there is going to be a rebalancing. the united states will be around for a long time, but how strong it remains is the question. there are going to be some hard questions in the near future that have to be answered.
and the understanding that the united staets cannot go at it alone, like it did in the past.
China and India futures are not set in stone either. they will rise and grow, but they both have tremendous issues facing them.
dont know but theres going to be alot of hard times coming. Global warming, water shortage, oil decline, terrorists, people are not united. Not to mention a MASSIVE debt of 14 trillion $$$ and growing.
united states does not have a water shortage. we have 4% of the population but 8% of the water. 5 times more pecapita than china and 7 times more than india.
the united states debt is not a problem. United States can manage it. what is a problem is what happens going forward. if we can live within our means, we good. if we can't things like medicare and social security will hurt us.
[QUOTE="mayforcebeyou"]I wonder if it has two brains and if only one head is functional.Genetic_Code
I imagine it does have two brains. My question is, is it one consciousness or two consciousnesses? Since we can't read the brain of the calf, we won't know empirically, although I would think that the calf would have two separate consciousness by having two separate brains.
this is just like those two twins. they have 2 heads but share some internal organs.
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