Not too big of a surprise looking at the history of the franchises, that being said Shin Megami Tensei V and the numerous MegaTen spin offs will probably be on the Switch.
Personally looking forward to Gravity Rush 2, Yakuza 0, Tales of Berseria, Kingdom Hearts 2.8, Ni-Oh, Persona 5, Berserk Musou, Horizon Zero Dawn, Summon Night 6 and NieR Automata.
That's just the first 3 months of the year though.
@hansond_jaysond_lee: It's currently on the list right now at number 30, they may have added it later or you could have missed it. Either way great call, can't wait for Gravity Rush 2.
@7tizz: Not sure where you live, but in the US we have regional monopolies. The areas around me for example are stuck with Comcast for cable or AT&T for DSL. In other places they are stuck with Time Warner or Verizon Fios, again no local competition allowed. There are no other choices unless you want satellite or dial up internet, so your shop around comment is simply naive and unrealistic, genius.
@olddadgamer: Yeah the Pro and I believe the Slim come with new DS4's that can be played in a wired mode, where there is less latency. The standard DS4 communicates via bluetooth even when connected through USB. There is also a slit on the track pad where you can see the light bar easier, but other than that there is no difference. You can use your old DS4's with the Pro as well as the the new DS4's with the original PS4, so you're good either way.
As far as fan noise I'm not sure, but the review says the system is generally pretty quiet and I imagine that takes the fan noise into account.
Anyone seeing a pattern here? Of course they are going to wait to announce the PC version, only for it to come out 12-18 months later. Why you ask? So they can get a bunch of people to double dip and buy the PS4/XB1 version first. Looking at all the people that double and even triple dipped for GTA V there is no doubt they want to try and repeat that phenomenon. Then we get to look forward to all the microtransactions and probably a season pass as well. I hate to sound so negative, but it's hard to get excited for most AAA games anymore.
@sleepnsurf: The only things on that list that even fall into the jrpg category are Atelier Sophie and Digimon, and I don't see how diversity is a bad thing. The 360 had amazing diversity in it's first 3 or 4 years, and had they continued it I guarantee they would of sold more Xbox Ones. If you get some time maybe check out some of those games, a lot of them are pretty damn good. You don't have to be into jrpgs to like Gravity Rush, Odin Sphere, Valkyria Chronicles or even Dragon Quest Builders.
@sladakrobot: I haven't heard anything about dlc, and really prior to Zestiria there never was any story dlc. Taking into account the Alisha dlc debacle, I'd be willing to bet there won't be any story dlc this time around. They'll probably just put up 100 costumes to buy on PSN.
grayyfoxx's comments