@NTM23 Yeah that weirded me out too- particularly saying as Prey 2 had that whole bounty hunter, parkour vibe to it without any elements of horror at all - I hope they retain that too, the CG trailer with Johnny Cash's version of "Rusty Cage" was awesome
I'm talking about TARGETING in over-the-shoukder 3rd person, Peacewalker/MGS4 style, which you can only do in the 3DS version. Aiming in 1st person is fine, but it would be nice to have the option. The crouch walk actually does have a profound affect on the gameplay though. In the PS3/Vita versions, you can only run or crawl- thus allowing for fewer stealth strategies than in the 3DS version. That being said, the PS3/Vita framerate is WAY better
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