Steam sale discounts haven't really been all that great lately and this one wasn't an exception. I bought Fallout 3 and New Vegas GOTY editions for $5 in 2012 and this year they were STILL $7.50+. In the grand scheme of things I know $2.50 doesn't make that much of a difference but it just shows that the discounts aren't there anymore! The daily/weekly/mid-week madness deals are still miles better than any Steam sale deals! I think the Steam sale has just become an overhyped marketing gimmick for people who are very bad at shopping around for their video games and pay close to full price for games released 3-6 months ago.
I cannot emphasize enough how much I LOATHE these "transition years" between console generations! Good games basically give way to less refined experiments that add virtually nothing to gameplay for the first 24 months of every new console generation. What's worse is that, the way the industry works now, we'll be stuck with these franchises for the foreseeable future. Here's hoping that E3 and the fall games will bring something better to the table.
This has got to be one of the absolute WORST years in gaming! It's May and we've had ONE great, retail, release (Dark Souls 2). The rest have been utter s***. Every good game seems to be scheduled to come out in the fall and even some of those don't look too impressive. I hope this is not of what to expect from this generation!
@darkrayne @grasu I know they'll cave in, that's why I said that they will make it into a better game, but until then I'd rather pass. I also believe that in the end they'll offer a "classic" mode for people who want to level up and play an actual RPG but until then, as it is now, I see no reason to spend money or time playing it.
Diablo 2 had reasons to keep you playing. I know, I know, rose-tinted glasses and all that jazz, but the fact that Diablo 3 is still aspiring to the status of being called a Diablo 2 clone speaks volumes about how much this game needs to do to improve. I'm sure Blizzard will make Diablo 3 into a better game, but right now it's missing everything that makes it entertaining. I can already kill everything at T3 level. Why would I bother trying to kill it at T6? Why would I go out of my way to make a useless build that requires me to farm for hundreds of hours for new loot? Diablo 2 gave you multiple options of how to spend your time that are still missing in Diablo 3.
Since Blizzard removed the ability to trade from Diablo 3 entirely, what exactly is the point of playing this game through more than once? Every character is the same, once you leveled up one sorceress or one barbarian you've leveled them all up. You can't trade with anyone (because if Blizzard can't make money out of the RMAH they will completely shut down EVERYTHING that might make someone else money) so there's no real economy. PvP is, at best, an afterthought. So... WHAT'S THE POINT OF LOOT!? Why would I keep clearing the same dungeons out over and over again if I can't sell what I find, if I can't make a new build with the different items and if there's no PVP to speak of?
Does it really matter? The game will still be boring as hell and more linear than COD. The only thing you do in this game is kill monsters and get loot. The level cap is minuscule, nothing that happens between level one and 60 matters, all PCs are linear and don't encourage experimentation, there are no real "skills" or customization, PVP blows, etc. On top of that the items lack variety and they've all become a homogenous blob of DPS or Main stat modifier, or resistance. Everything else is completely useless. They can take out the AH, they can have the game running offline, they can even kiss every fans' ass pimples it still won't solve the bigger problem: Diablo 3 is as boring as shit.
@SkyAboveThePort @stev69 @grasu @colorhorizon What I'm trying to say is that they half-assed the ending of AC 3 in order to milk the franchise dry. As a result they'll keep making games until they've bled the franchise dry, which is a sound business plan but I think that people should at least expect a decent return on their money and not another half-assed game that runs on 7 year old game concepts that's grasping at straws. However, I know there's a lot of people who enjoy this type of gameplay so I can fully understand why people keep buying.
@SkyAboveThePort @colorhorizon @grasu And I'm not buying it, I just find it ludicrous how willing people are to eat up everything that publishers are serving, so long as it's a game they like.
grasu's comments