@Desmondo123 Again though- Okami wouldn't work on the same levels if it looked realistic- but would you not argue that the direction of the graphics accounts for a lot of the quality of the experience?
I believe if he is also referring to art direction, then he is absolutely correct. Telltale's The Walking Dead game didn't have "powerful" graphics- it runs just as well on an ipad as it does on a supercharged PC- but its graphics were still very good, because the art direction and artistic choices allowed the humanity of the characters to shine through. If the characters looked like low-poly PS1 games without the cell shading, I'm not sure we all would have teared up at the end of episode 5. (Ada's "death" scene in Leon Scenario A of Resident Evil 2 comes to mind as an emotional beat that really was not served well by the graphics).
A game like Hotline Miami is served VERY well by its low-fi graphics. The hot pink, coked out aesthetic creates a mood that can easily be argued to account for 60% of why the experience is memorable (though in HM's case, I'd actually throw a LOT of weight toward the music too).
I think the "B Game" market is going to evolve into a philosophy similar to episodic content. A short intro segment of a game, maybe the length of a demo will be made (or "pilot" if you will), people will be able to download it for free and play it. If they reception is good, the game will be "picked up" and the next 2-3 hour segment will be made and downloadable for around $5-15, with a season pass-style option for people who were so thrilled by the pilot that they know they will want to play the rest.
This model (or a version of it) worked VERY well for Walking Dead and I'm willing to be we'll see more of that- Keep an eye out for Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon as well, because it could very well usher in an era of console, standalone "total conversion" mods, that in an effect, will use the skeleton of a AAA game, to create a unique experience that perhaps takes some more narrative/creative chances than a game that needs to be funded from the ground up. I even think movie-based games could benefit greatly from that tactic. Is there any way a movie-licensed G.I. Joe game that lets you play as Snake Eyes would have any chance of being better than a G.I. Joe total conversion mod campaign for Metal Gear Rising or Ninja Gaiden? How about a licensed Game of Thrones mod for Skyrim or Witcher 2?
Essentially my point is that I don't see B-games going away, but I do think they will evolve into something different.
@ixmardukxi If you liked Metroid-vania style game (or my favourite term for the subgenre: Castleroid), this is a really solid one with a good sense of humor. It's not massive either, so it won't take up too much Vita card space. Considering the value, it definitely earns a 9
This really makes me want them to make a Vita version of Outland- they are quite similar in a few ways; Guacamelee! is a lot funnier, but Outland's dimension switching mechanic is used a lot more intensely
I have a feeling that the uproar around this feature is going to be so profound, the first dashboard update the 720 has will have a "Play single player games offline!" feature ret-conned in
@Xellos976 Oh really, so you got all S rankings on Revengeance mode in one day?
Getting to the end of the campaign on easy or normal isn't hard. Getting there on hard is a challenge. Getting there on Revengeance mode with the skill it takes to get the achievement/trophy takes WORK.
grey_fox1984's comments