I normally never swear on gamespot in order to keep things with a relative degree of respectability, but in response to that headline: F**K YEAH IT IS!
In my opinion, this is easily the best portable FPS of all time- The multiplayer is great too; if you want a great shooter for Vita, this is the one to get.
Sony, for future, high profile, AAA online releases, just give everybody the preload please. If you haven't secured the network enough to stop some douchebag hackers from finding out who's on the soundtrack a week in advance, don't make all of your other customers bite the bullet for that. Chalk it up as a learning experience and tighten up security. All of us on here who were freaking out over our downloads, could have downloaded a 100kb unlock patch and been playing our game long before the physical copy brethren even got to the front third of the line. We want to help you move distribution into the future, but you've gotta meet us halfway here!
@Finkle- @grey_fox1984 I got it by trying the link in the Playstation network newsfeed thing- the yellow box on the network XMB that gives you suggestions of stuff to buy on PSN
grey_fox1984's comments