I'm actually a huge fan of Joel's. But he was so wrong for this. He makes a career out of belittling things. And he doesn't fully understand games. That doesn't make for a good combination.
Geoff should have hosted this thing all by himself and it would have been killer.
@Aspire85 I agree, I like them too. I really think they need to wait longer until assigning a final review score but it's nice to see some immediate impressions of the final product.
I remember how awed I was by this series back in the day. Realtime space strategy in 3D was so incredible back in the late 90s. I still have my original Homeworld PC disc, and reading this might inspire me to reinstall it and give it another run through.
@JustPlainLucas I would have LOVED cross buy with this game. This would have been a perfect game to support it. Maybe next year or with a future PS4 edition. Still enjoying this game a ton.
I think some of the points made here by others are very true about considering what other options are available in the portable space when attaching a review score.
When you think about what other options people have when playing a baseball game on a portable format, I feel like the score of this game should be elevated at least a whole point value to 8.5 because this is far and away the best game of portable baseball I have ever played even considering its flaws. The size of the screen is a bit problematic at times, and there is slowdown here and there, but the game runs remarkably well overall and I personally had ZERO problems getting Pulse Pitching or batting to work exactly as I expected. I don't know, maybe I just have really good reflexes.
I personally believe that Sony has another winner on their hands with this one and 7.5 just really sells their hard successful work short. I do feel that they could have toned down the visual fidelity a teensy bit to help the game run smoother, but I think that is overall a minor gripe. I really enjoy this game, and even with other gems on the system I've gotten through PS Plus like Gravity Rush, Uncharted and Zero Escape, this is the game I'm coming back to more and more.
Red Faction worked best as a FPS. Going 3rd person sandbox style for Guerrilla just threw things a little too far off the rails, even though it was actually fairly good.
I think the FPS style was where RF shined the most, and I don't think they should have abandoned it.
Now can someone PLEASE resurrect Colony Wars for the next gen? I will throw money at your feet. Thank you.
guitarpete462's comments