Add loot, customizable characters, huge skill trees and LOADS of content on top of everything else I mentioned and we might FINALLY get the Mass Effect RPG we all wanted back in 2012, when all we got was a decent 3rd person shooter with a mediocre ending.
This game is fucking awful. I've been playing through it for the past few weeks and it's just awful. Horrible shooting, shit stealth, garbage mission design (being dropped in a room with 4-5 gun toting guys without health, armor and with 12 bullets), repetitive side missions, shit story (relies just on the "racism" card which it pulls out over and over and over again like a 12 year old who learned to masturbate), piss poor design and, obviously, repetitive as **** gameplay that has you doing the same thing 9-10 times in a row.
One of the worst games I've played in the last 5 years.
I wonder how much SEGA paid you so called "journalists" for this shit. The DLC is "fair"? So, what you're saying, is that having 3 out of 7 races locked behind DLC is "fair"? I suppose it's also "fair" that you have $65 of DLC within 6 months of the game's release and ZERO discounts on Steam (except the preorder discount) since the game was released? Oh yes, thank you mister Gamespot man for enlightening us retarded gamers on what's "fair".
Total War WAS a HISTORICAL empire building series until SEGA realized that it's better to have orcs and vampires so retarded spazed out kids and shitty Gamespot reporters can finally enjoy the game. It's quite clear that what gaming REALLY needed was not a historical RTS, one of a handful released every year, but rather more dark fantasy bullshit. In all "fairness" we really don't have enough of that already /sarcasm.
This is one of the worst articles on this site. It basically offers no insight on the choices made, it has no benchmarks so we can see how this PC performs and doesn't explain at all why this is better than a $500 PC that can also do games in 1080p. GS, if you can't write a decent PC article just fucking drop the topic entirely.
A. There's an oversaturation of the TV market with multiple premium shows from various stations.
B. This season of the Walking Dead is the worst one since season 2.
C. The show is a repetitive slog of Rick-becomes-peaceful/Rick-goes-mad/Rick-saves-everybody and a series of tower defense missions were a group holds on to a place for 2 seasons, then its runover, then they find a new place which they try hold on to for 2 more seasons.
I love these "they haven't paid us for 6 months yet we still come to work" stories. What kind of demonic binding ritual is holding ANYONE in place at a company that hasn't paid them in 2 months, let alone 6?!? What kind of wages do these people have that they can afford to work for free for 6 months? How the hell are they still with this company despite the fact that they are working in IT/tech and the job market is booming to bubble-like levels for this particular sector of the economy?
I would really like an answer as to what is going on here. Either there's a problem of miscommunication, i.e. they haven't received a salary/parts of a salary(ies) from 6 months ago or there's a vested interest in them staying with this company despite several months of not being paid.
As far as Crytek is concerned, well, if that's how they treat their employees they pretty much deserve whatever's coming to them.
grasu's comments