I hear Gearbox is great at taking dormant and beloved projects under their wing, f-ing them up and then passing the buck...
I can already picture Randy Pitchford geeking out about how thrilled he is to be working on Starcraft, how near and dear it is to his heart and how his team is committed to delivering the game Starcraft fans have been waiting over a decade for... then talking about how the 3.0/10 scores are because Gearbox outsourced the campaign to Terminal Reality and the multiplayer to Nihilistic.
@HailHellfire @TruthSerum808 @tfkowns Honestly, it's the answer to that question I'm most intrigued about - there has to be some variable that microsoft hasn't disclosed yet which contextualizes this feature.
Anyone else notice that it seems like Sony announced PS4 with a concise, and overall, quite successful conference, which put to rest most of its bad rumours and got both core and indie gamers excited- while Microsoft seems to be tripping over a bunch of false-start statements about the features that everybody seems to be complaining about, while not offering up anything to give Xbox fans hope that this console is going to do justice to the 360?
@RPG_Fan_I_Am In all fairness to Kickstarter - the system is entirely founded on the concept of supporting content creators because of your belief in them and their abilities to produce something. The system of financially backing content creators and then putting your fingers in the pie and having creative input, is how things have always operated. Sometimes that works - but sometimes we have entities like Sony Pictures insisting that Sam Raimi put Venom in Spiderman 3, instead of trusting him to make a more focused film about Sandman and The Green Goblin.
Also how much creative input do you think you should earn with a $25 donation?
@psuedospike Personally I was relieved that they never kissed or anything when I found out the nature of their relationship. With the "Revenge of the Jedi" marquee in the one universe, they set it up easily for a Star Wars style retroactively-awkward-incestuous kiss, but they didn't do it and that was kind of a relief. It did succeed in making you feel awkward about wanting Booker and Elizabeth to hook up the whole game though.
@Noclippin @2bitSmOkEy If you don't want the game modernized even a little bit, why not just play the original instead of burning calories bitching about the sequel (which looks awesome)?
@foxrock66 Kojima does make sense- just making sense of his works involve playing them multiple times in different orders. Everytime I play MGS3, I understand MGS2 and 4 better- when I play 4, MGS1 becomes more clear and so on. His complex web of political commentary, narrative and optional codec conversations are a gift that keeps on giving over the span of many years in my opinion
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