@PrpleTrtleBuBum The problem is, with a monopoly like that, there won't BE any good games. If they rule over the industry, they can sell you what they want, and you have to accept it, good or bad. They can make crappy games and sell them for an arm and a leg, whose gonna stop them? No, what you need, my friend, is just some self-control. Which, I might add, is easier to acquire than the dreamland you speak of.
Well, it's 1:1 ratio when it comes to that used vs. new within the company. When a gamer buys a used game, that's one less gamer buying new. It would make sense that the percentage stays about where it is.
And, yes, used games take from new sales but, not the way you'd think. Most used sales are from people who simply would not buy the same game for full price. Not because of a cheap mentality, they'd just rather keep the lights on rather than fork over a utility-bill's-worth of cash for entertainment they can find in other capacities. Therefore, in those cases, there never was a full-price sale to begin with.
I love how the financial state of Americans are never brought up in these types of articles. Like, those of us with little money aren't enough of a concern to warrant interest. We keep the wheels turning, because we support what we like with our dollars, no extraneous purchases. I almost feel the used game industry keeps the industry on it's toes, they have to work harder and make better games and listen to us, if they want our financial support.
With all the DLC, 'bonus' (bogus?) content and nickel-and-diming of customers, they need more accountability. And I'm not talking about all the hard-working developers out there, they deserve every penny. It's these publishers who need to be checked.
It's the middleman that's the problem, at the end of the day. But, that's a WHOLE 'nother topic...
This doesn't have to be a bad thing. All they have to do is leave it ad-supported, that's it. It's greed that produces nickel-and-dime tactics. If they're smart, they will leave micro-transactions out completely and just make it free. The players will come pouring in. Profit through sponsors instead of sales. If Facebook can do it...
That's sad, cause E3 is a major event for gamers around the world. Which leads me to my next point. Why not allow the public in? Security would have to be increased but, wouldn't that make a difference? If the buyers are at these conventions instead of just press, companies would now have their incentive to show up, right? Am I wrong in this line of thinking?
Indeed. I was an early adopter of the 360, and to date I've RRoD'd three systems and spent over a thousand dollars. My last 360 cost $150 and was 250gigs AND a Slim. Go figure.
Good point. Although, I don't think you could punch him if he was real, Sparda runs through his blood. Which is what makes that type of character compelling: By himself, he's nothing. But, with a certain power, he's unstoppable. The underdog. It's been done for ages. But, Hayden is a bad analogy; he wasn't 'leaning', he WAS dorky and whiny. This Dante doesn't seem to be that way at all.
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