Still waiting to see a game use this engine in a larger capacity. It's so easy to create emergent gameplay with all this physics-processing power.
Like Deep Down. Watch the 20 min. Unreal Engine 4 demonstration from Epic, then watch that trailer again, and it's easy to see that that was all real-time.
Or even better, go watch gameplay footage of the Warframe PC 7.0 Update, with Nvidia's new Apex physics patch, and you'll see things that will make your jaw hit the floor, I kid you not.
Because of those things, this felt a tad bit underwelming.
@ShakyMonkey Actually, I expected more smoke and debris. I've seen better in current games. Also, the water didn't splash. Not even a 2D texture image of water spray.
They're making big claims about this game being different, not like the others. They said that about AC3 too, that it's been in development since AC1. But, look what happened there. I'm still yelling at AC3 like it's Anakin Skywalker. "You were supposed to be the chosen one!!!"
Bravo, Shaun, and Gamespot. Excellent story, excellent topic, excellent interviews. This is the kinda content I love. In-depth, behind-the-scenes reporting with the people that make the games we play. Bravo.
Bravo, Gamespot. Just, bravo. John Davison has always been an honest, truthful journalist with a passion for the industry. Article like these are crucial in a time where next-gen is looming, and the emotional, physical and financial burden of making games will grow exponentially. I'm sharing this all over the web.
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