@CRAPCOM1926 I respectfully disagree with you sir. MGS4 provides closure to some of the series best mysteries, blends cinematics and gameplay better than any other game imaginable and eschews lengthy codec sequences for fully realized cutscenes, keeping the feeling of an interactive movie prevalent while minimizing the "radio chatter" stretches of the other games. Think about how much time you spend on the codec in MGS2, it's insane. Also the gameplay is amazing and there are several ways to get through each area (except for Europe, which is rather linear).
@Mugzippit @grey_fox1984 How important is it for the hardware to be spec'd to what "Nintendo's developers want to work on" though? I'm sure that if they spent a few months with a PS4 dev-kit, they'd have Zelda running on it and looking better than ever in no time.
My point is, by remaining a hardware developer, there is a barrier for entry to play the games you want to play: you have to buy a Wii U. That would be a justifiable purchase if the system were truly competitive with the other two systems across the board, but the only area in which it truly competes, is first party exclusives. It is behind the curve in tech, online infrastructure, third party exclusives and indie developer support. If Nintendo just bowed out of the hardware game and released their first party franchises on other systems, they would sell far more copies and have a much lower overhead because they could simply pump out games without all of the hardware development costs.
Would anyone be really upset if Nintendo went third party? This is the second generation in a row that they have shackled themselves with a less powerful system and the only benefit to gamers is that we have to drop the money on another system if we want to play Zelda, Mario and Metroid. I know quite a few Wii owners, but not a single one who didn't also own a 360 or PS3. Is there anyone out there planning on using the Wii U as their primary/sole system?
I was really hoping the next CoD would be on the next gen systems- BO2 seemed kind of like a last hurrah for that generation of CoD games and the MW3 story pretty much wrapped up the Makarov/Price story. I'm not going to spout off about the series getting stale, because quite frankly, that opinion is getting stale- but I think starting a new subtitle, on a new generation would have been a great way to inject some life into the series. I'll reserve judgement for when I see more about the game though.
@DarthEnderX You do realize that every one on that podcast is a gaming critic and their livelihood is based entirely on having opinions on these matters right? I'm not saying you have to agree with them, but how is your criticism of their opinions different from their criticisms of how women are portrayed in games?
The smart thing to do, would be to listen to their argument, and formulate your own in a civilized manner. I agree with you in the sense that I don't think art should be censored, or that people should be FORCED to include different elements in a work (be it a book, game, movie ect). However, you also need to understand that artists assume the responsibility of being subject to criticism once their product is available to the world. To say what someone has to create, or to prevent others from having an opinion on that creation, are both infringements of freedom of speech and expression.
grey_fox1984's comments